battle drop (Full Version)

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hobo0123 -> battle drop (6/9/2014 6:59:21)

what do you do with the yetti bait you get from battle drop?thats all i get and theyre worthless in sell back.would like to see weapons according to class show up in battle drop once in a while,its better than worthless yeti bait.

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: battle drop (6/9/2014 7:31:17)

This should be posted in Q & A section.

However, by clicking the small circular bar at the top and then selecting either Legion or Exile -
Depending what alignment you're on. After this, click on the "portal" and it will come up with
'Yeti' bait, Upgrade *95v* or ultra 'Yeti' bait.

Click one of these, depending on which and however many you have. This will cause
damage to the portal and help your alignment (your faction too if you're in one).
This therefore gains 'Influence' and helps your overall 'game' and potentially
puts you in for a chance of winning the alignment - 150influence prize. Via the
end of the 'Mini-war'.

Hope this helps,

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: battle drop (6/9/2014 9:29:52)

On a completely unrelated note, I find it funny that Exile is owning Legion with food. Particularly since we're using bombs.

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