In the past (Full Version)

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Jaden -> In the past (5/30/2014 19:02:21)

Welcome, and thank you for checking out my character's back-story. Here's a link to the discussion page:�

In addition, here are some of Jaden's adventures throughout the wars of Book 3:

Dragon Rose War

13th 13th War

Friday the 13th-Full Moon War

War in the Core


Jaden was exhausted. Looking out from his vantage point on a high cliff, he took in the surrounding area.

It was 5:30, and the morning sun rose above the quiet sanctuary that was Sunbreeze Grove. Spread out over the clearing in the center of the tranquil forest, were the large forms of sleeping dragons, many of which had come to to the grove seeking sanctuary from the relentless slaughter the Rose had brought upon their kin. The forest was ripe with game, and they were safe here. But food and safety matter very little to those who can fly on a whim, but are unable to do so. Fear of leading the Rose to Sunbreeze kept many dragons from stretching their wings and delighting in the pleasures of the open air.

Attempting to push these distracting thoughts from his head, Jaden took a deep breath, and resumed his exercises. He took a fighting pose, and stood still for but a moment, before striking forward with his fist, exhaling as he did so. Imagining assailants circling him, intent upon his destruction, Jaden lashed out with kicks, elbows, knees, and punches. Each strike imitated the clawing, biting, and tail lashes a dragon would employ in battle. It not only mimicked the form, but the ferocity that these creatures possessed, and Jaden found his thoughts being clouded by adrenaline and pent up energy. He forced these distractions down and continued to fell his imagined opponents in the most efficient manner he was capable of.

A shadow fell over him, and he dived out of the way, rolling back into a standing position. Looking around, he located his attacker. A being made of stone. A crude shape of a man with bulky fists that could crush a human with one swing. He had embedded these appendages right where Jaden had been only a second before.

They circled each other for a few tense moments, before the rock thing lumbered towards him, fists raised. Jaden rolled to the side at the last second, and struck at it with a kick. If the creature had ribs, several would have cracked. As it was made of rock, it did not appear phased. It swung horizontally, and Jaden leaped backward, air rushing past his face as the stone-man's fist rushed past him. The fists, due to their density and bulk, swung the creature off balance, and Jaden saw his chance. Calling upon the dragon magic embedded within his being, he focused it into his arm, which became enveloped with white energy similar to a dragon's flame. Leaping forward, he slammed an elbow right into the center of the creatures chest. The force of the blow cracked it. Focusing the energy into his leg, he aimed a kick into the center of the crack, widening it further. With one final effort, he slammed his palm once into the crack, breaking the construct in two.

Breathing heavily, Jaden, seeing no more opponents, knelt down and rested briefly.

"Your manipulation of dragon magic and physical combat skills have more or less returned since your time in the ice. That construct was quite durable," said a rumbling voice.

Jaden, saying nothing, stood up and continued with his exercises.

"Your inner self is not as well conditioned. Dealing with your feelings is paramount, if you desire true strength."

Jaden knelt down and began doing push-ups, exhaling every time he came up. Between breaths, he said "That's my business."

A few more seconds.

"No offense meant, but right now..." he transitioned into clapping every time he came up "My strength comes first."

Chuckling, The Old Man of the Mountain shook his head. "It would take much more than that to offend me, and there is something to be said for holding back information you deem unnecessary. However, while the constant threat of the Rose calls for martial strength, the body is not their only target."

Jaden paused and took two deep breaths, before starting crunches.

The Old man continued "They wish to destroy that which makes us fight. The reasons that lie within our hearts. Without them, we would have no strength to fight. Your avoidance of your inner turmoil will lead to your defeat."

"My body and my wits have kept me alive all my life. They still are," Jaden said, before standing, and striking the air once more.

"Ignoring everything else only works for so long, Jaden."

Jaden paused. "What do you suggest I do?" he asked, slightly annoyed at the constant inturruption.

"Find the root of what plagues you. Delve into your mind, and seek it out. When you have located it, the key is communication. If not to me, then perhaps Elysia, I'm sure she would be happy to help," the Old Man said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Jaden reddened slightly, but looked away and said, "I can't promise anything."

The Old Man dipped his head. "Nor should you," he then went still, resuming his silent vigil over the mountain he called home.

Striding over to the edge of the cliff, Jaden sat down cross legged and closed his eyes.

"This is a waste of time," he muttered to himself. Still, he owed the Old Man a lot, and humoring him was the least he could do, not that he'd ever admit it. Focusing, he looked back into his memory. Before he battled The Rose, Wargoth, the Darkness Dracolich, even before he met Lady Celestia. To find answers, he would have to go back to before his time as a hero.

He would have to remember his time in Darastrix...

Jaden -> RE: In the past (6/7/2014 1:13:46)

"Yes! Idiot never saw it coming...Yes!"

