Hairstyle and Faction flag selection (Full Version)

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XapApp -> Hairstyle and Faction flag selection (6/8/2014 22:51:11)

I suggest improving the current hairstyle and faction flag selection system.
There are 105 hairstyles and a lot of faction flags. Going through them with the arrows is time consuming in my opinion.
I suggest screens with multiple hairstyles and flag symbols displayed that can be selected from there.

I don't think this feature should be a priority if it would be time consuming for the developers though, I'd just like it noted down for the future.

Share your thoughts,
thank you!

GearzHeadz -> RE: Hairstyle and Faction flag selection (6/9/2014 13:01:19)

This is actually a really good idea. Id love to see this implemented.

Drianx -> RE: Hairstyle and Faction flag selection (6/9/2014 15:40:20)

Agreed and supported.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Hairstyle and Faction flag selection (6/9/2014 15:53:03)

Supported. Annoying too because I have to wait a few seconds for it to load for each hairstyle.

The berserker killer -> RE: Hairstyle and Faction flag selection (6/18/2014 15:19:29)

Supported, it can be displayed just as the NPCs in the world map are displayed

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