New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (Full Version)

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Rui. -> New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/10/2014 6:05:48)

Since its confirmed that the devs read the forums .

Here are some changes that will help fix this phase called omega and help us transition to the next phase with a better and larger player base.

1. Reduce Heal scaling beyond 1200
2. Get every class 1 passive skill, right now there is too much pressure on energy.
3. Get rid of frost shards and all energy draining cores except the frost destroyer make that a passive.
4. Give support a extremely high chance of first turn start.
5. Improve multi damage in 2 vs 2
6. Remove stun from skills and add in stun aux and robot 5% chance .. that's all the game changing luck needed.
7. Variable damage and stats on class based weapon
8. Get boosters back in game
9. Permanent passive stat cores
10. Armours with better passives. ( something like blood lust or damage taken convert to health or energy or even rage gain )
11. Give varium players some advantage .. that's the reason most quit. Probably 4 enhancements on every weapon.
12. Fix Juggernaut at lvl 40 .. Its unplayable except for mercs.
13. Fix class ultimate skills . Give us a way to use them and a reason to use them.
14. Give players 1000 Varium for a 1 time alignment change. This way some exiles can jump over to legion to create a balance. ( more like the players are being bribed to ditch their alignment by the master mind behind the war )
15. New game mode 2 vs 2 Allie mode

If you have anything to add in here please do so .. let us move forward from omega .. this has been a sad sad phase [:(]

Anyone else feels I have missed something or wants to add what needs fixing please add it in here for them to read think and act upon.

Steakburgers -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/10/2014 7:33:58)

I agree with all of this

But i also think they should bring back penalties for those who like to abuse high stat numbers at early levels
Also i think some skills need to be nerfed, if you play as a bounty hunter, and you face a mage in early on, or even a merc with a high bunker, you've got no chance of survival

At least make it so you can't easily spam these skills so early on
Bring back level requirements for weapons
That actually made it feel like you had to work towards something, and not just buy varuim and instantly have something thats head and shoulders better than everyone else
Make some of these missions less taxing
Not everyone wants to allow you to defeat them 10 times, not everyone accepts a challenge, and some of these defeat 20 players stuff when the game is clearly unbalanced is more a chore than a reward

Make it so your mail system actually means something, allow us to send money to our other players if we want to level an alt

Exploding Penguin -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/10/2014 15:09:28)


Get rid of frost shards and all energy draining cores except the frost destroyer make that a passive.


"My max overload will kill this guy next turn!"
*enemy strikes and gets that lucky frostbite activation*
*flips table*

No, keep it active. Frostbite doesn't need to turn games with that 11% chance like it used to. However, IMO frost shards shouldn't even exist though cause it just devalued a promo entirely.


Give support a extremely high chance of first turn start.

It already does. You just need more support than you already have.


Get boosters back in game

Ew. To me boosters were the most disgusting thing to me in ED before some omega changes. They patched up holes in otherwise builds that weren't viable and shouldn't have worked, and therefore screwed up balance in some aspects. They also required people to have to buy boosters for each battle, and I really don't want to spend extra money to equal other people


14. Give players 1000 Varium for a 1 time alignment change. This way some exiles can jump over to legion to create a balance. ( more like the players are being bribed to ditch their alignment by the master mind behind the war )

I think it's more like all the legion players will move to exile. Also giving out free varium so easily and in such high quantities probably won't happen.


7. Variable damage and stats on class based weapon

What happened to build variety. This is fine for select weapons such as how caden's wrath used to have pathetic strike damage but game insane amounts of tech, but not for an entire class's weapons in general.


11. Give varium players some advantage .. that's the reason most quit. Probably 4 enhancements on every weapon.

Enhancements cost too much. I don't like spending more credits or varium to stay in the game against other people who will use it. The removal of enhancements from delta was a godsend.

Rui. -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/10/2014 23:36:15)

Ok I will justify my reasons



"My max overload will kill this guy next turn!"
*enemy strikes and gets that lucky frostbite activation*
*flips table*

No, keep it active. Frostbite doesn't need to turn games with that 11% chance like it used to. However, IMO frost shards shouldn't even exist though cause it just devalued a promo entirely.

I didn't understand what you meant by this !


It already does. You just need more support than you already have.

No it does not .. I have played a cyber with max massacare that needs 42 support and 35 % of the time a 17 or 18 support lvl 40 player will start first.


