=OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Skurge -> =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 16:25:31)



Godzirra Legend & Leatherhead!
Posted on June 13th, 2014 by Nulgath

He's BIG! Godzirra has come!
Character Release:

  • Godzirra Legendary Evolution
  • Leatherhead (can be found in Shop and in the wild)

Godzirra Legendary Preview

Leatherface Preview

Card Rotation: Fire & Water!

Coming Soon

Gravelyn Showcase

Other Updates
  • AQW Characters and Monster

  • quote:


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    the warden -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 16:25:57)

    hope the gravelyn showcase chars are out soon.
    TFP: ikr:(

    The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 16:27:08)

    Same if there's no release on Friday we'll know we're in some trouble. :F

    Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 16:32:43)

    What do you mean? We already are.

    I'm not really expecting much from the ShS goonies, since we've pretty much seen everything Shadows/Fires have to offer.

    BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 17:06:56)

    @Lemonus Unless we get a new card.....I know the chances aren't very good but I think it would certainly be welcome. Also that new thread smell![8D]

    Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 18:40:25)

    I pretty much gave up on expecting anything new other than character releases at this point.

    So with the GD (Gravelyn Defenders) I pretty much see combo efficient characters.

    The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 20:36:33)

    That reminds me, I still need the enemy quote for Aphrodite. I think she's the last one on the Wiki missing a quote. If you want to help, it would be appreciated and you would be thanked on her Wiki page.

    BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 20:43:23)

    @Jop Meet with me and you can fight me as my Aphrodite. solace-91 on Nulgath.

    The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 20:50:41)

    Hmm I happened to be in solace-91 and dueled BJEBLE since he had to go and he told me to pass on the enemy quote for Aphrodite: "Love all, trust few, and do none wrong."

    The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 21:41:21)

    Thanks, guys. I guess I'll leave both your names at the thank you section since you both helped.

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/23/2014 22:46:11)

    werewolves with crossbows are cool as crud.

    Chaos minion needs to be in OS.

    elite dark slayer -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 2:33:35)

    What cards does the leatherhead have? Is it good?

    BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 4:05:42)

    @elite Leatherhead is basically a worse Vampire Lord, so really not useful unless your collecting all of the characters. You can buy it for 25k gold or find it in the caves. Wiki page here: http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/leatherhead

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 13:17:32)

    How about the ability to lock are levels so you don't have to worry about leveling up?

    The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 14:50:59)

    I never understood why we had to reset to Level 1 to evolve. Like, if we're growing up we shouldn't have to start from a blank slate each time, we should be able to retain our previous training, that's why evolved chars are so much bulkier and such.

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 16:03:58)

    Impossible to do low level legendary duels if its like that though.

    The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 16:24:22)

    Ah I see what you mean, I'd co-sign if we had to Level first and then we could pick lower levels. It would take a lot of the competition out if we could just catch a char and set it at lvl 20.

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 16:31:14)

    legendary rank would be a give away just for getting a level 20 lol

    BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 19:24:34)

    I think it's ironic that Earth Elemental is the character on the CC Stone Strike, even though EE doesn't have any Stone Strikes, or pierces at all.

    ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 19:36:03)

    @TFP Someone pointed out that we're just a soul possessing a character and not the actual character. So each time we get a new form by evolving a character, we have to learn all over how to use that new form. Also, think of it like going from regular 4 wheel roller skates to inline skates. You may be very good with 4 wheels but that doesn't mean you're going to be good with inline skates. An example most people will get though is riding a bike. It's a big difference from riding with and without training wheels when you just start out learning

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/24/2014 21:42:01)

    OS needs a huge Zard release AQ has like 200 Duke of HaZard lol

    The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/25/2014 10:48:16)

    Bjeble: Ironic indeed! Other strange ones are Dire Monk on Shadow's 101-pierce and Infernal Fiend on native Marks of Death. Also, Earth Fairy doesn't have Nature's Gift and if memory serves, Water Fairy doesn't have Fresh Start.

    ND: I guess so. I suppose I think of it more as continuous growth than taking on an altogether new form.

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/25/2014 13:13:34)

    How about a boss in OS whose a robot and uses differnet elements but when it changes elements it gives you a warning. Omega - X is now charging fire seems like a fun idea for a boss.

    BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/25/2014 15:55:43)

    @TFP Well EE was released before Earth CC was, and Infernal Fiend was a CC promo character, the normal MoD card was made during the Beta Revolution, so IF was probably meant to be a Shadow character but was changed to Fire. Or I'm overthinking this and I'm crazy.[8D]

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 148 - Read the first post! (6/25/2014 16:05:50)

    They threw all that stuff out the window its the same way with soul circles they were meant to mean something but no so much anymore.

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