Im sorry but.. (Full Version)

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Steakburgers -> Im sorry but.. (6/9/2014 0:59:22)

This game has gotten extremely unbalanced from the ground up
It seems like bascially from early level's upward, theres one set that rules every class
For mages, its spamming the bolt, and praying for a stun so you can 2hko with rain
For hunters its putting most of your points into str and hp and using that marked for blood skill and the -dex skill
And for merc's, its getting crit upon crit with that bazooka

I used to play awhile back, when things weren't so unbalanced, and i would honestly prefer it if they went back to the old system of weapons actually needing a level requirement, because some of this stuff is just straight up making this game borderline unplayable

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/9/2014 21:20:11)

Funny thing is level requirements have pretty much squat to do with the problems you mentioned. They just make it so every person can optimize their build, but it's not like that was very effective in lower levels since an extra 2 dex barely pumped up your stun skill for tech mages.

Just get more max health because it scales unreasonably well right now. Then you won't get bursted in 3 turns.

ROOPJEET SINGH -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/10/2014 5:17:03)

well i am just like u i quit playing the game because of this unbalancing only i played this game from beta testing the delta phrase was the best and now omega phrase the worst this phrase has unbalanced every thing the game before omega phrase was the best . the free players can look like payed player [:@] the i dont know what is it said but think enhancements has made this game worst i think when the omega phrase gets over enhancements should be deleted and the game will recover its power and balance again

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 1:42:44)

As a level 16 Tech mage on my Alternate account, i have no trouble beating all of these classes and their so called 'OP' builds. All it really takes is just a technician to counter any energy damage eg. DEX Mages, and then a defense matrix for the Merc and Bounty builds. i have been doing this since level 7 and have one most of my battles.

For all of the low level players who are complaining about these kind of builds, find a viable counter to them and experiment with new strategies, getting more health is not the asnwer which is what people are failing to understand.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 3:04:17)

@inflamed fury yes you have no trouble winning at level 16. You are a tech mage. Tech mage can steamroll everyone till around level 25. My tech mage is level 15 with a win loss record of 72 and 35 in 1v1 and 96 and 21 in 2v2. My bounty hunter on the other hand? losing record in 1v1 and barely in the positive in 2v2.

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 4:38:01)

@ScarletReaper It has nothing to do with what class you are, every class has a shield of some sort to prevent high damage being done. This is why the game is unbalanced in the 1st place, because people don't know how to workaround OP builds and just complain because they keep beating them.

1st they made it so that Varium users got majorly screwed over so that F2P players get the same benefits and then the devs listened to all of the noobs who couldn't come up with their own builds to beat other players using builds that worked but weren't OP.

If you notice that at the start of Omega there was a couple of Overused builds but they all had viable counters that worked well and would make the game more challenging. Now all you see is the same build being used over and over and because no players are smart enough to come up with a counter to these builds we get complaints which lead to unnecessary balance patches.

If you keep coming across DEX mages as a Bounty Hunter then invest some stats into Support and have a level 2-3 energy shield. All of your problems will then be solved.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 5:42:21)

LMAO been there tried that. Didn't work till I hit around level 20. At low levels I couldn't get enough support to make enough of a shield. Even when I did then I'd get spanked by the merc's bunker buster because I had low defense. Even with the dex boosting skill they'd still critical through it. lol

GearzHeadz -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 12:45:56)

That doesn't help. Using a shield on a dex Mage just gives them massive amounts of rage, making them deal massive damage on you making the shield obsolete. You honestly wouldn't know about balance issues if you're a tech Mage...

Mother1 -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 13:13:41)

@ gearzheadz

Actually with my low level 12 bounty hunter I was able to save myself a few times from some dex TM's due to energy shield.

But I also have to a agree with inflamed fury on the complaining part. In cause most haven't noticed Omega's balance changes mostly came from the players many of which were complaining about bad balance. Strength nerf, support nerf, focus nerf, Passive to active change, Cores having a cost Etc were all changes suggested by the players due to bad balance. Even with people giving counters for the complainers all that was said was

"Why should I have to do X in order to beat Y?" The masses lust for winning along with the bad balance changes that didn't cover all the flaws brought this.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 13:56:40)

I never said fury was wrong about that part.

The berserker killer -> RE: Im sorry but.. (6/11/2014 14:04:03)

Guys you're missing the point, instead of arguing just focus on the main points that you have all mentioned.

1) Dex Mages are getting out of hand.

2) At the time Omega had sound like a great idea. Now we are all regretting it deeply

and 3) This may be a bit of a stretch but I don't believe there should be a balance thread. I agree with Mother, that the reason why things are so bad now is because people kept on requesting for nerfs and suggesting ideas that had sound good AT THAT TIME. There should just be a group of individuals who play this game, as much as the hardcore players, who can come to a consensus on what should be done.

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