SCAR -> RE: Some changes needed. (5/17/2014 0:28:50)
1. Supported. There shouldn't be a problem with making it a permanent core. Like an exclusive for varium players, the expanse starts to get ridiculous doing a dozen, after a dozen battles. Plus it's a core, I think the option to continue renting it out should stay, but you should also have an option to buy it. 2. Supported. I do think new cores such as the listed should be implanted into the game. ( There is already a thread that contains a list of cores. ) The cores such as Blood Lust, Reroute, Armor Passives could give a small boost to you. Such as +5 Health/Energy per-turn, while the armor passives could give +10 Defense/Resistance. ( Just examples. ) Also, 5 focus isn't dead, you can still diverse builds while having 5 focus that work. 3. Supported. Juggernaut definitely needs a nerf in the level of people that you're fighting. As you've said, it's not hard, or challenging. In-fact, it's not fun at all, the level gap needs to go down in the people you're fighting. 4. Supported. Rare cores, or just cores in general should be removable, but you should get to keep them. Doing so will definitely add more diversity in the gear you're using. 5. Not Supported. The reason why they only allow a certain amount of stats into Strength, Dexterity, Technology, and Support is because they wanted to get rid of the Enhancing feature. That's why we're only allowed to put a certain amount of stats in the following. 6. Supported. Shadow Arts doesn't serve much of a purpose. As you've said, "Why the use of a third shield?" 7. Not Supported. These cores were meant as promos, I.E special gear that's offered for a certain amount of time. Bringing back these specific cores will not only 'cause disappoint and complaining, but also confusion. I do however agree that you should be able to remove that core and transfer it to another item, but at the same time, you're not able to sell it. 8. Not Supported. It's logical for your robot to recharge, your gun and auxiliary to reload, but it doesn't make sense that'd you have to wait two turns to strike again. 9. Supported. It's only logical that Poison should kill your opponent. I don't why it shouldn't be implanted into a killable core. 10. Most cores are already unblock-able/reflect-able.