Support stat changes (Full Version)

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Rui. -> Support stat changes (5/13/2014 7:12:57)

EX 1. Level 40 Vs 40 .. I have 42 + 13 sup he has 17 sup .. HE starts first.
Ex 2. Level 40 vs 39 .. I have 42 + 13 sup .. he has 18 sup .. HE starts first ..

So apart from getting really low returns on aux damage why is this stat totally left to chance.

Here is how its supposed to go ...

I have 42 Sup He has 41 Sup .. I start First every time .. 100% of the time if we both level 40 ..

I have 42 Support he has 40 support he is level 39 i am 40 .. then HE starts first.

Level difference shd not play a deal on who shd start first .. 1 level diff = 4 support . so if a lvl 39 has 37 Support and i have 42 i shd start this time and every time ..

Support needs to mean something ... This is a strategy game .. how can the outcome of the game be decided on luck ..

Rabble can you change this no no luck .. fixed probability . Stats are supposed to mean something. ! Support does not increase crit or reduce stun now. This should not be too hard to implement.

Digital X -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 7:26:18)

As far as I am aware, one of the reasons why a lower level player starts before the higher level player is so they have that first advantage due to a level difference.

Rui. -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 7:28:58)

In the past it would make sense. now everyone has fully updated gear and stats on them

DeathGuard -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 9:02:51)

@Rui, still the stats gained from upgrading the weapons to a certain level and the stats gained from just leveling take action inthis type of situation. You may think there ain't much difference btw a lvl 38 and 40 but check the items stat progression, and add the 8 stats plus 2 skill points gained for the 2 lvls of difference < That will make the battle totally different. I really have no idea against lower players going first so they can have a chance.

The berserker killer -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 13:09:57)

Having higher support gives you a "Chance" to go first, not a guarantee and I feel as if that's one thing that people fail to understand,

Rui. -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 13:37:24)

The thing is support used to give anti stun change ,, crit chance.. deflect chance.

Now the bonus damage from support is far less compared to strength .. 150 support will not give the same bonus as a 150 strength investment.

Now they have removed all gains from support except aux and first start... a lvl 38 with max dex does 380 + damage on overload and if ur stunned they do another 400 damage with plasma rain .. how is this fair for a lvl 40 who has 50 support vs a mage with 17 support ?

I do understand how support works.. i an an old dog in this game.. But now its just caused this stat from being semi useful to total garbage.. in all honesty.

The berserker killer -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 13:41:21)

Well I know that someone has a 39% maximum chance to block but that % is different for Critical Chance, Anti-Stun Chance and First-Turn chance. Maybe if Developers released that information then people could better understand why they're not going first most of the time.

DillBagel -> RE: Support stat changes (5/13/2014 13:48:03)

Support is one of those stats that seems to go through cycles of usefulness. At one point in beta a support merc could level many builds in 3 turns unless you took his/her Artillery Strike energy away. With Artillery Strike reduced, and all the classes having energy skills, it would likely be different this time, but running all of the luck components off of one stat was never a really good idea.

SCAR -> RE: Support stat changes (5/16/2014 23:51:04)

First turn is based on L.U.C.K, Support only plays a small roll in getting first turn. It wouldn't make since if you only had 1 more Support
than your opponent to go first. Just like rolling the dice in a board game, it's L.U.C.K.

Anyway: Not Supported.

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