What To Do? (Full Version)

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Plasmastorm -> What To Do? (6/25/2014 15:30:08)

As a low rank level 40, what do i do to rank up?
Everyone says to avoid 1v1 since its most rank20+ level 40s, and 2v2 wont queue.

In my perspective, the "rich get richer and the poor get poorer" By this, I mean that the higher rank 40s get more ranks easily due to their high rank(a self-fulfilling prophecy) while those of us who are low rank are stuck in a endless cycle of losing to them and therefore not getting the experience needed to rank up.

I may get a lot of flak for this, but I think someone had to say this

GearzHeadz -> RE: What To Do? (6/25/2014 15:44:03)

Yup, this is how it works.

Mysterion. -> RE: What To Do? (6/25/2014 15:50:15)


Mother1 -> RE: What To Do? (6/25/2014 16:01:19)

Most of those high ranks have been fighting NPC's especially during power hour to rank up. it does help since by the time you rank up once you have more than enough credits to not only by the next rank but plenty of chump change as well.

When you get high enough then go back to the PVP in 1 vs 1 if you want.

Plasmastorm -> RE: What To Do? (6/25/2014 17:13:06)

By the time i get 5 more ranks even with npcing, they will have another 20, considering i do not play many hours a day. (So by choosing moderation, am I doomed to a boring, lackluster game?) When epicduel had a level cap, I felt it was much more easier for many players to fight equally amongst their peers. Balance was further corrupted by having divisions among even a single level— that is, once you are level 40 there are different levels within the sphere of being level 40.

lionblades -> RE: What To Do? (6/25/2014 17:50:54)

Once I hit L.40 I could not buy new robots and cool extra stuff. Legendary ranks took a huge chunk of my credits every time I ranked up. In the previous level caps it was more enjoyable since I could save up credits and do whatever I wanted with them. Now I am "forced" to use 15000 credits each time I rank up to Legendary Ranks to compete against others.

The only reason I can afford new weapons and stuff are the missions. Honestly, without the outside credit sources and war prizes I would be broke right now.

Plasmastorm -> RE: What To Do? (6/26/2014 8:58:46)

Is there a fix to this issue in the works? I find it hard to balance it on the current system.

Xendran -> RE: What To Do? (6/26/2014 15:03:10)

Their balancing method will not fix this problem because of the refusal to change fundamentally impossible to balance or broken mechanics.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: What To Do? (6/26/2014 20:40:39)

Legend ranks need removing or nerfing into the ground IMHO.

To simply tell someone to only NPC from level 38-legend rank 10 at the earliest for it to be even remotely viable to be safe to approach 2v2 more like 20-30 for 1v1 , IS completely unreasonable and part of the reason the server number is so dismally low, The legion exile filter is another problem . The matchmaking system period is broke . And finally just stat/ class balance in general.

Legend ranks are probably the most broken thing in the game right now simply by there nature, Followed by stat balance, followed by the matchmaker.

They are all fundamental aspects of the game that are atrociously broken , and need urgent attention sooner rather then later, preferably starting with legend ranks , Honestly I don't think anything will be done updates are becoming few and far between and when they do turn up its the same old same old, And yeah I'm sure we all know most games tend to release a massively biased release in favour of the hardcore/p2w community and yeah look around the internet . See how said releases worked out for those guys.

Infact don't look at ED's server numbers and the general feeling of those playing.

Mysterion. -> RE: What To Do? (6/27/2014 1:17:23)

Level 37, never seen any level 40 in 1vs1.
Level 38, only get level 40s against me.

Great match-up system devs, will have to go NPCing again.

Mother1 -> RE: What To Do? (6/27/2014 1:44:24)


That is because level 40's only face 38-40's

Why because players griped about how unfair it was for level 40's with ranks to be able to face players as low as level 35's in 1 vs 1 and 34 in 2 vs 2 due to it being a blood bath (Sadly this is true) So the staff listening to these players change it so level 40's could only battle 38-40 in 1 vs 1 and 36-40 in two vs two.

This in turn made 38-39 the lambs being sent to the slaughter house so that level 35-37 will want to say online and not quit. Oh the irony with this change because as soon as they become level 38's they want to quit anyways.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: What To Do? (6/27/2014 2:10:04)

I recently became 38. I have to say, it really isn't that bad. I can still maintain wins against R20 Legends, although I have yet to play against someone with an even higher rank. Platinum's Pride sure comes in handy [8D]

Plasmastorm -> RE: What To Do? (7/4/2014 23:58:58)

Well since everyone wants to just cover this up by ignoring the problem. I am just going to quit, and I fear that the more of epicduel will quit and follow a herosmash path. For people who have to work and cant play 24/7, theres no way to catch up to a rank 32 from rank 4, and with the current system, theres little chance the rank 2-4 can beat the rank 32.

Edit: I really don't mean to be negative. I just wish something would be done so I could enjoy this game like I used to.

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