by the numbs (Full Version)

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ambien -> by the numbs (6/7/2014 0:06:38)

in watching the meter board of the war . to me as a player it kinda looks like the last war in the players influence.( in buying the war again ) which l guess is fine in a way , but to some when they see this ( it kinda takes the war battling away. ) if you can buy the war then what is the reason to battle. again as we legion fight the loosing battle again we kinda loose heart in the war.

sad fought 125 games to day won 98 had a total of 13 bombs drop well that is so wrong. l am saying if legion looses again the ( war battle ) will some thing then
be done, to try to fix the war system.

btw nice items devs,

my thoughts on this

always the syfy

p.s ran out of red bull

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