Ew. To me boosters were the most disgusting thing to me in ED before some omega changes. They patched up holes in otherwise builds that weren't viable and shouldn't have worked, and therefore screwed up balance in some aspects. They also required people to have to buy boosters for each battle, and I really don't want to spend extra money to equal other people

Previously in 2 vs 2 if one player dies there was hope of killing the remaining 2 .. now with the free core called generator you stand no chance.. heal heal heal heal heal is all they do .. making 2 vs 2 such a mess.. Moreover I prefer dex to tech so my generator gives me all energy.. boosters could give be an option to heal when needed. They need to put a requirement on this generator core other wise .. 120 health for using 290 energy oe 120 energy to use 290 health .. since all cores cost something this needs a requirement.. 2 vs 2 is just a mess when ur partner dies.


I think it's more like all the legion players will move to exile. Also giving out free varium so easily and in such high quantities probably won't happen.

Varium has lost all its perks 1000 varium is now not so important as it was previously.. However we cant judge what will happen if this was implemented. A lot of exiles need varium more than legion players. This can work as an experiment.


What happened to build variety. This is fine for select weapons such as how caden's wrath used to have pathetic strike damage but game insane amounts of tech, but not for an entire class's weapons in general.

All weapons with same damage and ststs is soo not making sense. I would rather see insane damage on a club with fewer stat points and many stat points on a staff with low damage. There needs to be some uniqueness in class based weapons since sword is a viable option for all. Cadens staff was used my many level 33's back in the day when lvl 33 was max level for the 24 stat bonus on int.. This is a fine example that mages did really well with a low damage weapon with high stats on them.


Enhancements cost too much. I don't like spending more credits or varium to stay in the game against other people who will use it. The removal of enhancements from delta was a godsend.

What I am asking is not too much,,, its just like a varium player constantly using all 4 stat core boosts on their weapons.. a Player with all 4 stat cores has a 6 level advantage on stats over you .. this is the same isn't it .. you don't spend on cores he does your chances of winning are reduced..

I want to see players returning.. Right now games flooded with alts and noobs who give up leveling bt the 30's ... 40 vs 40 fights are same faces. We need some players back delta wasn't soo bad ... not so bad as this phase..

Mother1 -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/10/2014 23:49:47)

@ rui.

What Exploding Penguin is say is that people get ticked off due to bad luck as it is. Your suggestion to make frostbite luck based again and losing to luck will really make people upset because they will be losing to luck.

Losing to superior planning is understandable but losing to luck when they know otherwise they would have won angers people and makes the game even more luck based.

Rui. -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 1:01:58)

lol what ?

You are telling me people with get ticked off by a 11% chance .. but not a 100% chance on a active ??

Players bought it.. hell I bought it cause i wanted to to work multiple times in 2 vs 2 .. players got the harvest weapons for the luck factor.. same with azreals .. all promos were luck based.

It was fun when we could see 3 to 4 pumpkins rain down in 2 vs 2 with no energy cost to every dam move.

Luck is the key to win .. we bought the weapons knowing it was LUCK / PROBABILITY .. energy energy energy enery requirement is really getting on our nerves .. isn't that annoying you too mother..

Energy on azreal guns energy on every 1 time use move.. making all energy drainers so much more important..

They said active to passive change cause many players are dependent on passives.. no every player is dependant on energy gain and loss moves.. how well does it work out ..

I was a blood mage .. with blood lust i didn't care about energy .. at max i knew i had to use an energy boost .. look at the game now .. frost shards.. gun core .. emp .. armour drain .. that's like solid 800 energy drain .. how does one cope with this when i need energy for ever move .. every core.. every dam special !!

Yeah I know .. get health get strength .. and strike strike strike !!

Mother1 -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 1:24:40)

@ Rui

Back in delta luck wasn't as rampant as it is in omega remember that. In omega luck got a major buff to the point where it happens a lot more than it did in delta. Plus losing to someone who outsmarts me is like "Ok I lost because the person was better than me" and for many that doesn't leave a bad aftertaste. However losing because luck came along and shut you down leave "Darn it if luck didn't interfere then I would have had him."

In case you haven't noticed a lot of people are fed up with luck or haven't you been reading the compliant thread about luck factors? Back in when Shadow arts was a passive it was the passive people hated because it was luck based. People wanted it change so it would reflect something they knew would help them.

I myself don't mind luck since I know it comes and goes, however other aren't the same. Especially when they lose a match they feel hey should have won due to luck happening at the worst possible moment (Example: No luck factors (Block crit deflection stun) Happen and the duel is going in your favor and you are one turn ahead of your opponent. All of a sudden you use your final attack and curse your luck they get a block or deflection. Next thing you know the entire duel get changed due to that one factor and you end up losing.)

