Seteriel -> RE: No Outplay (5/22/2014 9:02:04)
Greetings duelists There are a lot of things needed to get the "outplay" or the "epic" back into the game. I have been thinking about such a thread for a long time now myself, so i gladly jump in and share my visions. They are not fully thought out rspectively miss examples/explanations here and there, but i think they are good "as is". In other words: i am not very quick with numbers and formulas, so i leave this to those who are *blush* ;) In the short run: - additional classes --> leave the 6 "base" classes with "their" class change system as it is, but add (like in AQW) "overlay" items that when equipped give you a different skill set (based on 1 of the 6 original classes) --> 2 "overlays" per base class, leaving the players with technically 18 classes --> no need for fully custom skill trees (i.e. Smoke Screen could be for the 2 "overlays" as well) --> class change would be expensive, but tweaking your "Bounty Hunter" a little to "Gun Slinger" or "Assasin", your "Mercenery" to "Blood Merc" or "Bomber" etc would be a switch of an 10k credits item = affordable and fun ----> there could also be varium "overlays" with some extras for the paying players, to keep them busy and make build copying a little more difficult, but this is for later stages - additional skills --> give every class (inluding the "overlays") a second page of skills, doubling the available choices --> outside of battle you would really have 2 pages, inside of battle when looking at the players stats page, the center (where the toon+bike usually are) could be used to show the full skill tree (this should also take account of some lag issues when looking at the stats pages) => diversity is at the moment the most needed thing in my opinion, and could already prove to be (at least a part) of the wanted balance. I understand that grafics and skill values and descriptions need time to develop, but these should be the first things on the to do list. In the middle run: - more skill cores -> there really aren't enough of them to make fights interesting "oh Bloodhawk/Spider sword, oh Azrael guns, oh some no-name weapon", that's it - some balancing between the classes/skills/cores -> will definately be needed - additional classes (read "overlays") => i said it about diversity already. The devs could make base cores for free players and "v2.0" cores with like +5 damage or +1-2% more effect for paying players to keep them busy. This should be the to do list after the new overlay classes and skills are made - to keep the servers running. In the long run... well, rebuild the game :( - take rage out of the game, it is broken, unneeded and favours the wrong builds - rebuild defence/resistance formulas --> a percentage based damage reduction system makes much more sense and is much easier to handle, not to mention it would help with damage/strength rebalancing/scaling and could make the block+deflect system obsolete - if block+deflect shall stay in the game, make them ignore only 30% incoming damage as base and then let it scale based on a combination of dex+support for blocks respectively tech+support for deflects --> like now, comparing the dex/tech and support stats of attacker + defender, first for chance to block/deflect, and then for how much damage % is really blocked/deflected - rebuild the critical system in the same way, but it ignores a base of 25% defence/resistance --> and then a combination of support+dex for melee attacks respectively support+tech for ranged attacks checks the chance to crit and the % of defence/resistance ignored (maybe finally including all skills, also grenades and everything, only excluding the "finishers" like Massacre) ----> cap chance to block/deflect/critical at 30% max and damage/defence/resistance ignored 50% max - as i haven't played a str build for ages, i have not developped an exact idea about strength, but i'm sure significantly lowering weapon damage could take us miles along the way --> also, like with block+deflect, make the damage formula percentage based [edit] i.e. lvl 40 weapon base damage = 100, str + legendary ranks add (N+M)% to it[/edit] --> get rid of weapon requirements for weapons skills (would actually also help much when it comes to new skills and the overlay classes) --> also get rid of the damage/stat difference between swords+class weapons - support needs some loving, i already gave it an affect in the block/deflect formulas. But i think stun resistance should get back into the game and thus back to support. Not sure what else could be done here, without bringing broken mechanics again ----> all these changes should lead to roads that help getting rid of 5 focus (fully move robot damage to tech) and other band aid fixes, and help getting back to the balance routes too - rebuild Legendary ranks. I won't go into detail here, there were many good ideas made --> make more than 10 categories (you could easily have like 18-25 categories and more, keeping all at 10 levels, for 180-250 or more possible choices, and still limit legendary ranks to 100 for individualism and fun) --> the fixed flat damage/defence/resistance ranks should either be completely replaced, or at least redesigned to % values that merely add to the original damage/defence/resistance formulas [edit] - stat scaling is not perfectly working, in the way how many stats are available and how they affect damage/defence/resistance/blocks..... in short, the "overall game system" --> i am missing the exact way how stat scaling currently works, but with the above changes the amount of available stats on any given player level could be reduced - at least the "stat scaling system" could be reworked to fit into the rest of the rebalanced "overall game system" [/edit] => again 1 point for diversity with the Legendary ranks (respectively with a reworked stat system, this whole chapter is also solely about diversity), but mostly this is the real part about balancing and repairing the game. As i know marketing and how slow writing code is, throw in 1 more "free" overlay and 1 more "varium only" overlay classes, as well as new cores between the many updates (i actually think about 1 big and then many smaller steps here) - to keep the servers running. I think these were all topics i played around with during the past months. Hopefully all is more or less understandable, english is not my native language :] Best regards Seteriel