The town square of Darastrix was full of moving, shoving bodies. Barrels and crates of produce stood stoically beside stalls with vendors, tirelessly advertising their wares. The shouts of sellers and buyers alike intermingled with one another to create an inescapable wall of noise that assaulted the eardrums. Meat, fruit, and vegetables sunned themselves outside, while tools, clothing and jewelry were sold inside, to lessen the chances of theft.

A slight boy, clad in a grey tunic and matching trousers, moved through the crowd, sidestepping, ducking, and turning around others in the square with the ease that came with constant practice. He glanced behind, watchful of any pursuers, then returned to the task of leaving the square.

Jaden finally broke free of the crowd, ducking into one of the alleys that stemmed away from the bustling center of town. Ducking behind a couple of unused crates, he sat down, adrenaline coursing through him. He took out a bundle of cloth from the satchel at his side. Unwrapping it, he pushed his shaggy brown hair out of his face and gazed at his prize, his grey-blue eyes shining with excitement.

An amulet rested on his lap. It was made into the likeness of a dragon. Despite its color, the metal it was made from seemed more durable than gold. Its wings were outstretched, encircling a ruby colored orb. Strange, it seemed to be glowing slightly. Jaden felt a strange warmth spread through him, as though the amulet and he were connected.

"Must be the adrenaline," he said to himself.

Scrutinizing it, he could tell that this was a valuable piece. And he had stolen it right out from under the nose of its owner! He had gotten away free, and all he had to do now was wait for...

"You Jaden?"

The sound startled Jaden, and he jumped a little. Looking up, he found the source.

A woman stood over him. She was clad in all black, her auburn hair cut to a medium length. Lean muscles rippled from her exposed arms, and her brown eyes had a hard edge to them. Looking into them, Jaden could tell that she had seen her fair share of the ugly side of life.

"Answer the question," she said, not too loud, but loud enough.

"Yeah." He said, slightly shakily. "Yeah," he said again, hoping his voice came out deeper, and more confident.

She noticed. "Stop tryin," she said, holding out her hand.

Stymied, Jaden hurriedly handed over the amulet, which she pocketed. He noticed that it had ceased to glow as it left his hands. Out of another pocket, she produced 5 gold coins, a whole week's salary.

"The family will contact you soon for another job," she said simply, before walking towards the mouth of the alley.

Jaden watched her go, then started for home. As he walked, he pondered his situation. Everyone knew about the Family. They were the prime criminal organization inhabiting Darastrix. As far as Jaden knew, they avoided open confrontation with the city's guard force, but he'd heard that they had connections enough to not worry too much about imprisonment. The one thing above all else that everyone in town knew, was that you never crossed them. Still, they paid enough, and Jaden was a kid. No one suspected kids to steal anything more than an apple or two. Still, Jaden couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.

"Not like the guy who owned it really needed that amulet," thought Jaden. He pushed down any guilty feelings, and instead focused on his payment. It was getting late, and Jaden decided to grab a bite to eat before he went home. As he neared the mouth of the alley, he heard a noise. A slight shuffle on the pavement. Turning, he had just enough time to register a hand shooting towards him.

Jaden had always prided himself on his speed, and he tried to duck under it, but it was too late. A fist with an iron grip closed around the scruff of his tunic. He was bodily lifted towards his assailant's face.

"I suggest you return my property."

Jaden -> RE: In the past (6/14/2014 15:25:29)

Before him was a man, dressed in a simple, but well made red tunic, with a matching colored shirt underneath. His trousers were free of patches, suggesting a middle class lifestyle or higher. His hair was long and black, with streaks of silver. His amber eyes were akin to embers, smoldering, but ready to flare up at a moment's notice.

All of this Jaden took in before swinging wildly, intending to release the man's hold. Surprisingly, the grip on his shirt loosened. Jaden attempted to bolt, but two hands closed around his wrists in an unbreakable vice. There was no chance of escape.

"Stop that mindless flailing, I'm not going to hurt you, despite my very great temptation to do so. Now give me back my amulet," the man's voice was low and angry, but firm.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, let me go!"

"Don't lie to me, thief."

The last word stung Jaden. "Wh-I'm not a thief!" he said defensively. "Let me-"

"Not a thief? Then what would you call a person who breaks into someone's home and unlawfully takes their property? I won't ask again, Give. Me. Back. My. Amulet," his voice had risen in volume slightly, and it was enough. Jaden knew he had no choice but to tell the truth, or part of it.

"I...don't have it anymore," the last part came out meekly, as Jaden feared what the man might do.

The grip upon his wrists tightened momentarily, and the man's eyes widened slightly. "Explain," the man said, after an agonizing pause.

"I-I gave it to someone."

"Who?" the man's eyes had started to light up. Jaden had obviously underestimated the value of that amulet.

"A-a woman, she just left. She had brown hair with a bit of red, and she was wearing all black. You should look for her."

"All black?" the man swore. "You got mixed up with the family?" his voice rose. "You gave my amulet to those thugs?" the man's eyes had started to blazed in earnest now, and the grip on his wrists tightened further.

"Stop it, you're hurting me!" Jaden said, now positively terrified.

