Dage.... (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Dage.... (4/11/2014 17:35:43)

Dage is level 100 and some players are reaching higher ranks FAST!!!! Let Dage become fightable =D

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Dage.... (4/11/2014 18:22:31)

He won't become fightable for one reason reason

1. Players are not leveling up beyond 40, they are just reaching a higher rank. This means that they don't get an extra skill point and 4 extra stats each time they level up, they only gin a small boost to a particular thing. Dage would also have all skills maxed out pretty much and would be nearly unstoppable. If he were to become a fightable, he would need to be a boss and a very difficult one at that.

Rayman -> RE: Dage.... (4/11/2014 23:32:04)

Fury: She already know that players are not lvling beyond 40, she only said that players are reaching higher ranks fast, a legendary stat gives alot of power actually we can say that 2 ranks equals 1 lvl Up in stats.
All the Npcs can have all the skills maxed, thats why they are called a BOSS NPC, they come with custom skillTrees, for dage that is lvl 100, the staff isnt going to max all the possible skills, as any other npc he will get a custom tree and become a boss like you said, And if the staff wants they can change whatever its needed to make the npc fightable.

Supported, A Challenge battle is always fun.

The berserker killer -> RE: Dage.... (4/11/2014 23:47:27)

Thank you Rayman. Not to attack you or anything Fury, I was just suggesting something thatll be fun and extremnely challenging. After all, he is Dage. Even if he seems unbeatable and they max out all of his skills and give him passives, the fun would be in "Who's got the build to beat Dage" and "Who is lucky enough to beat him". I mean i expect him to be so hard that out of the entire Epicduel community only 3 people have beaten him. I think every game should have a boss like this. Might as well be Dage in this one

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Dage.... (4/12/2014 3:22:19)

Now that i think about it after Rayman has explained it more i would actually like to see this implemented into the game. And Berserker sorry that i was being negative about this. I'm kinda just angry with the crap that's going on with my work and i shouldn't take it out on the forums. What you have suggested is a great idea and once again i would love to see it implemented into the game.
As you have said he could be the unbeatable of the game. In most of the AE games there is at least one of those types of enemies.

After a second look through, Supported.

Predator9657 -> RE: Dage.... (4/12/2014 10:03:42)

Maybe a 3v1 boss would be nice :P

The berserker killer -> RE: Dage.... (4/12/2014 11:28:40)

Thank you FUry! And there are alot of other bosses in Epicduel who are level 50+ who are unbeatable. My sugegstion is that rather than creating new bosses to fight we should make these ones fightable. I love your idea predator! It could be similar to the Chairman fight except with Dage you can choose to fight him 3v1 for a 1200 rating badge or 1v1 for a crazy rating.

--Ghost God--

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