Rui. -> Making Every player unique. [Good Stuff] (5/31/2014 22:24:30)
Ok so every character had like 80 base stats points at level 1. Lets make a mechanism where ever class can choose how to distribute his base stats on character creation. Right now a level 1 character has 80 stat points randomly distributed. Lets change the way its done. Let me give you an example. I make a new character , I get to choose how much str / dex . tech. or support I need and this cannot be altered in the future. Its a 1 time deal. Or perhaps they can spend 2000 varium to change it in the future. Now .. each of the base stats have a special purpose. 1 Point of strength = +1 to Weapon damage so if I put in all 80 stats to strength I will have +80 on my weapon. 1 point of dex = +1 dodge. ( now they need to completely remove all dex bonus from dodge this should determine dodge rate period - smoke will now not reduce ur dodge cause ur dodge rate is set with ur base stat points) 1 point of tech - +1 deflect ( same logic as the dex applies here ) 1 point of Support = +1 to Aux damage and +2 to heal SO basically every class can choose his game style.. He can go balanced or more of dodge and strength .. or whatever suits his needs. Adding to this.. He can choose how much health and energy he needs as well. I want more of health and less of energy at lvl 40 I really feel I am happy with 400 energy 600 is really pointless. so I should be able to tweak my base health and energy as well. This way every class will be unique.. No more smoke is messing my strike and dodge... no more malf is messing my deflect etc. Moreover every class needs a base speciality. Hunters need to start with +20 dodge rage. Merc class should start with 25% Rage meter Mage should start with +20 damage on all skills. If you have anymore ideas pls add it in here. Thanks