"Do you even know what that amulet is? Do you know what kind of power you've given over to those cutthroats?" The man said, a hint of fear now in his voice.

"I-I" Jaden was at a loss for words.

"You-" the man stopped, and seemed to wrestle with himself. After a few moments, he spoke again. "You've made a mess of this, more than you realize. That amulet cannot stay with the family. We need to get it back.

A weight settled over Jaden's stomach. He had hoped that he would get away with just a shouting-at.

"Wait, I can't do anything, I'm a kid!" he said desperately, wanting no further part in this. He just wanted to go home and forget this all happened.

"A "kid" that broke into my home and stole my most valuable possession. You caused this mess, and you will help me fix it," there wasn't a hint of a question in the statement.

Jaden's mind was racing, searching for a way out. "My mom'll be wondering where I am, and she won't like the way you're treating me."

"And what will you tell her? That you stole a man's property and now he's after you?" the man chuckled scornfully. "You have no choice but to see this through to the end."

".....What do I do?"

"It's getting late. For now, I will escort you back to your home. And it would certainly make this endeavor easier if we were to know each other's names."

"..I'm Jaden."

"Alyn's boy, eh? Well, I'm Emerus."

Jaden -> RE: In the past (7/5/2014 1:37:06)

They had been walking for ten minutes. Darastrix wasn't the largest town in Lore, but it certainly wasn't the smallest, either. They had reached the lower residential district, and were making their way towards Jaden's home. The streets had a good amount of traffic, as many people lived here. The housing was affordable, if not very comfortable.

"How do you know my mother?" Jaden asked, attempting to break the tense silence.

Emerus looked down at him. "I was a priest at the dragon temple years ago. We spoke a few times. She came their often, to pray. Given recent events, I see why."

Jaden ignored the jab, and his thoughts turned towards the Dragon temple, situated at the heart of Darastrix. It was established centuries ago by roaming Dragon worshipers. They revered Dragons as gods, and spent numerous resources on the temple's construction. Over the years, many like minded individuals came to pray, and it was rumored that several dragons visited as well. As time went by, merchants came, and settled around the temple, as it was situated in a suitable location for trade with Swordhaven. These merchants eventually established Daratrix, and the priesthood of the Dragon fell out of power.

He and his mother had visited the temple when he was a child, although he had never seen Emerus. He had asked why the temple had seemed so empty.

"It's more profitable to be a merchant than a priest," his mother had said.

Jaden thought about the amulet, and the similar craftsmanship between it and the statues in the temple. Now that he knew Emerus was a former priest of the temple, it made sense as to why he owned such an amulet.

They had just rounded the corner onto Jaden's street when shouts broke out. Jaden and Emerus whirled around to find the source of the racket.

A crowd of people had bunched together at the junction of two streets. They were murmuring and talking excitedly. Before them circled two figures. One, Jaden recognized as the woman who had bought the amulet. The other was a red haired man of medium height and a wiry build. It was obvious that the conflict would escalate, and coins were changing hands among the onlookers.

"Bet you 5 gold on the red head," said a middle aged man next to them.

His companion snorted. "I'll take you on that. That woman's from the Family, and they don't go down easy."

"She outta be workin' at the tavern, stead of pickin fights with grown men."

The two opponents continued to circle.

"Just pay up," the woman said in a bored voice.

"I don't owe the Family nothin! Specially if they have ta send women to do their dirty work!" the red head sneered. "Run off now, I don't wanna have to-"

The woman moved forward in a blur and slammed her palm into the man's nose. Jaden blinked. He had barely registered the move at all. The man staggered back, clutching his now bleeding nose.

A beat.

With a shout of outraged surprise, the man steeped forward and started swinging wildly. The woman simply moved forward through the punches with ease, seemingly unaffected by them. She drove her knee between the man's legs. He collapsed, grunting in agony.

"Bigotry will get you nothing," she said, grabbing the man's hair and hoisting him up so that they were face to face. "But standing against the Family will guarantee you an early grave." She stared at him.

"Fine, fine! Here, take it!" the man said, in a noticeably smaller voice. He pulled a bag of coins and held it out to her.

The woman took the coins and released him. Seemingly satisfied with the contents, she pocketed the bag.

"You're smarter than you seem," she said. Turning, she added, "Keep it that way." No one stood in her way as she walked off.

The crowd dispersed, having no other distraction to keep them from heading home. Emerus, who seemed to be thinking deeply, turned suddenly to Jaden.

"So she was with the Family, eh?" It was a statement, not a question.

Jaden tried to keep his face neutral. "Guess so," he said, in what he hoped was an uninterested voice.

Emerus raised an eyebrow. "Recognize her?"

Jaden thought fast. He could lie to Emerus, but that didn't work the last time he tried. However, if he told the truth, Emerus might drag him into a fight with the woman, and he didn't want to tangle with her, especially not after what just happened.

Emerus let out an exasperated sigh. "Boy, surely you've learned by now that I'm not stupid. You obviously know her, and I obviously want to know if she was the one who purchased my amulet from you. I don't plan on starting a brawl." His stare was unblinking.

