Seeing which skills your partner can use (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Seeing which skills your partner can use (4/26/2014 20:25:27)

2v2 feature where you can see your partners skills and wha/t he can/cant use when its not your turn. Sure "its all about strategy" but its just simpler than using ally chat and asking him.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Seeing which skills your partner can use (4/26/2014 20:41:56)

Yea I agree, the cooldown marks should appear on their skill tree like it does in your menu.

The berserker killer -> RE: Seeing which skills your partner can use (4/27/2014 20:24:55)

Exactly. I think this might prove to be very useful in the 2v2 field. I cant think of a reason not to have this.

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