Thylek Shran -> Epic item set for ranks (4/24/2014 0:11:55)
The "Epic" set would have 7 parts which would get unlocked step by step by gaining already existing PVP win ranks. It would be at best for the players if there would be an extra shop and NPC for them and if they could be handled like the basic starting weapons so that they cannot be sold but also dont use up additional inventory space if they are not needed by the players. The seven parts: - Sword - Mutating primary weapon - Gun - Bazooka - Armor - Headstyle - Vehicle It would start by this order with Champion at 1001 victories and complete at Legend with 100,001 wins. I have put the headstyle and the robot on the last ranks as they are only optional for a complete looking style of weapons and an armor. Very active players could then at least reach this goal by gaining the armor part at 25,001 wins (Emperor). So the last few parts could only be obtained by extremely active hardcore players but are not needed for a complete dressed look. Champion - Epic Sword Hero - Epic Staff/Club/Blades (Mutating) Warlord - Epic Gun Commander - Epic Bazooka Emperor - Epic Armor Grand Emperor - Epic Headstyle (looks like Thylek Shran [;)]) Legend - Epic Bike Edit 1: Exchanged robot with vehicle as such rare robots are problematic for balance and because this set should be more about style than strategy. As a vehicle is more prestigious than a headstyle I put it on the Legend rank.