"Yes, that's her," Jaden said in a meek voice.

The old man blew out another sigh, this time relieved. "Was that so difficult?" he asked, his tone slightly condescending.

Before Jaden could reply, another voice fell upon his ears.

"Jaden, are you alright?"

Jaden turned around. Striding down the street towards him was a tall woman. She had blue eyes the same shade as his. Her hair was the same brown as well, although it was longer and more well kept than Jaden's. She wore the sleeveless tunic of a dock worker, and her arms rippled with lean muscle.

Jaden walked up to her, his apprehension growing. If Emerus knew his mother as he said he did, she might just buy into whatever story the old man would concoct in order to enlist Jaden in getting the amulet back. As he was a priest, she might take his word over Jaden's, as even he knew he wasn't the model son.

"Are you hurt?" she asked again, her voice firm, with a hint of concern.

"I'm fine, I stayed away from the fight," Jaden said. However, if she didn't know him that well, maybe he could-

"Emerus, good to see you," Alyn said.

Jaden's shoulders sagged. He was doomed.

"Alyn, a pleasure as always," Emerus replied, dipping his head slightly.

"Are you still working at the temple?"

"I am retired as of late." He was much more cordial with his mother than him, Jaden thought.

"I see." His mother pondered for a second, then looked at Jaden. "Why don't you have the eggs?" she asked, her voice slightly sharper.

"I-um," Jaden kicked himself mentally How could he be so stupid? Now she'd ask about what he'd been doing, and she'd find out he'd been working for the Family, and that he was a thief! Panicking, he struggled to find an excuse...

"I'm afraid that was my doing," Emerus said quickly. "I ran into him at the market. After I found out he was your son, I asked him to take me to you, as it is always nice to see an old friend. My apologies, I must have made him forget his duties."

"I see. Well, no harm done, he can get them now, and we can talk," his mother said pointedly, looking at Jaden.

Jaden nodded hurriedly, and set off once again for the market. Although he could get away from the situation temporarily, he had no doubt that Emerus would somehow convince his mother to take him away once in a while, possibly for "tutoring". The man was skilled with words, and his mother would certainly welcome the chance to give her son an education.

He let out a deep sigh. "This is gonna a drag."

He didn't know how right he was.

Jaden -> RE: In the past (7/13/2014 9:02:29)

"Come in, have a seat." Said Alyn, gesturing Emerus into her and Jaden's small sitting room.

Emerus sat on the small sofa and took stock of his surroundings. Alyn was never a rich woman, he had guessed that much himself. She worked at the docks, and while the pay was steady, it certainly wasn't high.

Still, the house was clean and tidy, although he doubted Jaden had anything to do with that. With the boy working jobs for the Family and his forgetfulness, it was a miracle he hadn't gotten himself killed.

"So." Alyn had pulled up a stool and sat across from him. She didn't offer him anything to drink or eat. He would have refused, and from what he knew of her, she never exchanged false pleasantries. "What brings you here? While it is good to see you, I don't think you're here just to say hello."

"That is correct. I've come about your boy Jaden." Said Emerus. On the way over, Emerus had debated whether or not to tell Alyn of Jaden's involvement with the Family, but had decided against it. Whether he liked it or not, he needed the boy's help to infiltrate the Family, and he doubted Alyn would allow Jaden to do so if she knew. He couldn't march up to the Family's doorstep, wherever it was, and demand the amulet back. They were too dangerous for that. Besides, he had a feeling that they had already sold it, and he suspected he knew to whom. But, whether they owned it or not, he needed someone on the inside, at least to be sure that they had sold it. He couldn't jump to conclusions. And Jaden was perfect for an infiltration of the Family. Few would suspect a child to spy on them.


Alyn's voice jerked him out of his reverie. "Apologies, I was lost in thought. As I was saying, I came about your boy in the marketplace. I learned that he was yours, and that he has received no formal education."

Alyn's brow tightened slightly, but her voice remained calm. "There's only so much I can afford on a dockworker's salary."

"Do not misunderstand. I do not seek to criticize, but to make an offer."

"You wish to educate Jaden." Alyn said.


"And what do you ask in return?"

"Nothing. It is my belief that everyone should receive an education, and Jaden, despite any mistakes it looks like he has made, is no exception."

Alyn looked at him closely. "And this has nothing to do with your former involvement with the Dragon Priests?"

Emerus forced out a chuckle. "No. Despite my being a former priest, I can assure you that I have no intention of brainwashing young Jaden. Although I am intrigued. Your weariness of the priests confuses me. Are you not a believer? "

Alyn looked downward for a moment, before speaking. "I came to that temple because it felt peaceful and quiet. Jaden has never been easy to raise. When I was praying, it wasn't to any dragons. I was desperate, and I sent out pleas to whatever might be out there, begging them to help me raise my son."

"What made you stop?" Emerus asked, genuinely curious, even though the conversation deviated from his main goal.

