Give Chs Plasma Cannon (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/21/2014 14:02:01)

Cyber Hunters have a Plasma grenade and I think that Plasma Cannon will fit them more because at the moment they are too diverse, and by diverse I mean that they aren't able to tank a specific stat like other classes. Mercs can tank support and increase their multi, aux, and blood commander. Mages can tank dex and increase overload with plasma rain, Bounty Hunters can also tank dex and icrease damage on multi and stun, so on so forth.

Now I'm not sure if this is what you guys were aiming for in the 3 main classes, even with tactical merc and somewhat with bloodmage, but I see no reason whatsoever for bloodmages to have Plasma Cannon. I do however see a reason for Cyber Hunters to have Plasma Cannon because they are "Technologically advanced hunters", technologically being my main focus.

So, think about this, I suggest either: A) Merging Plasma armor and Defense Matrix into a weaker form of Hybrid Armor with 3 turns, and including Plasma cannon there.
B) Removing Shadow Arts and filling that spot with Plasma Cannon.

As for Blood- Mages, Plasma cannon should be removed from them and replaced with another skill that Xendran has created called Jugular Strike.


Jugular Strike
Aim for the throat with guaranteed precision, dealing increased damage with 25% chance to critical strike

Weapon: All

Cost: 130 +20 per level
Level 1: 13% More Damage
Level 2: 16% More Damage
Level 3: 19% More Damage
Level 4: 22% More Damage
Level 5: 25% More Damage
Level 6: 28% More Damage
Level 7: 31% More Damage
Level 8: 34% More Damage
Level 9: 37% More Damage
Level 10: 40% More Damage

And, another one of my issues is that if you're going to give them all Energy Moves then you should give them strong energy moves.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/21/2014 14:56:21)

This would be great if you ask me. My main is currently a cyberhunter, but I havent been playing him much of late because I can't find a good build that will beat out all the tanks and strength builds out there. Hence why I just made a whole new character because at least with my new bounty hunter I have a few options.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/21/2014 17:14:05)

I had an idea for a move to replace shadow arts as well, its like a less overpowered version of bludgeon but with an element swapping.

Replace the skill with a move that deals an increasing % of damage of the opposite damage type of your base weapon. It would scale the same as bludgeon, but still have the support and energy requirements as shadow arts. No weapon requirement. Blockable. (Example: If your weapon deals physical damage, then this skill will deal energy damage, if your weapon deals energy damage, this skill will deal physical damage)

Skill Level
Level 1: 23% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 2: 26% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 3: 29% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 4: 32% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 5: 35% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 6: 38% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 7: 41% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 8: 44% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 9: 47% More Damage of opposite damage type
Level 10: 50% More Damage of opposite damage type

110 Energy (+20 per skill level increase)
Level 1: 110 Energy
Level 2: 130 Energy
Level 3: 150 Energy
Level 4: 170 Energy
Level 5: 190 Energy
Level 6: 210 Energy
Level 7: 230 Energy
Level 8: 250 Energy
Level 9: 270 Energy
Level 10: 290 Energy

24 Support (+2 per skill level increase)
Level 1: 24 Support
Level 2: 26 Support
Level 3: 28 Support
Level 4: 30 Support
Level 5: 32 Support
Level 6: 34 Support
Level 7: 36 Support
Level 8: 38 Support
Level 9: 40 Support
Level 10: 42 Support

Cool down: 2 turns

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/21/2014 18:11:59)

IMO it would be better to change BMs so that caster is more viable, because at the moment they can't even run caster and I'd hate to see that the class loses even more caster potential with the removal of plasma cannon.

And for sake of fun and interesting gameplay, I think they should rework plasma grenade to deal more damage, have less energy cost, have a lower base stun chance but both damage and stun chance will increase with tech, and a 1 turn cooldown. 1-turn cooldown moves could actually make some builds really, really fun and make battles more varied. Unfortunately the only 1-turn cooldown move which can be used freely is double strike, and it's honestly just really bad right now.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/21/2014 18:58:17)

It would be better to give this class a "hunter-themed" move.

Adding Plasma Cannon looks a little too much, seeing as Cyber doesn't need yet another "caster" skill. It has Multi-Shot and Plasma Grenade, and as you can see it just cannot handle to sustain those skills.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/27/2014 14:00:59)

Ch's are a technologically advanced class, however they are also hunters so I agree with a "hunter themed"move however CH's also don't need three shields. And I believe it can handle to sustain these skills. With a mp regeneration skill like Static Charge it's impossible not to handle these skills!

GearzHeadz -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/27/2014 14:34:53)

Well static charge is only relative to the cybers str and the enemies defenses. If either one of those don't match up to their benefit the move becomes almost useless as an energy source.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/27/2014 14:44:27)

True.... However they have the ability to tank mp also. Not everyone has to have minimum mp

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/27/2014 19:21:11)

Hmm... Not sure if I agree with you, but CH would appreciate a skill like Plasma Cannon.
On the other hand... Like the penguin who is currently exploding said, Blood Mage doesn't have much in the way of Caster skills/builds.
I think Jugular Strike could be good for Blood Mages, as long as it uses your Primary weapon's damage type. Would it be replacing Bludgeon? If so, I'm not sure. Also, in Xendran's description of Jugular Strike, it says Aim for the throat with guaranteed precision, so does that mean it can't be blocked?

I agree that Cyber Hunters do need a better damaging skill. Every class has 2 or more skills that use the same stat, while CH has only 1 skill that uses Tech, Dex, and Support, with none that improve with Strength.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/27/2014 23:28:33)

Well everyone has the ability to tank EP.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/29/2014 12:21:14)

Exactly, and not a lot of people do it. My main concern is that CH need this skill because they have all energy moves. If you are going to give them all energy moves then give them strong energy moves.

Rui. -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (5/29/2014 20:10:54)

I think making cheap shot unblockable would help, rather than cannon.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (6/1/2014 12:57:08)

Why recycle a skill to another class? This is one of our main balance problems...lets say Plasma Cannon Makes Ch overpowered and it cause the skill to get nerfed, not only will Ch get a nerf but BM will also. Just because a skill makes one class op shouldn't mean all the classes containing the skill should have to get nerfed.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (6/3/2014 2:15:23)

never sad "a skill makes one class OP" though.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (6/3/2014 6:45:22)

@Berserker I didn't either. Listen, im not trying to argue here. Im just stating facts. It's already happened in the past, One skill made a class OP and it caused all the classes that had that skill to get nerfed.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Chs Plasma Cannon (6/3/2014 15:14:15)

Sorry I didn't mean to come off as aggressive. My point is 2 things: 1) I don't see why Blood Mages have a skill that is Technologically advance when they should have something deadly, something aggressive and tactical that is not so technologically advanced since Cyber Hunters are supposed to be the only Technological Advanced Class and 2) Cyber Hunters only have energy moves, and to make it worse they were given 3 shield Moves. There's no need for 3 shield moves, one of which rarely, if ever gets used.

I see what you are saying, that if one skill makes a class OP then that skill will get nerfed everywhere which is why I have offered an alternate for BloodMages

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