RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (5/28/2014 10:11:33)

When you say 'first year' and 'second year', and so on, do you mean real time or IC years?

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (5/28/2014 10:34:02)

IC Years of course. It's very rare for RPs to go on for more than 3 years on end.

TJByrum -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (5/28/2014 11:06:21)

lol, just asking. I hope this RP can go through, because it might be just what the RP boards needs. Then again, the boards may actually be active, everyone might just be busy. I mean, this is pretty much the same group from several years ago right? If that's the case, we're all older now, and therefore we're probably consumed by work, school, and daily life. There's not many 'veterans' here anymore like apocalypse, Cod Cod, Stardot, and Afina.

Kooroo -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/2/2014 14:59:35)

Hmm. This seems something worth joining the RP forums for. Everything else doesn't quite catch my fancy. Slightly sad, mildly interesting, but I can get behind this. Presuming things will be the same?

Of course first, let's see if this goes ahead, eh? Then we'll see what we do.
Although I haven't been following the state of the RP forums as of late, since there isn't anything that interests me, but will activity and whatnot be an issue?
I count 7 possibly interested RPers, is that enough? Although I guess you might get more along the road, potentially.

Starstruck -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/2/2014 18:57:04)

Dear Kooroo, post more. Even if it's just inanity on the general discussion board, like "this is how I like to write!" or "This is my favorite character I've made!" it lets us know you're actually around and not off somewhere doing nothing. Which to be fair describes your general RP behavior.

Post more. And preferably less. 10 page bios are a big no-no. Minus your History, the whole thing should only be about half a page long. End of story. Less is more. Quality and quantity are needed, and you're barely scraping quality.

I'll always be interested in Solarbeaming people into outer space.

Zephyrial -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/2/2014 19:39:05)

Well, we're moving into summer now. It's an excellent time to start something ambitious, so hopefully it'll give this place a good kick up the arse.

The last time, it was surprisingly vibrant. I guess the magical academy genre really gets people!

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/3/2014 22:34:10)

@Kooroo, glad to know that one of the Legendary Quad is back. Although I should think that the fourth will never come back. The third only recently has made an appearance. Also glad to know that you are interested.

I should like to get to work as soon as Ryu approves my Step Three post and I can manage to get the status of an RP Host.

The story, as you can see has changed some and so has the Campus layout.

@Zephyrial, considering how VA was the very first PURE Academy RP of its kind here in these forums, people will like it. There were others like Hounds of Galere which was a bit more combat oriented. But then again, it was more of a Guild.

TJByrum -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/4/2014 15:53:41)

@Arthur: Who is the Legendary Quad? Sounds... ancient.

Also Arthur, I'd be more than happy to join this roleplay. I've never really done an Academy roleplay, just a guild roleplay, so it will be somewhat new for me.

Starstruck -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/4/2014 16:05:23)

The newbies latched on to the most active "veterans" (we really weren't at the time) and that happened to be me, Nightlark, Kooroo, and Isis.

Isis promises she's going to come back, no really. I'm still working on my badgering technique. But in any event, she's the only one who could be described as "legendary," as Kooroo is way too slow AND way too wordy and Nightlark is a busy Larky. Isis is slightly less busy but also a forgetful Kiwi at times. However, out of all of us, I'd say Isis is the most skilled writer :)

If y'all're going to look up to anyone, go for Krey, Kell, Ryu Viranesh, and Mirai. As much as I love the attention (hint: not that much)...Kell is amazing, Ryu is an approachable moderator and an excellent writer to boot, and all of those RPers are just great writers in general.

Oh, me? I'm just a friendly turtle, no need to go around blowing things up out of proportion. Harrumph. Kids these days.

Zephyrial -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/4/2014 18:33:45)

Badger better, Mr Starstruck! Every time she comes back and vanishes again it kills me. But yeah, Isis is really awesome. She can describe motion like no-one else I've ever met. You're not so bad yourself, though, when you're not deliberately trying to be weird and crazy! :D It's strange, I've been here since '07 under a different name, and I knew of all you guys back then, but now it feels as if you've always been my elders.

I agree, the higher ups are amazing too, not just because of their writing skill, but also because they put so much effort into making cool stuff for us, and mentoring newbies (and oldies!)

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/5/2014 1:34:57)


I could kiss Ryu right now, but I can see that's morally wrong.

*kisses Starstruck's shell*

Anyways, I'll be posting in the RPs as soon as I get my posting rights.

TJByrum -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/5/2014 12:03:37)

Good job and congratulations Arthur.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (6/7/2014 16:00:30)

A question. Should I use the old bio format that was long or should I make it shorter...?

Like the power segregation being removed and combined into one section...?

I hope that doesn't get too confusing.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (10/22/2014 11:23:36)

I guess this got old.

Uhh... so, anybody still interested in participating in this...?

blankmaskara -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (10/28/2014 1:29:18)

Never really had the time for this, the first VA RP, before..but if you're accepting newbies then count me in.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (10/28/2014 1:57:31)

Actually, I am still waiting for my Hosting rights. I have no idea how to qualify for those.

Once I get them, I'll try and host Vanguard Academy. VA was also elected for a comeback in one of the old Comeback threads so I reckon RPers want it to come back.

Riprose123 -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (11/29/2014 0:54:42)

I'm still up to join this. >.>

TJByrum -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (11/29/2014 11:33:09)

I am as well.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (12/4/2014 17:36:04)

Finally this can be put up.

Can I just have one last show of hands as to who's still interested in Vanguard Academy...?

Also, I had a question, how about if I changed the setting from DF to original universe...? That would change the story but still, let me know.

Riprose123 -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (12/4/2014 22:53:59)

Still up for it. You're the host, change it if you want. It wouldn't really affect my characters much, since I use mostly custom races, so.

TJByrum -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (12/5/2014 4:37:00)

*raises hand*

nield -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (12/7/2014 14:15:44)

*Nield slinks in from parts unknown, and raises a hand. Then he also raises his other hand. Then a foot. Nield is quite an odd one*

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy Spin-Off (12/24/2014 13:48:16)

We are UP and running...!!

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