"I realized that no god, dragon or otherwise, was going to help me with Jaden. I now know that it's up to me to do that." She said.

The determination in her voice was impressive. If she only knew what Jaden did, Emerus inwardly sighed.

"Anyways," She continued, "We were talking about you tutoring Jaden?"

"Yes. I would happily teach him, if I have your approval."

Alyn kept studying him, her eyes seeming to miss nothing. Emerus kept his face neutral. It wouldn't do to try and look charming. That only served to unnerve people, he had found.

"It wouldn't hurt Jaden to have a real education." Emerus could see a small hopeful glimmer in her eyes. "Perhaps it would improve his recent behavior."

A long pause.

"Very well." She held out a calloused hand. Emerus took it, and they shook firmly.

"I promise to give him the best education I can."

"See that you do." She said firmly.

Jaden -> RE: In the past (7/31/2014 3:28:35)

Jaden glanced at a piece of parchment, upon which Emerus had scribbled his address. Looking up, he saw the house the address corresponded to. He walked up, and paused on the threshold of the house. It was located in the residential district, same as his, albeit closer to the market, which was probably the reason Emerus had been able to catch Jaden so easily, as the market had been where Jaden's transaction with the Family had occurred.

He raised his hand to knock, then lowered it.

It had been two days since his mother had agreed to let Emerus become his tutor, but he still hadn't had enough time to quell any fears about this day. He had no idea what to expect. Emerus hadn't mentioned his plans to get the amulet back.

Sighing, Jaden resigned himself to whatever horrors awaited him. He doubted he could escape Emerus unless he left the city, and that wasn't something he wished to do. He raised his hand once more to knock.

The door opened before he could touch it. Emerus stood there, clad in the same clothes he had worn when Jaden had last seen him. His hair was unkempt, and stubble coated his chin. He looked like he had not slept for a while.

"Come in," he said irritably, ushering Jaden inside. "I trust you know your way around."

Jaden walked into the house he had robbed two days ago. He stepped into a small living room. One armchair stood by a simple stone fireplace, which glowed with faint embers. The room was relatively neat, although small piles of books surrounded the armchair, and the place could have benefited from a good dusting.

"Wait here," said Emerus, before turning and walking into an adjacent room. Jaden stood, tense and uncomfortable, for a good minute before his host came back with a wooden chair. Placing it by the armchair, he motioned towards it. "Sit," he said. It wasn't a question.

Jaden hurriedly did so. Emerus eased himself into the armchair with a low sigh. The man's eyes remained on the fire as he spoke.

"I won't waste time with pleasantries. You are here to help me retrieve the stolen amulet. Our sessions will be spent planning for your infiltration of the Family."

Jaden's insides froe. Infiltrating the most dangerous crime syndicate in Darastrix was not an appealing prospect.

Emerus evidently sensed Jaden's dread. His ever-present frown deepened. "You got yourself into this."

"I'm a kid! What if they catch me?"

"If that amulet falls into the hands of those who know its power, your safety will be the least of everyone's worries," intoned Emerus in a sharp voice.

"Another thing, what's so special about the amulet? Besides, it's not like the Family'd know what to do with it. They'll probably just sell it."

"You demand answers to questions you have no right to ask!" Emerus' voice grew ever sharper, but Jaden wasn't going to be put off. Maybe his fear had somehow removed all possibility of silence, maybe he didn't care how offended Emerus was. Either way, he wasn't going to shut up.

"If I'm going to be infiltrating the Family, then I'm gonna be risking my life! I deserve at least some answers!"

"It's your fault that such measures need to be taken in the first place!" the older man said fiercely. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "But...perhaps some insight into this would help you understand the gravity of your actions. Very well."

Jaden waited eagerly. Despite his apprehension at the situation, he was eager to find out about the amulet. The way it had glowed just before he had given it away had piqued his interest.

"Have you heard of the Dragonlords?"

Jaden's eyebrows raised. Who hadn't heard of the legendary Dragonlords? Immensely powerful beings, with even more powerful dragons as their companions. Tales of them had reached even those towns as far southwest as Darastrix. Their deeds were rumored to rival the Guardians themselves!

"Judging from the awestruck look on your face, I'm guessing you have," Emerus said dryly.

Jaden hurriedly composed himself.

"Moving on, that amulet that you gave away belonged to a Dragonlord. In fact, it, and others like it, are the source of a Dragonlord's connection with his or her Dragon. Those that were chosen to be Dragonlords used them to maintain balance between humans and Dragonkind. However, there is a downside. Whoever possesses one, if powerful and malevolent enough, has the potential to control a dragon as well, without being chosen. These individuals, for they do exist, are referred to as Dragonmasters. While not as powerful as Dragonlords, they do have the potential to wreak havoc on a wide scale!"

Emerus locked eyes with Jaden. "I trust you see why giving an object with the potential to control dragons to an organization like the Family was a mistake?"

