AQWorldsFarmer -> Is the war what you expected? (5/17/2014 15:03:00)
This is the first post i've bothered to make in a long time, mostly due to me playing a different game. I've noticed that all 3 of the regional wars are the same exact thing, just masked by 'different objectives'. in all 3 wars: one side fires at a central target from multiple "turrets". The other side tries to defeat the "turrets" so they can't be fired anymore. Wouldn't it be awesome if there were both defensive and offensive for BOTH sides? Players from each team could win or buy 'ammo' or 'barricades/shields'. This way your not constantly doing the same thing over and over, and another thing they could add is varium only options of attack/defense such as Airstrikes and GammaBubbles (shield the defensive point for a certain amount of damage).