SMGS -> RE: =ED= June 3rd, 2014 - Lionhart Cometh (6/6/2014 19:10:54)
@Digi - No achievements. Missions are coming next week. A little bit disappointed with the update myself. I appreciate the fact that the release is coming from a different artist this time around, though (even if I don't necessarily prefer all the art styles being used, others do). Still, I found it to be underwhelming for everything that was written about it. According to a DN in late March, the plan was to have the release sometime in May. While it was phrased to sound like a set deadline, it was still something the players held as one. Certainly an area improving from that notorious Omega delay, but it is something the players take seriously, and I'd prefer a bit of vagueness rather than mentioning any dates, at all. Also didn't really like that this was quite an over-hyped release yet brought minimal gaming content (that is, content that people can 'play' rather than just purchase). The redesign of the Overlord Facility looks great, but it's only that until it's actually functional (ie. missions, etc.). Would have liked at least a chain of missions released to give some previews on the Saga.