Stymied, Jaden nodded. A thought occurred to him then. "You said that someone has to be powerful in order to use the amulet, right? The Family is dangerous, but I've never heard of them being able to use magic. Don't you have to be able to to be a Dragonlord, or master?"

Emerus' frown deepened. "I'm not entirely sure the Family will be the ones to use it. While they would benefit from its power, I doubt that they know of its properties. No, I believe that someone else payed them, and by extension, you, to take the amulet from me."

"Someone else? Who?"

"The priesthood of the Dragon temple is my number one suspect."

"The priesthood? I thought they worshiped Dragons as gods! Why would they want to control them?"

"Perhaps there is one among their number who they believe has been chosen by fate to be a Dragonlord. Having connection to a Dragon would certainly be desirable to them," Emerus mused. "But enough talk. We need to be sure that the priesthood are the ones that purchased the amulet, or if the Family knows of its power and intends to use it. We will spend a few hours today on the plans for your infiltration. I would imagine that the Family will contact you for another job?"

Jaden nodded.

"That may not leave us with very much time. In addition to planning, I will need to give you some form of schooling. Your mother must not become suspicious of our true activities."

Jaden's heart sank. He had never attended school of any kind, but it didn't sound like much fun.

Jaden -> RE: In the past (7/31/2014 15:13:57)

Jaden sighed and leaned back in his chair. Before him, a manuscript in the dragon's tongue seemed to swim before his eyes. His mother had taught him to read and to count, which were skills she deemed essential. Apparently however, his level was not up to Emerus' standards. After two weeks of planning and learning, Jaden felt that all he had done was translate scripts and stumble through equations. Emerus was nothing, if not a hard taskmaster.

The older man was out at the moment. He had said something about gathering information, before he had shoved the manuscript into Jaden's hands, telling him to have the first five pages deciphered on paper when he returned. Jaden had stumbled through the first two pages, and he wasn't even sure his translation was correct.

"Draconic was not meant for humans!" He exclaimed wildly, tearing up a blank bit of parchment and hurling the pieces into the air, where they drifted maddeningly around him. One landed on his nose. Growling, he blew it off and got up. Stalking out of Emerus' study, he began to pace around the living room. He hated being cooped up like this. Emerus hadn't let him participate for nearly any of the planning.

"I don't even know what the plan is! Well, aside from putting my head on the chopping block!" He muttered angrily, his pace increasing. The inner voice of reason within him rationalized that it was his fault that all this had started, but he pushed it away. "I don't even know if that amulet belonged to a Dragonlord! What if that old man is crazy? What if I'm getting sent to my death over nothing?"

His ranting was interrupted by a sharp rap upon the door.

Freezing in place, all of Jaden's anger and pent up energy gave way to apprehension. The door was locked, but Emerus had a key, so there was no reason for him to knock. Maybe he lost it? Maybe his mother had come to take him home? He pushed that last thought away. Emerus gave his mother frequent updates on his progress, and she didn't seem very worried about Jaden. No, this was someone else.

Another sharp rap, this time more insistent.

Jaden took a breath. He'd have to answer it sometime. Walking up to the door, he undid the bolt and opened it a crack.

His heart leaped into his throat when he saw who it was.

The woman who had bought the amulet was standing on the threshold, her arms crossed, her expression unreadable.

"Hello, Jaden," she said, her voice giving nothing away. Did she know?

"U-um- Well," Jaden had stammered. He had grown increasingly wary of the Family as the weeks had passed, and now it looked as though the game was up.

"I've noticed that you've spent increasing amounts of time here," she observed. "This is Emerus' house, is it not? Why would you go anywhere near the house of a person you robbed?"

Jaden's mind raced. "I didn't talk to him," he blurted out. "He doesn't know anything. He's- he's a friend of my mom's and he offered to tutor me. I-I didn't want to go, but I swear he doesn't know anything!"

The woman regarded him for a moment, a small grin appearing momentarily upon her face, then disappearing so fast, Jaden wasn't sure it had been there in the first place. "Relax, kid. You wouldn't have the guts to talk to anyone. Is he here right now?"

Jaden couldn't believe his luck. Being a kid certainly did have it's advantages. Everyone seemed to underestimate his penchant for raising cain. "No, he's off somewhere else, I dunno what he's doing right now."

"When'll he be back?"

"I-I'm not sure. two hours, maybe more?" That was the usual time that it took for Emerus to finish his errands.

"Good, our boss wants to meet you."

Jaden's heart, which had settled back down, leaped upward once more, and he was afraid it would pop out of his mouth.

"If you're being truthful, we don't have a lot of time before the old man gets back, so let's get going."

Jaden was backed into a corner that he couldn't escape. Wordlessly, he followed the woman, closing the door behind him. As they walked, his mind started to race once more. Why would the head of the Family want to see him? The woman had said that he wasn't suspected, but was she telling the truth? What if the boss wanted to deal with him personally? What if this was all a trap?

