santonik -> What do you dont want to play against? (4/21/2014 21:36:47)
I dont like Str hp dex. (NOOBIE BUILD my opinion) Rage. i hate that mostly. Damagers gain too heavy benefit this now. (hopefully this fix someday) I found interesting build against those STR build. But it is still big weakness. it is energy. (down in this page) and heal looper techmages. (NOOBIE BUILD my opinion) ;( immortal gods. 1000 hp and about 450 both defence and infinite energy. Those stun. oo,boy i hate those extreme stuns. Why we dont make all heal, buffs, debuffs and energy control under support stat? I have bad mood because i see only 2 kind builds now. STr or god tank (techmage) I dont like parasite at all. It is extreme affect those high energy players. (hopefully this changes better equal to all) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Im playing merc 39 lvl about 1000 HP about 1000 energy STR 45+14 DEX 45+32 Tech45+32 SUP 45 main skills (items) PRIMARY physical sword (core frost shard) GUN energy azrael AUX energy azrael ARMOR (piston punch and critical heal) BOT physical hawk bot (extreme good bot. Thanks to debuff) Main skills to skill tree Medic heal 8lvl Max lvl surcigal strike 7lvl bunkker buster Others skill points is basically useless. (no matter what bonus skills is) What do you dont want to play against?