Juggernaut (Full Version)

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King Bling -> Juggernaut (5/25/2014 11:17:10)

Ok since that legion and exile thingy has been solved! I would like to bring one more thing to people's notice.
Its the juggernaut, yes people in epicduel are hardly playing juggernaut battle mode nowadays, and its a waste of 20k credits of those people who bought the SILVER CARD. So I personally think and maybe most of people too think that the artix team should reduce the level of the opponents back to normal. When i was level 34 I had both level 30 opponents blah blah..... I mean its not gamma or beta where we had the passives to be a tank. The whole juggernaut concept is dead now. And I you people have noticed, the first one to be in the leader board has 15 juggernaut kills at max. That is just dumb. So maybe you people can suggest something about this......Thanks.

Seteriel -> RE: Juggernaut (5/29/2014 5:01:14)

I suggest to give the Juggernaut battle mode a requirement lvl of something like 32-35 (for the Juggernaut, not his opponents) in order to protect the player base of young/low-lvl players (<- i'm missing a fitting english word here, the dictionary gives confusing answers).

lionblades -> RE: Juggernaut (5/30/2014 11:19:56)

These threads have come up many times but the devs dont want to do anything about it. Hopefully they tone down the opponents but oh well doubt that will happen. L40 opponents are way too strong. I mean a TM that can battery for 330 energy? Static smash merc with hybrid armor? A lot of the oppenents can take around 500 energy in one turn. Insane. I hope they make silver card sellable since L40s are not going to jugg anymore.

suboto -> RE: Juggernaut (5/30/2014 15:18:00)

I mentioned in a suggestion thread recently about a set scale for lvl 40's based off every 10ranks
current system a lvl40 jug vses 30-34's
Example scale: lvl40 rank1-10 vs 28-30
ranks11-20 vs 28-31
ranks21-30 vs 29-31
ranks31-40 vs 30-32
ranks41-50 vs 30-33 and so on
I would advise a scale set off of 3 to 2 level ranges per said amount of ranks so it would fit with the current player base amount\
supporting details: im a lvl40 rank 4 and if i play jug i stand no match against a 33 or a 34 doesnt matter if their partner is 30 31 or 32. If i see a 33 or a 34 in the match its a automatic lost. A 32 or lower is more reasonable at my rank range
the reason i think 29 and 28 should be included is to reduce wait time.

King Bling -> RE: Juggernaut (6/1/2014 14:57:05)

ya suboto that wud be better since people like comical are rank 90 and can get easy wins in jugg but he doesnot play that anyways..

suboto -> RE: Juggernaut (6/2/2014 17:40:20)

@king this wouldnt be a more easy win but a more balanced scale. You cant say a rank 1 to 20 is anywheres near as strong as a rank 60 or higher. Also after rank 60 you dont get any bonuses.
Even a slight reduction in the scale for new coming legends is a must with the current system in jug mode its only advantage is for rank 50+ juggernauts.
When i see a lvl33 or 34 against me as a rank 4 legend in jug mode its a automatic lose from the 1st sight. 33 to 34 is a 100% lose
lvl32 is a close to almost lose to win about a 50/50 chance
lvl31 and 30 is a 60% win and 40% lose
so i guess 30-32 is reasonable at rank 1 to 30
31-33 reasonable for rank 31-40
32-34 for rank 41+
The old scale i suggested was a tad bit off but this is the most precised numbers u can not get any closer then that

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: Juggernaut (6/3/2014 2:30:25)

no sense of complaining knowing these "devs" they WONT fix it

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