=OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Mritha -> =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/12/2014 13:13:22)


Robin Rev & Muay Thai Fighters!
Posted on May 09, 2014 by Nulgath

Fighting Spirit!
Character Release:

  • Robin Rev
  • Muay Thai Icarius
  • Muay Thai Azrael


Other Updates!
  • Easter Rares Leaving Next Week!
  • AQW Characters and Monster



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Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/12/2014 14:41:42)

Soooo, guys, how's Dwakel for a cannon fodder?

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/12/2014 15:09:36)

Thanks that reminds me dwakels and goblins vs ogres and orcs

Dwakels have the advance technology goblins are willing to work for money while the ogres and orcs have the brute strength and numbers who do you guys think would win?

Hypothetical battle so don't try and discredit it by saying ogres and orcs are worse enemy it would never work and if you can't get pass that fact think of it as the orcs having a large number of ogres still imprisoned to use as they please.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/12/2014 22:50:53)

@Gorillo: The idea of Ogres teaming up Orcs wouldn't happen. However, Orcs using imprisoned Ogres to fight does make sense. :)
But lets just imagine Ogres and Orcs teaming up together, just for the sake of your question.

I think the answer would be Ogres and Orcs who would win. . . with the current Dwakels and Goblins we have in Oversoul currently, they'd be trampled upon
by Ogres and Orcs. Dwakels and Goblins are beaten in sheer size, and power. Furthermore, we know that the Goblins are supposed to be numerous in quantity. However,
with the combination of Ogres and Orcs, their population would also have a big increase. Furthermore, quantity does not always beat quality.

In addition to that, you say Dwakels have "advanced technology." However, do not the Orcs as well? They have the brains to strategize, and are resourceful, well dressed in armor
and dangerous with weapons. Along with the Ogres' tough endurance, I'd say Dwakels and Goblins are screwed. . . .

Orc armor with Ogre power. . . O_O
And with the backing of Nulgath's power since Ogres side with Nulgath? lol. Not to mention maybe some Orcs as well if they team up?

And not to mention Ogres' have healers don't they? Healers are crucial to any war/battle. o_o

AND, Ogres and Orcs have many more variants. They have warriors specialized in trapping, stalking, infiltrating, and causing utter destruction.

@Lemonus: Suicide-bomber Dwakel? xD

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 0:17:26)

Never underestimate anyone. If one thinks they are superior than the others, it will be their major weakness. No matter how strong, smart or endurance Orcs or Ogres are, Goblins and Dwakel will always find a way to win. Any beings that felt inferior will improve themselves better to be a match against those that are superior.

Still, its to be agree that Orcs and Ogres are way too hard to be killed due to their advantage especially Ogres because Klunk is the king of the Ogres who is one of Nulgath's general.

By the way, I think some orcs like Thrak and Orc Chieftain seems to be one of Nulgath's minion due to the skull symbol similar to every Void and Fiend creatures that are Nulgath's minion.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 0:41:52)

@MDK: And did you notice the glowin, blue "M" on Thrak's axe? "M" stands for Miltonius? o_o
And true. After all, Dwakels and Goblins could be good suicide bombers. Haha. xD

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 10:06:54)

Not sure where I saw this, but I was pretty sure that Thrak is "of Suinotlim." Which is "Miltonius" backwards.

There's a Blackwing (Black Dragon) of Suinotlim and a Blood Ranger of Suinotlim.

And a Templar of "Notlim."


Eh, Dwakels and Goblins do have some advantages over Orcs and Ogres. Remember: Size + Strength usually = Clumsy and slow.
A few Dwakel tasers could might be able to take down an Ogre. They'd probably have to resort to guerrilla warfare.

I don't think Orcs have any projectle weapons other than bows and arrows and catapults.
Ogres just go "KLUNK SMASH!"

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 12:59:34)

I like the fact the dwakels can make mecha suit in AQW that could compare with the strength of the ogres while the goblins come off as skilled mercenaries.

Just contacted Beck on twitter and he said he would talk to them about starting the next elemental pvp forum tournament.

Stalagbite -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 20:35:43)

Yeah I'll go with goblins. Goblins are crafty and fight dirty. Plus I'd imagine they have cool magic.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 20:53:48)

I hope we get very detailed cutscenes that can be done more than once sooner or later.