As he continued to worry, he noticed that the general shabbiness of the buildings within the residential district were giving way to cleaner and more refined structures. That could only mean they were entering the upper residential district, where the wealthy merchants and politicians lived. The streets were cleaner, and people dressed in fine, expensive looking clothingwalked past. Several turned their heads to look at Jaden curiously. He shifted self consciously. His attire wasn't as shabby as the beggars in the marketplace, but it certainly looked out of place here, among the rich.

"It's just here," said the woman, turning towards one of the larger houses. Stairs lead up to a threshold which looked to be made of marble, with two large pillars on either side, which appeared to support a balcony on the upper levels. A set of double doors loomed before them, and the woman stepped forward and knocked. Almost immediately, they opened. A man wearing a sharp tunic and trousers stood before them.

"Miss Kara, do come in."

As they stepped into the house, Jaden couldn't help but admire his lavish surroundings. A thick carpet, intricately woven with red and gold threads was spread out into what appeared to be the entrance hall. A coat hanger was situated right beside the door, although the mild weather this time of year negated it's usefulness. A large set of stairs, covered in the same carpet as the floor, lead to the second floor, which appeared not to have a solid floor. Rather, a small balcony stretched around the room. Doors dotted the second floor, and Jaden couldn't tell why one would need that many. Then again, the Family's lieutenants might be stationed here as well, not just the boss.

"Come on," Kara, for that was apparently the woman's name, had already started up the staircase. Jaden was jolted out of his reverie, and hurried to keep pace with her.

They reached the second floor, and Kara led him all the way around, until they were just above the main entrance. Another set of doors, this time studded with pains of glass, lead out to the balcony that Jaden had spotted before.

As they stepped onto the sun warmed wood of the balcony, Jaden noticed two chairs. One was empty, and on the other sat a figure who's face Jaden could not see from where he was.

"Is that Kara?" came a deep, but surprisingly gentle voice.

"Yes, sir."

"Kara, we've been over this," the voice remained gentle, but Kara stiffened.

"Sorry. Yes, Vildren, it's me."

"Very good. And I assume this is young Jaden?" Jaden felt a chill run up his spine. The man's voice was so friendly, but there was something else....

Kara nudged him. Jaden started. "Um-Y-yes sir."

Kara nudged him again.

"V-Vildren. Yes, Vildren."

Jaden still couldn't see the man's face, but he could almost feel him smile.

"I'm glad that we're on first name turns. Why don't you sit down?" a hand waved him towards the opposite chair.

Jaden sat down. Glancing over, he finally got a good look at his host.

The man had deeply tanned skin, but not in the sense of being sun burnt, like many lower class dockworkers. His complexion was more even, as though he had spent time perfecting the color. His blond hair was long, but was well taken care of. It looked as though it had been brushed often. Complimenting it was a neatly trimmed goatee. But the most striking feature, like so many other figures in stories, were his eyes. They were a bright green, and seemed able to see right through Jaden. He hoped this wasn't the case, as it would mean both his and Emerus' necks, no matter how friendly this man seemed.

"Good, now we can talk. I understand that it was you who retrieved the amulet for us?"

"Yes, Vildren."

"You have my thanks. It turned out to be very profitable. I'm sorry the rest of my Family isn't here to thank you. They are out on...other business."

"Your Family?"

"Yes. Many members of my organization are of my blood. My Father started this whole thing, you see. He believed that Family ties strengthened our organization, and I'm of the same mind" The man chuckled. "Of course, not all who work for me are my actual Family. Case in point: You, and Kara here," he looked fondly at them both in turn.

His smile faded, but he managed to keep his features pleasant. "Of course, I must address why you are here. You performed admirably in retrieving the amulet. However..." his expression darkened momentarily. Jaden stiffened, and he could feel Kara do the same. "Before I go any further, I need to know that you are with me on this. Kara tells me that you have spent time with Emerus, the original owner of the amulet. Forgive me, but I can't help but be suspicious. Kara assures me that you are loyal, but it's always good to see for myself."

He turned his eyes directly to Jaden's. "Are you with me on this?"

What Jaden said next would decide the fate of him, Emerus, his Mother, and even Kara, who had supposedly vouched for him.

Hoping against hope that Vildren would connect his nerves to simply meeting the head of the Family, Jaden forced himself to meet the man's eyes.

"I'm with you," he said.

Vildren regarded him coolly for a few seconds. Then his face broke into one of the warmest smiles Jaden had ever seen. Too warm. "Excellent," the man said. "Now, down to business. As I said, you did well in retrieving the amulet, and we have received ample compensation from those that requested it. But, it appears that those same people have neglected to inform me of it's true properties."

Jaden repressed a shudder. He knew. How?

"Apparently the amulet is much more powerful than we thought. And this brings me to your assignment. The buyers are the priests from the Dragon Temple. I would like you to go to the temple. Familiarize yourself with the priests, and see what you can find from them. I'd like to know where the amulet is being kept," his voice seemed to soften. "I understand that it may be a daunting task, but I assure you that I wouldn't send you in unless I was absolutely assured of your safety. You are young. As such, they will not suspect that you have a sinister purpose. Not that you do, of course," he chuckled. "I care about this city, and I don't wish to see it become enveloped once more into the folds of the priesthood."

