New gun/aux core (Full Version)

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Rui. -> New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 9:49:29)

Ok this is a bit complicated but cool nevertheless.

Both gun and aux core have the same effect.

When used on the opponent it does 0 damage but encases him around mirrors.

This effect lasts 2 turns.

If the opponent decided to perform any action during the first turn the mirrors will shatter and he will get inflicted 120% of the guns damage and the effect ends. Else he can skip his turn and no damage taken.

If the opponent skips first turn and decides to perform any action the next turn .. he gets 90% of the gun damage inflicted on him and effect ends. If he skips 2 turns he gets no damage done with this core.

Predator9657 -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 10:25:27)

Sounds cool, but this thread exists for a reason!

GearzHeadz -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 11:58:55)

Would he still be able to perform the action on those two turns?

Rui. -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 12:02:17)

Any action from the opponent breaks the mirrors and hurts him.

He can skip his turn to avoid damage, even an emp or generator breaks the mirrors.

GearzHeadz -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 14:16:11)

Yes, but if he decides to make an action will the action carry through? That is the only way I see this ever having a chance of becoming a core.

Rui. -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 14:33:11)

yup if he performs he can do whatever he wanted but he will get hurt

GearzHeadz -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 15:03:35)

Alright seems good then.

Mecha Mario -> RE: New gun/aux core (6/19/2014 15:28:46)

Locking this up. Please check the link Predator9657 has provided for suggestions regarding cores.

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