ambien -> told u all this would happen (6/9/2014 23:31:37)
again as l said legion will loose again, l am so upset at the war. now l will farm 100 games a day a do dailys . the reason is this. l am tired of ( the buying the wins for the war )which is ( INFLUENCE BOUGHT ). really fair we all can see it and if you cannot then you are blind. it is sad after 9 pm the 40th level battles fall down to nothing, the other accounts come like 10----15 and guess what they get all the games battles. bombs drops are sad real sad, .02% drops that is sad. l am not only one who tired of the war, l wish that devs could come on line and ask players what they think about the war and get hands on view what players think an say about it once. my thoughts on this always the syfy p.s. no more red bull not worth it .