New War Mechanic (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Xendran -> New War Mechanic (6/4/2014 5:45:23)

Just an idea for a new type of war:
You can fight challenging boss NPCs that help a lot with the war and give great EXP and Credits, but are very hard.
To fight these bosses you need items, which are gained by killing other players.

You can use these items either on the bosses, or on cannon-style things we have now if you do not feel confident enough in killing the bosses.

Predator9657 -> RE: New War Mechanic (6/4/2014 11:46:49)

Sounds like a nice way of integrating PVE into PVP + hard bosses are always fun to beat.

And they really need to add EXP and Credit rewards for beating bosses. Right now, there's not really any incentive to beating any of them more than once (once for the cheevo - unless you want to increase the number on it).

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: New War Mechanic (6/4/2014 11:54:42)

Supported. I'd like a challenging NPC that gives a high amount of Credits.

One question, though: Is the item used up the instant you fight the boss, or does it expire only when you win? I see problems with both.

Problem for Part 1:
Accidental clicks, or not being ready when clicking the button.

Problem for Part 2:
Player fights boss first. If they lose, they use the item for the War.

Once again, I really support this.

The berserker killer -> RE: New War Mechanic (6/5/2014 17:41:04)

Supported, I keep asking everyone why they bosses/npcs aren't involved in the war. I don't get it. They are part of the game too.

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