Dual Thrusters -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 1:34:19)

Honestly, I prefer being able to choose when to activate Jack-O-Fire even with an energy cost ( which is pretty low anyway)

In Delta, I would always cross my fingers for the core not to activate whenever I wanted to strike someone for energy damage. At least now it is tactical.

Pemberton -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 1:44:43)

This are just things you want for yourself. This suggestions won't make the game better, it will only only satisfy your own greed.

Rui. -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 1:52:01)

@ mother


Back in delta luck wasn't as rampant as it is in omega remember that.

Justify this statement !


In omega luck got a major buff to the point where it happens a lot more than it did in delta.

How ?


Plus losing to someone who outsmarts me is like "Ok I lost because the person was better than me" and for many that doesn't leave a bad aftertaste.

If I have more dex its luck ? so your pizzed off .. cause u got more strength and u shd have won ? or I deflected with more tech and that bothers u ? ... oh please !


Back in when Shadow arts was a passive it was the passive people hated because it was luck based

4 players hated it .. now this skill is dead and unused.. how did it help ? When you say something justify it .. cause its just not helping ..


All of a sudden you use your final attack and curse your luck they get a block or deflection. Next thing you know the entire duel get changed due to that one factor and you end up losing

That is and will be epic duel... what is what makes it so EPIC .. since alpha beta gamma and delta .. this is inevitable .. kill shots almost always do that or am I totally trippin here..

Point of this thread is not to create a rant.. stick to the topic pls ! We can have this discussion via PM if you want

Mother1 -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 13:04:56)

@ Rui

I was explaining things for someone else's point of view that wasn't your own.

Also In case you haven't noticed support already does give you more of chance to go first. Having more support =/= you always go first. Going first like many of the things in game even with support is luck.

But seriously a lot of your suggestions with the exception of a few you never gave your reasons to justifying them either. However at the same time you are telling the people oppose your reasons to justify their's. Could you please explain your reasoning for your suggestions cause most of them sound like they are band aid fixes for bad balance or just plain greed (the varium giving one)

Rui. -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 13:09:50)

What I want is self explanatory .. I don't have to justify anything .. you can take it as greed, or plain simple awesomeness .. none matter.

But you just cant go arnd with ranting and bringing up the past and running the meaning and purpose of a thread that's trying to forget the past and move on ..

I know yes there is frustration, if you think my suggestions are band aid fixes.. sure tell me how and give them ideas on how to make them permanent fixes.

Mother1 -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 13:30:07)

@ rui

you never explained reasons 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

As for 15 that one has already been suggested many times, and the staff if I remember correctly rejected that suggestion already since it is basically asking for Ally links in 2 vs 2.

With 14 they would most likely do the ally change rather than give out free varium. But even so what is to stop the losing legion player from joining exile as well? So with this suggestion it is truly a double edged sword for on the one hand you could get your result but on the other hand the opposite (due to players wanting free stuff from war) could happen as well.

as for 11 this is somewhat true but there was more to it than that. While some of the people who couldn't buy wins anymore did indeed quit because of this, many also left do to the bad balance of the game. Remember omega was promised to fix these flaws but in never truly did so. People got sick and tired of this and they left as well. But on the other hand Varium still does give a time advantage since free to play still have to wait a year (with the exception of the black abyss robot) to get the promo's paying players got. So while it is not a permanent advantage paying players still get an advantage.

dfo99 -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/11/2014 14:05:40)

i dont agree with almost all suggests of this thread. i hope that the devs never read this.

kosmo -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/18/2014 10:14:07)

1. nerf ranks on primary.
2.fix battle matchmaking closing the gap between levels and ranks.It could work this way: the more I wait for a battle the more the gap extends, so it wont take endlessly to find a battle.
Rui, I find most of your points are predictable, but I like point 1, we need some sort of agility, I ll explain why: 5 focus builds can only reach 1450 hp, considering that the most valuable dismishing of stats is 85 both for 5 focus and strenght, str builds have a big advantage, being able to add 300-350 hp more than 5 focus builds.

Rui. -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/18/2014 11:06:50)

Good, finally someone who understands. 1 stat point on health gives 12 health consistantly however 1 stat into dex or tech gives 2 max 3 after a decent value. In a 5 turn match with luck running remprant.. I rather have 60 dex and 1700 health ... Thus forcing the opponent to abuse health and strength to compete. With so many energy drainers blood mages and bountys have an upper hand with mark of blood.. This phase is really been the wierdest from a pure gameplay point of view.

suboto -> RE: New Phase - Listen to Voice of Players (6/24/2014 17:11:44)

as a voice of the players i want design notes written to clearly state whats coming and whats not. That is all

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