the poll (Full Version)

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ambien -> the poll (5/21/2014 23:06:25)

it the last 4 days of playing on the zone. l wondered some thing so l did a poll with players l played. l asked 100 players during the game if they liked the war just a simple question, no harm in that right. well l almost dropped my teeth in the answers l got in the poll. l thought to be fair about it. for some feed back on the game war.

well in the 100 players l asked l got a answer ( l was not ready for the answer l got from the 2% said out of the 100 said ) l cannot type what some of the things that 2% said when l asked the question but the rest of the players said
they did not like the war at all, they said unfair for legion, where are the legion players, they are fighting exile vs exile 9/10s of the time an they do not understand why. l got a lot of why dnt you change to exile next battle, exile will win again. l said l will play legion even if we ( loose ) every war which l think legion will sorry but those are the facts.

l just hope may be some thing can happen next war but they cannot change the rules in the middle of the war games. that is like changing a tire while the car is moving.

any my thoughts on this

always the syfy p.s my staff broke

spore89 -> RE: the poll (5/21/2014 23:34:57)

its me TriggerHeart.... ima say that dev that are focusing on the war and arcade is killing the game because i dont care but just new patches on game dev like new cores , new robots, anything that can change the feel of the game play is all i care about and i already knew this war dev was pointless to begin with because of the off balance of ppl in a fac .... i always knew exiles would win all wars 100% so i dont care... i just want it to be like gamma or delta where ppl were good in their own way ... i want it as fun as b4 but no they care about this war crap and their too stubborn to stop and think and start making the game fun again... so if i were u i would just give up playing cause this sort of thing is just trolling us player and just going by the TROLLMEGA so yea theres no point

Mother1 -> RE: the poll (5/21/2014 23:59:57)

@ spore89

They made this war for the people who complained about the war 1.0 (which IMO was more fair to legion since legion actually could win the daily wars) was boring and they wanted it to end. These were the complaints of the few hardcore players to be honest with you. So they made war 2.0 to give them something to do.

The same could be said with the legendary ranks (Made for players who complained when they got to the top who were guess who the hardcore players) as well as many other players.

So in other words unless I am wrong this war was made to keep those players complaining about the war being boring busy while they come up with other things to fix the game. In all honestly though this wouldn't be the case if

1 the majority of all old legion players didn't quit
2 They didn't force players into being on one side of the war in war 1.0 and gave them the choice
3 they didn't make changing sides cost Varium.

With the last one even if I wanted to play as legion (which I don't. No offense to the legion but I have been exile since before the infernal war and I like my side) couldn't do it without varium. This really screws over anyone who is free to play and would want to switch to the legion to balance things out.

Then there is human nature as well. Mostly everyone wants to win and while some wouldn't do so others would gladly change sides for varium if it meant getting the prizes for themselves.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: the poll (5/22/2014 1:34:52)


Well switching alignments cost more than the actual prize, so switching to get a "free" prize is not worth it.

Mother1 -> RE: the poll (5/22/2014 1:39:39)

@ Dual thrusters

While some think like this others think of it as "I am switching to win this and future fights" I remember in the past some people used to spend 100's of dollars just to win the old warlord cheevo. Not only that there are those players who do the same now to win war hero and world domination so you be surprised what some people will do just to win something in this game.

spore89 -> RE: the poll (5/22/2014 4:08:26)

the "hardcore" people are not complaining because they are winning with one annoying build that everyone copy like the defense tech stun build thats not really fun to use and they just use a routine set of skills that makes them win no matter what. like they arent having fun I can tell you that... they are doing it just to win so they can call the person they beat a Noob. like there was a thousand ways to beat someone in delta or gamma but now theirs only 10... like no matter wat build u make... if u dont have the right RANK and dont use ur skills properly there with 5% luck theres really no point... Like they took the "EPIC" out of the game...

WAR IS WAR.. and a very unbalanced one at that and really it just got boring....

If I'm wrong, explain to me why I got online last time and saw only 100 people playing... And don't give me the typical BS like "O UH THE GAME LOST ITS LUSTER" (quote from GOONY) like shut up you know they made this game boring now... like if they were to have the stuff from gamma or delta this game would be beast still at this time and not what u call "LOOSE ITS LUSTER" BS

Mother1 -> RE: the poll (5/22/2014 8:33:49)

@ spore89

It wasn't the war that made the masses quit if you want to know the answer it is simple. Omega phase itself was when the nosedive came. While it has some good things about it this phase itself took so much of what most of the older players loved that they didn't want to play anymore.

