Battle Tokens (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Battle Tokens (4/28/2014 1:35:46)

I don't know why the old Battle Token system wont be brought back so I wont focus on that. What I want to suggest is that you bring back Battle Tokens, only this time Factions can use them to control war objectives. Everything stays the same, basically the old token system, just that every turret or shield generator will have a flag on it. A flag from the faction that controls it.

SpawnArchAngel -> RE: Battle Tokens (4/28/2014 16:39:36)

I remember the battle tokens system very well, in fact, I was disappointed to see it missing when I officially returned about two weeks ago.
The new War system is actually designed better, however, as you said, the return of Battle Tokens would be great.
If they would ever return I personally would care to see them used for achievements again and avoid factions using them unless a way to better incorporate them was found.

The berserker killer -> RE: Battle Tokens (5/1/2014 13:42:50)

I think Battle Tokens would be fun, and we could use those tokens to purchase war items instead of directly buying them with varium. That seems like an option to me.

SpawnArchAngel -> RE: Battle Tokens (5/1/2014 16:16:50)

The idea of buying war items with battle tokens makes A LOT of sense.
Varium, however, is simpler and easier and still needs to be kept in game.
The war items would need to be like 30-45 each, then again they drop normally in battle so I'm not entirely sure this would work.

The berserker killer -> RE: Battle Tokens (5/1/2014 22:36:48)

Yeah but Varium users could buy battle tokens that's where im getting at. With battle tokens in the game everyone would be able to buy war items.

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