Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: the poll (5/28/2014 18:25:33)
@Rui. You just said "If some legion guys spend 500$ EXILE will have an advantage", when the point is, F2Pers can NOT shell out half a thousand dollars... Hence the term F2P. And, if the legion spends money to give exile an advantage, who will get the prize? Exile. Who will spend half a thousand? The losing side, AKA LEGION. The OP most likely asked quite a few Legion players compared to Exile, seeing as Exile is pretty much happy as long as they get the spoils, while Legion is on the losing side... Hence misliking the War, and having to pay a humongous price of Credits just to get the weapon. The WEAPON. At Level 1. Just to show you how many Credits the "lousy 10k" is in terms of battles... Credits per Matched Level 1v1 Win: 34 10,000 / 34 = 294.1 = 295 1v1 Wins against people your level (295 because you would have to do an additional battle for the full 10k) Most battles take 2-5 minutes. 295*2 = 590. 590 / 60 = 9.83 = Roughly 9 hours 50 minutes of CONTINUOUS fighting. That means no waiting time, no being afk, none of that. This is the shortest amount of time to get to 10k Credits without Power Hour starting at 0 Credits... Something I'm very used to having at Level 31. Now, what do the Exiles get for free? 10k Credits. They just saved 9 Hours 50 Minutes to 24 Hours 35 Minutes (Amount of nonstop 1v1'ing if fights take 5 minutes) of farming, and all they did was around 10 fights. Still think 10k Credits is a lousy amount? Every Legion I know on the game would love 10k Credits for free, since most of them have a very small amount. frmRant.close (Programming joke :P)