Suggestions by the epicduel players to improve epicduel (Full Version)

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suboto -> Suggestions by the epicduel players to improve epicduel (5/26/2014 17:31:11)

1. Legend mode ranks cost 10,000credit or 200var reason:after time this begins to stack and makes it hard to buy rare items , etc
2.class change 40,000credit or 800var same reason as number 1
3.war prizes set to players level reason is players want this in general
4. support gets rage gain back and maybe crit reduces amount of strength builds and increases more balanced builds
5.war missions something the players would enjoy and goes with the story
6. jug mode rescaled for lvl40 current system is 33-34 for all ranks ( something needed changed majorly bad)
ranks1-10 vs 29-30 or 28-30 Im currently in this range and i lose 100% of the jug battles vsing 33-34 and im rank 4 with the 28-30 or 27-30 that will give me a more reasonable chance
ranks11-20 vs 30-31 or 29-30 By this time legends 11-20 should be able to handle 30-31 or 29-30 with the extra legend ranks
ranks21-30 vs 30-32 or 30-31 Legends 21-30 vs 30-32 or 30-31 depending on whats a more balanced range i think either range is reasonable
ranks31-40 vs 31-32 or 30-32 Legends 31-40 vs 31-32 or 30-32 either range would do
ranks41-50 vs 32-33 or 31-32 legends 41-50 vs 32-33 or 31-32 the 32-33 would be slightly lower then the current level range prepareing the legends for ranks 51-60 but 31-32 may be needed
ranks51+ vs 33-34 or 32-33 Im uncertain if the current jugger vsing range of 33-34 can be handle at 51+ so far but its the rank most likely to handle that 32-33 is a slightly reduced range if they are unable to

After some suggestions by other juggernauts and players vsing juggernauts i got 2 sets of numbers for the suggestion^
This isnt a suggestion to make things so easy its a 100% win for juggernauts but a way juggernauts actually have a chance.
Just an idea of the ranges needed for juggernaut for legends. Also if you look at the dailly leaderboard there is no level40 on the top 5 for jug mode

steph -> RE: Suggestions by the epicduel players to improve epicduel (5/26/2014 19:14:25)

yes all this is right

dfo99 -> RE: Suggestions by the epicduel players to improve epicduel (5/27/2014 17:34:36)

a suport buff can be very annoying.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Suggestions by the epicduel players to improve epicduel (5/27/2014 19:10:23)

I agree with numbers 1-5, not sure about 6, seeing as I've never jugged and the juggs I fight don't seem too easy to beat.

It's not a buff to support, it's restoring it to what it was. Also, if you haven't noticed, there is not a single support buffing skill in the game (As far as I know). Support just isn't as good as it used to be.
One more thing: If you dislike support being what it was last, then I doubt you've played when Support increased the amount that Field Medic healed substantially. Support was very fun to use back then.

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