2vs2 Battle System (Full Version)

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lionblades -> 2vs2 Battle System (5/21/2014 18:02:05)

A possible fix for 2vs2 "trolls/noobs" and the partner's who have been abandoned by these players in 2vs2.

2vs2 new requirements:
1. Fully upgraded gear (everyone is given full gear in tutorial, and can farm credits through NPCs) Honesty, who expects to win with a partner who only has a primary at endgame.

2vs2 win/lose mechanics change:
1. When a new battle opens and Player A leaves partner Player B, Player A receives a loss but Player B does not. If Player B wins, a win is awarded, but if he/she loses no penalty is given since it was 2vs1. *This only occurs when new battle is created and no players have currently attacked. More than once, I have seen players leave in the first round due to beginning battle lag/DC leaving the innocent partner behind to get "pwned".

2. When a Player A skips a turn the control goes to Player A's partner to decide Player A's move for that skipped turn. However, this does not happen if an opponent is stunned or Player A has rage (in case of skipping since cooldown on strong mana attack rage). *Other solutions to this are welcome, I tried to make the point of this stun idea to minimize trolling skips and maximize skippings that are strategic. We all know 1 troll skip in 2vs2 can very well turn the game to the other opponents favor.

More ideas are welcome and thanks for reading [:D]

Dual Thrusters -> RE: 2vs2 Battle System (5/21/2014 18:49:46)


1. Fully upgraded gear (everyone is given full gear in tutorial, and can farm credits through NPCs) Honesty, who expects to win with a partner who only has a primary at endgame.

An argument could be that people don't know how to upgrade their weapons shouldn't be penalized. Then again, you could just have the word "upgrade" next to the arrow in your inventory to prevent confusion.

But honestly, only people without common sense wouldn't upgrade their gear at higher levels, so I have to support this.

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