Surgical Strike Requiring a Club (Full Version)

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Samurai_ED -> Surgical Strike Requiring a Club (5/10/2014 13:54:44)

Before i say all of this, i am also a mercenary so don't think i am suggesting this because i lose to it all the time. I think Surgical Strike should require a club. Think about it. The 3 super moves in the classes are Supercharge, Massacre, and Surgical Strike. Supercharge requires a staff which is what tech/blood mages are supposed to use. Massacre requires blades which is what bounty/cyber hunters are supposed to use. Surgical Strike, however, doesn't require a sword nor a club, it is usable with any weapon, but why? Wouldn't it only be fair to make it required to use a club? These are my thoughts, please give me yours!

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Surgical Strike Requiring a Club (5/10/2014 14:31:31)


1) Surgical strike doesn't do that much damage on its own unless you have tons of skill point investment into it, which requires lots of energy and therefore makes it hard to use because pretty much every class has a reliable energy drain to shut you down

2) Mercs already have a good pool of skills which requires a club. You also don't even see anyone running around with a sword anymore because neglecting static smash is a huge disadvantage

3) It just plain doesn't make logical sense

4) It lacks the raw game-changing power that supercharge and massacre had (or once had). Surgical strike is better used as soon as it's available if your opponent hasn't raged yet, or by turn 6-9. It's also in general easier to recover against than supercharge or massacre, which can turn high-health targets into danger zone ones that are 1 shot from killing.

Mother1 -> RE: Surgical Strike Requiring a Club (5/10/2014 15:39:47)

I believe the reason they didn't make it require a club was because

1 As Exploding penguin said it doesn't make logical sense I mean with Massacre you are delivering quick strikes with claws to crave up your energy so that makes sense, and with supercharge you need a staff to fire the magic plasma bolt, but surgical strike you use a communicator to activate the laser from space. Make no sense what so ever.

2 Diversity and keeping things different.

Making everything work the same way and have the same requirements takes away from diversity and add unneeded restriction.

As it is now due to balance most mercenaries are forced to use clubs due to static smash having a club requirement. Forcing surgical strike to have this requirement just because you think it is fair would take yet another move from those who don't want to use clubs and adds less diversity for them.

So all in all I can't support this either.

The berserker killer -> RE: Surgical Strike Requiring a Club (5/11/2014 12:12:43)

I see what you mean Samurai, especially since altogether Merc is a ridiculously strong class. It can use a sword and still be able to utilize nearly every skill. However I think thatits a 50-50 chance with mercs if they use a sword. Once they lose enrgy they cant use surg because they can't regenerate it without a partner or a Static Smash.

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