ambien -> RE: ~calling all legions its time to push forward~ (5/13/2014 23:32:00)
are you for real. wow where have you been suboto. 1st thing their are 5 ---1 exile players on line playing all the time, 2nd thing as far as 40th level players , playing exiles has more on line playing all the time..3rd even lower ranks players exile has more, 4th if you ask 9---10 players during the battle they do not care about the war ( ask players when you battle them once ) as for me a legion player l do not really care about the war ( that is me sorry ) if l play 50 games a day l am lucky to do that many. l like doing missions and just a few battles. the post is fine but ask legion players about the war . any way nice post p.s. even if we did what mother1 said it would not help not enough legion playing all the time vs exile playing all the time always the syfy