RageSoul -> War Reward Concept (5/8/2014 6:26:59)
PICTURE : https://imageshack.com/i/nefpesp Hello everyone ! RageSoul here suggesting a rework to fix the current and faulty War Reward system . Now as you can see in the picture/link provided above , you'll notice that it kinda looks like this one - yep , a similarity to our current Legendary Mode ! Now you're probably wondering , "Why does our current War Reward system faulty or in dire need of a rework ( aside from our current balance of course ) ?" , well here are answers i can provide so far ( too busy farming on my Mercenary alt :P ) --> * Everyone gets the same quantity and quality of rewards --> Let's say i racked enough points to gain access to rewards .Afterwards i didn't racked up more and after a few weeks my Alignment won . Of course i got <insertsomethingsomething> and so does everyone else , who happen to have more Influence than me . Now , how would those who got them would feel ? They would certainly feel like ,"Oh gee , i felt like a slave after winning :(", so now they wouldn't be motivated on doing more effort again . *Your work , whether win or lose , feels nothing --> Just like what i previously said , since everyone's effort is obsolete due to rewards being equal . But to make matters worse , the losing side gets slapped in the face because they didn't get anything other than Achievements . With this system , everybody wins , but the real winning side gets more ( also based on Influence ) so lazy people won't get the same quality / quantity of rewards of them hardcore/super grinders . Fair trade right ? Now to make things easier to get influence , how about being able to gain more Influence again via PvP but also via PvE ? So it doesn't feel much of a hassle to play , er , grind since you will feel rewarded than before . ( But then again , the game's core element , which is PvP , was long time dead and broken so that should be top priority regardless IMHO ) I haven't added values for requirements , but here are details about this : *Work Value --> basically similar to Legendary Mode , except to get more you need more Reputation Points ( 1 Reputation Point = 1 Influence ) as you progress an area , or spread all that Rep. to get lesser values in each area . Can be Rating Points of Achievements , Credits , Varium or even Arcade Tokens ! EDIT : you unlock 1 point of Work Value immediately so you have another reason to log-in . *Claim Item --> they require a specific amount of Reputation Points but at a higher value to be claimed . So here you go , here's what i can think of how to solve issues step-by-step Thank you all , RageSoul