Jaden didn't believe any of his sentiments for a second, but he nodded. "Okay, I can do that."

Once again, that smile. "I knew I could count on you."

"Vildren, with respect, our time is almost up," Kara said hesitantly.

Vildren looked towards her. "Ah. It would imagine that means that Emerus has almost finished his business. We'd better make sure you're at his house before he arrives. In regards to your payment, 100 gold coins sufficient."

Jaden nodded, and stood up. This man was incredibly wealthy, and he doubted that 100 gold was a lot to him. Even so, it was a hefty price to Jaden. In addition, it appeared that he was keeping an eye on Emerus. He'd have to warn his new tutor, in addition to telling him everything he'd learned.

"Farewell Jaden, I trust you won't disappoint," Vildren said, before turning to look out over the city once more.

Jaden -> RE: In the past (9/25/2014 13:11:27)

Emerus sat in his armchair, gazing into the crackling fire, his eyes glazed over with thought.

Jaden was not in such a calm state. He stood, tense, rigid, his fists clenched. The most notorious, and, after meeting him, the most dangerous crime lord in the city had just asked him to do a job, and if he failed, that was it. He could die. He could die. He could die. Emerus had to have a plan.

The silence was palpable as he waited for the older man to speak. Minutes dragged by. Finally, Jaden couldn't bear it any longer.

"Well?" He had to know the plan. The plan that would pull him out.

Emerus' eyes lost their misty covering, and his head turned sharply. "Well what?"

Jaden stood there for a second. "Well, what are we going to do?" He couldn't believe that Emerus was so nonchalant.

"It's rather obvious, you're going to do as he says. We were going to do this anyway, you know that."

"What?" Jaden wouldn't believe it. He was getting thrown to the wolves.

"Oh, don't have second thoughts about this. By stealing that amulet you have just provided unstable cultists with the most powerful weapon they could ever dream of. Don't start whining now, and take responsibility f-"


Emerus stopped, evidently taken aback.


"No! I was just near the head of the Family! He's a killer! A killer, you stupid, grey haired old fool! He wouldn't think twice before taking my life, my mother's life!" Jaden paused, incomprehensible thoughts streaming through his consciousness, indescribable feelings flooding his being. And Emerus was just standing there! "Do you even care!? You're sending me off to my death for an amulet!"

Emerus stared. "That amulet is much more dangerous than you-"

"I DON"T CARE!" Jaden screamed, his voice cracking. "I don't care! I don't care if the Avatars themselves told me to steal this! I don't care how much you try to guilt me over this! But I do care about my life, and my mother's, and I'm not putting my own neck onto a chopping block, just to retrieve a little keepsake for you, you delusional bloody fool!" With that, he stormed over to the door, opening and slamming it with as much force as he could muster.


Jaden -> RE: In the past (10/3/2014 17:37:08)

Jaden stormed down the stairs leading to Emerus' front door. He couldn't believe it. That man was risking his life for a trinket, he was prepared to throw him to the Family for a damned trinket!

He started to speed up.

So what if he stole it? How was he supposed to know? Why was it his responsibility? Why couldn't he do it himself?

He started to run. The buildings of the residential district sped by, blurring by the edge of his vision. His breath was coming in ragged gasps, and his muscles were burning. His adrenaline was wearing off, but his desperation urged him onward. He had to get away from it. This whole mess would be solved if he could just get far enough away.

Finally, his foot caught a loose stone. He was launched forward, and he only just managed to fling his arms in front of his face before crashing into the pavement. he rolled once before coming to a stop. He was breathing was desperate, his whole body burned, and his arms flared with pain.

He couldn't help it. He started to cry. His life was in danger, he was hungry, tired and in pain, and it wasn't fair! He just wanted to lay there forever, without any responsibilities, any obligations.

He didn't know how long he lay there, but when he heard a boot scuffle the pavement, he leaped upwards. Had the Family figured out his connection to Emerus?


All of Jaden's energy abandoned him. Alyn, his mother, stood there. She quickly sized him up. His scraped forearms, his rumpled clothes, and the tears, still fresh on his cheeks.

She took a step forward, and he took a step back. She paused.

"Jaden?" she kept a calm expression "Jaden, I don't know what happened, but I am never going to hurt you."

Her words seemed to pierce the veil over Jaden's mind that his fear had created. He sank to his knees, and Alyn hurried over, quickly sinking down herself and wrapping her arms around him.

"It's alright, pup, it's alright."

Whatever "it" was, it didn't feel alright, but Jaden didn't care. He didn't want to do anything but stay here. He didn't care about Emerus, he didn't care about the amulet, and he didn't even care about Vildren. They could go and rot in hell.

"Pup, look at me."

Jaden met her eyes. Her face, though blurry due to his teary eyes, conveyed the firm expression he had come to dread.

"You have to tell me what happened."

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