But on a serious note If you were following twitter during war 1.0 you would have seen several hardcore players complaining about the war being boring and wanting a change. Also if you have been reading the forms over the years you would have also seen players who were on the top complaining about having nothing to do once they reached the top.

spore89 -> RE: the poll (5/22/2014 19:33:06)

so whats more fun in game play? omega or gamma and delta? because the WAR is part of omega so like the idea that omega means end so I guess its an end of a good game now so yea...i had great memorable times in delta like i could be in one team in 2v2 and my friend would be in other and we kill are teammates then stay in the battle till they leave .. but now we cant even do that because the game is so wak

argue with me all u want but... you know as much as i do that this game went down the drain with this WAR BS and i know u just said it not but its just one of many things so yea

of the thousands of money i spent in the game ... i just wish they listen to me and bring the fun back PLZ

Rui. -> RE: the poll (5/26/2014 16:00:49)

You asked a 100 players? Can we have a collage of the screen shots ? I do not think there are 100 players at lvl 38 to 40 .. q.q

2 players loved the war from 100 .. I cant believe it .. I loved the war .. and I am pretty sure every exile member loved it .. cause we won and we got free goodies.

What is unfair for the legions... I don't get it .. whats the exile and legion thing anyways ... Most of the old players have quit, SO many low level noobs in the game.. if they make a choice to join exile how has this got to do with fairness. Maybe people like to fight for freedom after all.

After omega messed with us legions ... lets not go there.. :)

Exile FTW !

Mother1 -> RE: the poll (5/26/2014 16:34:15)

@ Rui

Basically because older legion players quit playing the game due to whatever reasons and everyone else is joining exile because they

1 like the idea of fighting for freedom
2 just want the rewards

Legion players feel it is unfair. To be honest with you if the situation was reversed I am willing to be the same would have been said of the exile players while most legion players would be quiet about it.

It is human nature to want to win, and if something is causing someone to lose consistently they will try to get it changed or get rid of the event period.

If you look at the design notes the staff just basically gave the side that is losing a handicap which in turn will help them but at the same time depending on how it works will be spitting in the faces of the other side due to it hindering them. Sad but true.

Rui. -> RE: the poll (5/28/2014 17:05:22)

mother, your post has nothing relevant to what my point is....
What i am trying to state here is its impossible for the OP to get 2 out of 100 players who liked the war ? This is just random english... You cannot have a poll... With plain english. There needs to be a screenshot to prove that it really is as how the OP is stating. What level were the players, whats their alighment ? Seems more of a rant or a one sided biased so called poll. If the OP is being serious a collage of the comments would help the devs to rethink the way wars work.. No one wants 98% of their community unhappy, right ? moreover addressing the handicap issue ... Its good in a way for both sides. If some legion guys spend 500$ exile will have an advantage.. So basically its a win win... Why are we being soo pesimistic ? War has nothing to do with balance.. Just lousy 10k or a crappy weapon thats lvl 1 ... Lets just have fun while we are at it.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: the poll (5/28/2014 18:25:33)

You just said "If some legion guys spend 500$ EXILE will have an advantage", when the point is, F2Pers can NOT shell out half a thousand dollars... Hence the term F2P. And, if the legion spends money to give exile an advantage, who will get the prize? Exile. Who will spend half a thousand? The losing side, AKA LEGION.
The OP most likely asked quite a few Legion players compared to Exile, seeing as Exile is pretty much happy as long as they get the spoils, while Legion is on the losing side... Hence misliking the War, and having to pay a humongous price of Credits just to get the weapon. The WEAPON. At Level 1.

Just to show you how many Credits the "lousy 10k" is in terms of battles...

Credits per Matched Level 1v1 Win: 34
10,000 / 34 = 294.1 = 295 1v1 Wins against people your level (295 because you would have to do an additional battle for the full 10k)
Most battles take 2-5 minutes.

295*2 = 590. 590 / 60 = 9.83 = Roughly 9 hours 50 minutes of CONTINUOUS fighting. That means no waiting time, no being afk, none of that. This is the shortest amount of time to get to 10k Credits without Power Hour starting at 0 Credits... Something I'm very used to having at Level 31.

Now, what do the Exiles get for free? 10k Credits. They just saved 9 Hours 50 Minutes to 24 Hours 35 Minutes (Amount of nonstop 1v1'ing if fights take 5 minutes) of farming, and all they did was around 10 fights.

Still think 10k Credits is a lousy amount? Every Legion I know on the game would love 10k Credits for free, since most of them have a very small amount.

frmRant.close (Programming joke :P)

Rui. -> RE: the poll (5/28/2014 19:31:09)


The OP most likely asked quite a few Legion players compared to Exile
That is not called a poll ! Its Called Whining ,, Cribbing,, biased one sided opinion.. Not a POLL !


if the legion spends money to give exile an advantage, who will get the prize? Exile
Advantage is not guaranteed win ? get the facts right ! q.q


10,000 / 34 = 294.1 = 295 1v1 Wins against people your level (295 because you would have to do an additional battle for the full 10k)

Each npc fight is 40 seconds max .. that's that's 90 min max. As you can do 100 every day .. 270 minutes and ur all done. ( half that if u do them in powerhour) so that's 2 and a half hours max if your noobie to die to a npc.


Now, what do the Exiles get for free?
Nothing is free.. EVER !

10k is garbage ... I would have appreciated 5 class change tickets .. for the time this war took .

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