Faction Window Changes (Revamp) (Full Version)

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SpawnArchAngel -> Faction Window Changes (Revamp) (4/29/2014 16:32:54)

Ok, so what I mean by the title is simply this:

1. I would love to see an option to where faction members as well as officers and the founder can view how many wins every player in the faction has.
Before the war and influence, this was default-ly displayed on the faction window. It was a very key feature that allowed members to see how their fellow faction mates were doing. I understand the influence but maybe you could be allowed to customize the window or something (not likely because it could take quite awhile for the coding), however, it is still a suggestion.

2. I don't know about everyone else but the old faction window seems outdated and prehistoric. Since OMEGA is a time for improvements in the art of the game then maybe a freshly designed faction screen would help with displaying player wins again.

3. This change to the faction window may draw more people back to the use of factions. *for my opinion on this loss in the use of factions see my thread "Remember the Days" in General Discussion

SMGS -> RE: Displaying More in the Faction Window (4/29/2014 19:18:35)

I don't necessarily think that updating the Faction window is the sweet spot to update to revitalize factions to what they once were.

I do think that your suggestion to bring back win counts would be helpful. In terms of design, I think that the main irk I have with it is this HUGE wasted space to the right of the influence count. Giving a bit more space between the columns would give it a better look overall. Here's a random faction for reference on what I'm talking about: http://prntscr.com/3ep36r

Also, I understand that the space is there to allow room for the buttons to the right when you're in the faction, but there's still a good amount of space to be cut. And everything just become a huge wall of text when people's titles become so, so long. A stronger limit to this might help. Reference for what I'm talking about: http://prntscr.com/3ep53i

All that said, I think that the wasted space (and for some, the lack of information about wins) are the main problems with the current faction window. An overhaul, as you suggested, sounds like a great idea. I can't think of a design they'll come up with myself, if ever it happens. I'd say making use of popups would help with the space problems though. (ie. Hover over a person's name to see the amount of PvP wins won that day)

In terms of what I said in the first line of this post though, I don't necessarily think fixing the faction window is going to do anything about drawing people back to using the faction feature to it's full potential. The latest releases give me the impression that the direction the game is going is favouring Alignment vs Alignment over Faction vs Faction. Evidence being wars popping up more commonly (war just ended, next is just around the corner) compared to Delta where only 2 wars actually occurred, Fryste and Infernal. (EbilCorp doesn't count here since it wasn't a Legion vs Exile War)

I don't want to stray too far from your suggestion, but what I will say that alignment conflicts appearing more sporadically (2-3 months, maybe?) would allow for bigger gaps wherein factions should be able to become more relevant, rather than alignments. This should be a period wherein factions are able to do something TOGETHER, while wars should be the period where the whole alignment bands together. The goals of factions to achieve are limited in off-war periods (1v1, 2v2, 2v1 Dailies), with one added during war periods (WD) - all of which are arguably achieved easily for any faction committed to doing so. This leaves factions irrelevant quickly for an extremely active faction (unless are aiming high - ie. 100 1v1 Dailies, etc.) and even more so for casual factions. I was in a faction for a VERY long time, we were quite casual with a few dedicated members, but we kept a flag for months and months. I think that's the charm missing in factions today.

SpawnArchAngel -> RE: Displaying More in the Faction Window (4/29/2014 22:20:01)

SMGS, you bring very valid points to the table regarding the unused space even though it is technically being used just not entirely. Regarding the second picture, a title that long is rather absurd in my defense, however, I'm not meaning to offend anyone's taste. The pop-up idea is something I actually considered but being that you would have to hover above all member's names it would be too much of a hassle, especially for those leaders who are into keeping track of their team's progress. Also, relating back to my mini-theory on how a revamp of some sort to the faction window or something of such would help return factions to their "former glory", I did not mean to make it sound like that a revamp would be the one greatest thing the Devs could do to draw players attention back to factions. My apologies, I only meant for it to be something more along the lines of: "a faction window design revamp might help ease the mind's of the player's into converting attention back to factions." Of course, a feat of that magnitude would need careful planing and as you have mentioned could be possible in between the gaps of the wars.
With all that said, the real focus of this topic is Faction Display Changes, and that is what I hope the Devs could take into consideration in later update.

The berserker killer -> RE: Faction Window Changes (Revamp) (4/29/2014 22:43:34)

Thank you, I have been saying this for weeks now. We need an update of the faction screen because it is outdated.


SCAR -> RE: Faction Window Changes (Revamp) (5/2/2014 18:13:44)

I'm not a huge fan of the whole influence thing myself, it doesn't give me as much satisfaction as seeing my display of Kills.

What I can Suggest to this is, as soon as you open up your faction, ( And this is an option for everyone, not just the leader. ) You'll see
an option menu on the side that allows you to display your total Influence in the faction, or your total Kills in the faction.

The berserker killer -> RE: Faction Window Changes (Revamp) (5/8/2014 18:03:35)

It is about time that we had a faction window update.

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