Rage Meter (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Rage Meter (6/6/2014 14:08:19)

A few weeks ago I suggested seeing your teammates rage mater. I received a reply from someone saying that it s a good idea but that we should also be able to see our teammates rage meter, where Mother1 then replied with a comment that I highly support.

Mother1 referenced that if we can see our opponents rage meter then all dex mages will have to do is force that person and use everyone ounce of their incredible defense and 30%+ chance to block to waste that rage.

Now this feature is not out yet, but we SHOULD NOT be able to see our opponents rage meter for that reason. And, honestly, I don't know how the Devs meant for rage to be but nowadays we use Rage as a surprise attack. Sometimes your opponent thinks you're gonna rage next turn when you really have it that turn, or sometimes we even like holding on to our rage.

Please think about removing the feature of allowing us to see our opponents rage. I would like to hear from you other players too.

I personally don't 2v2 anymore, I suggested the suggestion of seeing your partners rage meter back when I used to 2v2, however as members of a community it is our goal to enhance the game in every aspect. Even the aspects that we personally don't use as much.

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