Legend rank needs removing (Full Version)

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Noobatron x3000 -> Legend rank needs removing (6/23/2014 18:01:24)

The only players that will be mad by this are a tiny %, And if they are so mad they leave , Well perhaps its better that way if they support something so broken perhaps we don't want them in our community, Legend ranks have made the end game a none option for most of the player base, This hurts you , Please fix it before omega slips into even more depression.

Mother1 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/23/2014 21:01:51)

It would have been better if they just scrap these ranks and make two new LB

An EXP daily LB and and all time EXP LB

The daily EXP LB could give a cheevo for the player who gains the most EXP in one day.

This would be a good way to do damage control

Off topic

I thought you left the game for good. Oh well nice to see you back.

dfo99 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 4:19:08)

i dont see several problems with the legendary ranks.

Rui. -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 5:43:47)

All I see is whining.. You get to do 100 NPC fights a day .. Go do that if you are not hardcore!

If you want to play after 100 npc.. then face the legendary ranks or get some stat core boosts.

Every RPG is about ho invests time to get stronger.. You cant whine if you spend little time to face a tough opponent.

suboto -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 6:56:23)

legend ranks is why i still play xD

Mother1 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 7:01:25)

@ rui

Noobertron's point is that this doesn't benefit casual players that are the majority but the hardcore players who are the minority. This update was made with the soul purpose to pleasing hardcore players since mostly everyone on top who complained they had nothing to do were hardcore players.

It is because of these ranks that level 40's got an even smaller player range which is why level 38's and 39's quit playing 1 vs 1 mostly. It made those players more focus on punching bags for 40's with high ranks.

While I would feel bad for those who spent money to unlock these ranks since some may have spent up to 900,000 thousand credits to get these they are still destroying balance in game and making match ups even worse for casual players.

suboto -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 7:21:51)

Im on my 6th rank. 1 is free cause of the 1st rank. The other 5x15k= wow 75k credits spent already dang didnt realize i saved up that much. xD wish they were 10k each...

Rui. -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 7:29:40)

Lets not assume lvl 38 and 39 quit.. if they quit then good.. why don't want them quitters anyways..

2 vs 2 is a viable option for lvl 38 and 39 ..

And if hardcore players are a minority then again no use whining !

If you think legendary ranks are game breaking then I disagree. You can npc all you want and get powerful.. I do atleast 100 1 vs 1 every day .. I meet so many players who are rank 30+ and still end up having fun.

if you think they are going to remove legendary ranks then sadly I don't think its gonna happen.

They lost most of their old player base with removal of enhancements .. something ppl spent over 100000 varium over years and now if you think are gonna repeat this again .. I don't see it happening ..

You have 3 choices.. go NPC , go 2 vs 2 .. best option out there.. or get stat core boots and fight if you like winning that much.

Whining isn't gonna get you anywhere !

And mother, it isn't all about the money ..

To get rank 60 .. a player needs to spend 10 hours a day on this game with 2x boosts for 2 months straight. That's a lot of time invested.

Why not just change the name of the game to NoobDuel ? eh that would work with all the nerfs players want cause no one wants a challenge anymore !! oh look I cant win.. he is OP!! NERF !!

Oh look new lion bot is OP !! Oh no Abyss bot is OP !! Damit nerf nerf nerf !! End of the day 100 ppl are gonna end up playing .. and then you will ask wth went wrong !!

Variation -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 8:36:35)

Now that npcs add experience at all levels I'm actually against removing legend ranks. There are no more excuses as to why you can't level up like there used to be. I'm rank 42 and I would only be rank 9 if I didn't npc. I know players who wouldn't even be level 40 rank 1 if they didn't npc.

I didn't even press the 1v1 button until rank 25+ because I knew it wouldn't be worth it, but that didn't make me complain. I took advantage like many other players of the developers generosity to allow npcs to reward experience at all levels, something I suggested before.

All it takes is one hour a day of npcing and you'd rank/level in no time. I consider myself a casual player with real life responsibilities(college and a job) and I have absolutely no trouble finding just one puny hour a day to npc.

Also legendary ranks aren't really negative and if everyone was a high rank players would be asking for more. They really extend build options and allow you to perfect your builds. That is the same reason why enhancements were so fun. So much options to choose from. If they just outright remove legend ranks players who have spent time and money just get a major slap in the face. So yes if legend ranks are removed it will just be like the removal of enhancements which just equals more players quitting.

Most of the people I've talked to in-game are very excited about the legendary mode and are eager to reach level 40. They don't want it removed because they know it opens magnificent doors to their character.

Drianx -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 8:49:40)

Agreed with Variation above.

ConQrR -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 9:05:03)

Removing legendary ranks disrespect to players that put afford to reach there. I wish this system was there way before.

Im not a hardcore player after omega not even close. Just doing npc at power hour everyday. Now im rank 53 with almost only npcs.

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse" -Jim Rohn

The berserker killer -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 9:46:12)

I love this system...the Legenedary Mode System. However I would have rather preferred that your level starts increasing after a certain rank.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 13:19:51)

Removing Legend Ranks will be like the removal of enhancements all over again.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 14:41:53)

Wow so much support for legend ranks , where are you guys in game come one get back on we need you desperately , with the server numbers I mean I see people rage quitting the game every day because of legendary mode, And we need mass rage quitting's through opness when the one server that ever opens usually caps at around 600-700 with it more often at 200-500 , yeah that's what we need more quits, So yeah keep legend ranks . Games dead anyhow.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 15:51:06)

I'm level 35 and can't wait to get to 40 so I can start on my legend ranks. As most people have said, I am npc'ing like a champ ^_^

kosmo -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 18:34:36)

Before legendary ranks, the most active players have been asking for something to keep working for after level 40, that s what I asked for too, but legendary ranks are not what we ment.Competitons, more challenging and rewarding daily missions, wars and things like these, just to put in some effort playing our favourite game, we didn t ask for extra points to become overpowered.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/24/2014 20:32:22)


Please fix it before omega slips into even more depression.

Its to late for this. You wont change anything with begging anyway but I
understand you. The only language the devs do understand are players
that quit ED and never buy varium for unfairness and huge imbalance.

dfo99 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 5:28:34)

what is the best npc to up ranks?

zion -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 5:41:10)

Generally its Big Tuna, who is weak to energy attacks and level 38.

Caden can take an extra round and is only level 37 but has bacon drops.

I don't see any other alternatives.

lionblades -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 8:32:44)

if your a CH big tuna can be 4 hit KO

martinsen5 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 8:52:25)

Off-topic in terms of this thread, but...

@Zion and Lionblades, what NPC is ideal for a BH (lvl 37)? Caden takes a long time and Big Tuna isn't an option with my build, really.

Striker44 -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 8:58:03)


Can i have a build for CH (lvl 39) for 4 turns BigTuna ko , pls.

Rui. -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 15:27:40)

Sure striker,

Use energy weapons..

Turn 1 poison
Turn 2 Malf
Turn 3 Static
Turn 4 Massacare or azreal gun force and massacare if ur low level

zion -> RE: Legend rank needs removing (6/25/2014 16:31:23)

@martinsen Level 36 slayer: str and dex, all defense armor, no tech - he only has physical attacks.
Level 35 frost demon: a defensive focus build should be good - smoke he's weak to physical.
Level 34 Heavy Mechachillid: Your fastest farming npc... a str and dex build (attack with energy I think) should win every time.

Test out builds on all 3 and see which one you can kill fastest - you'd be surprised how much of a difference there can be!

On topic: Legendary Ranks need balancing just like the rest of the game!

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