What would a void ogre look like?

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 22:39:15)

Heh, I'll stick with Ogres and Orcs. Although Ogres may be big and clumsy, Orcs ain't. Even though Goblins might have magic, Ogres do too. Remember that Fire mage? :D. Although
Dwakels have durable armor, Orcs do too. And Ogres don't need machinery, hehe. They can pick up and throw boulders! xD

What goblins and dwakels are missing however, are specialized warriors, healers, size, and strength, which Orcs and Ogres both have (Well Ogres have healer, Orcs don't.). Furthermore, the Ogres and Orcs actually
have chiefs and leaders, or in other words, better organization and strategy.

At least that's how I look at it. Sort of tough to play dirty without sustaining big damage when you're already getting whipped anyway. Lol.

And if Ogres and Orcs would ever team up, wouldn't at least some Ogres get some better armor? Those tazers won't hurt as bad as they would without armor.

Although I know, MDK, lesser kinds could always find a way to win, but Ogres/Orcs vs. Goblins/Dwakels. . . . . . lol. . . .

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:05:42)

I'm pro ogres no matter what.

An its good to here peoples different point of views on an ogre/orc vs goblin/dwakels war

Maybe when the other dwakels get put in game it'll be a better comparison such as the dwakel blaster and the dwakel flamethrower and the Mythril Man.

I wish Nuglith read the forum and new which character we would like to see in OS.

Alchemist Gira -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:23:00)

well back to OS for now c:
got my own laptop so things should be fast :D
time to hunt down Cosoma and Time Gent .-.
only found Gent once
encounted that blasted beetle 4 times

DarkLore -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:24:33)

*Hugs goblin soldier.* I love goblins! I love all creatures! Nulgath uses them like slaves! Sure... Kill anything that won't obey you. Don't even consider how they feel.[8|] Think of me like the darkness from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. The gentle darkness!

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:27:56)

Can you capture stuff now Darklore?

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:36:01)

@Gira Glad to see you return man.

As for goblins I'll be happy once we get Sneevils

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:42:05)

I'm not too familiar with Sneevils. I only know them as the annoying midgets we kill in Dragon Fable. :P
I tried looking up Sneevil . .all I got was a definition from Urban Dictionary. . .lol. . . .

@Alchemist Gira: Welcome back.
I'd suggest SG'ing Time Gentlemen, but it's not going Perma-rare until New Years'. But just a reminder, it's going perma-rare, so catch it by New Years'! :P

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:43:45)

Imagine elf goblins that love boxes.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:45:47)

Elf Goblins. . .lol. Oh yeah, now I remember. They stole the black dragon box. . . and then got trapped by Robina. . . .

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:47:11)

Sneevils are green goblins who love boxes. They were created two hundered years ago because Nythera wanted to build a box-fort with them (the Sneevils were all originally Human children cursed by her).

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:48:46)

Look like goblins with elf ears to me.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:50:43)

The goblin currently in game has pointy ears too.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:50:49)

Ah, so they are goblins.
What a messed up origin. LOL.

Originally human, eh? Kind of reminds me of Pokémon, again. Such as Phantump, and Yamask. . . .
And other creepy bios like Cubone and Hypno. Yeah, Hypno is definitely a psycho. . .lol :P
But don't want to get too carried away with Pokémon. :P

The Sneevil King. . . .? . . .. But I still like a Goblin King better. :P

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:53:28)

Just realized DF has better art that AQW >.> ED is a cheat game keep get put up against level 10s

I'm gonna be 30 by the time this game gets Good [:(]

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 146 - Read the first post! (5/13/2014 23:57:17)

Eh. It's opinionated mostly. My opinion is the same, however, DF has better art. Though there will be others who think otherwise of course.
Eh, not really. I like it. Rely on your partners sometimes, and hope for crits/rage and misses from the enemy. xD

Well, lets see what they say about the "announcement" Artix was going to do about every game's future. I don't expect much, but eh. . .
If Oversoul doesn't get a mention, or it's just "Don't worry, slow development, but it'll be sooo fine in the future. ;D" then yeah, I'd assume it'll take years to get better or take years to finally admit to being dead.

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