The berserker killer -> Placing Bounties on Eachother (5/3/2014 14:35:48)
If a message board was included in this game, then on that board I think we should have the option to place bounties on eachothers heads which will ultimately start a "Bounty Collector" leaderboard. (I would call it the 'Bounty Hunter" leaderboard but that seems a little biased). The way I see this being done is that along with those three options stated in the other thread of "Looking for faction", "Looking for ally for NPC" and "Looking for Challenge Partner" there will be the option to "Set a bounty" on a certain player in the game whether it be a friend or foe. Once the button is clicked you enter the characters name upon whom you want to set a bounty on and you must pay a fee. Once the fee is paid and Bounty is submitted it is posted on the board and a message goes into the Players mail that will say something like "A bounty has been placed on your head!" (or something more creative). Now here's the twist. The fun doesn't end with tons of players gunning after this character to collect the Bounty along with a single "Bounty Collector Point" that is added towards the "Bounty Collector Leaderboard". Two things can happen to the player who has a bounty on his or her head. The Player either loses a match and the bounty ends or survives 100 pvp battles and is awarded one point on the "Bounty Survivor" leaderboard. After the player survives, the bounty ends. The Bounty Collector Points will serve as another form of currency and we could spend/use these points in certain bounty shops. Now since you have to pay a fee (I prefer a high fee so this isn't exposed), and since you have to pvp a players who has the bounty on his/her head, I don't see this feature being abused.