RE: Change robots damage calculation. (Full Version)

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Ranloth -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 7:36:19)

What Rui said - Bots are balanced in their own category, not on a per class basis which changes every so often due to nerfs and buffs. Any argument saying it'll overpower a specific class is NOT relevant. Never was. Never will be. You deal with the class then, not the Bot which may make it overpowered, indirectly that is.

Main suggestion - more emphasis on Focus, less on Tech? Sure. I suggested similar concept months ago, if not a year now. I'll support it. Numbers are there to illustrate it, not set in stone. The concept is good though, and makes Focus its own stat too, sorta.

xzkamityx -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 8:45:25)

@rui yes I see that I would do the same damage now. But that would mean I would have more stats to put someplace else with the 5 focus build then having to buff up technology a lot more, that would mean more stats into hp, more into strength, or more into dex. that would make it where you have to have have 45 tech to do the same damage that you would need over 80 to do now, which now gives you an extra 35 stat points that would of been spent on tech to have that 540 base damage.

Off topic it seems to me as you just want to be able to abuse 5 focus and poison on a cyber hunter.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 9:40:40)

not really kamity. If you read the thread chain you would not have had to go off topic cause the answers are in there. However let me keep it short. Focus right now favours deflectable bots over blockables. An abyss energy bot is better than abyss physical version cause with 5 focus your forced to go max tech ... Thus focus isnt giving build diversity rather forcing you to use infernal bot or a deflectable bot. Moreover ... Support will get a boost if we implement this. 45 stats into support will power up aux and the robot which will indirectly lower strenth and high health abusers.

xzkamityx -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 9:46:21)

your right it would buff support, it would also make it where you can have 5 focus strength abusers with high health.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 10:00:51)

not really, with high str and health with 5 focus u wont have the dex to contact or the defences.. Moreover ur prone to blocks and deflects. Strength will out damage robot cause bots damage is fixed to 600 to 690 and usually 85 strength on legendary player gives 600 pdd damage.. No one needs the same damage on a bot while lowering defences and adding the useless support stat.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 10:04:51)

Notice you said on a legendary player. You do realize that if you are suggesting something that it'll change it at ALL levels. What may be good for the legendary rank players may be utter chaos at low levels. Just a word of advice.

xzkamityx -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 10:05:22)

600-690 base damage? don't you seem something wrong with that? a no energy costing thing that just means you need 45 in every stat which can be achieved at level 25, to have 600-690 base damage? still the reason why focus builds aren't above all is because they have a weakness, now your making it where the only counter is another focus build, but one that abuses strength.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 10:17:35)

not really kamity. A rank 40 legendary player gets 40 extra damage on the bot and 30 extra damage on primary. 85 strength gets you 600 damage on a strike.. Now you are gonna tell me strike needs a nerf right ? However 600 to 690 would be possible with the focus level 6 as mentioned in the thread chain.. if you think 600 on focus is high then your sure missing on strike.. right now i can go 5 focus and get 690 damage with my legendary ranks. However focus isnt giving a diverse build and this thread is all about that. You have the numbers.. Do the math.. Dont get so excited. If you feel its op show some numbers get some example so we can bo back and forth. If you do the math you will see that by loosing 35 stats on tech ur bot is gonna do the same damage. Hence it will allow players to add 35 stats to dex to use blockable robots. Thats about it, or maybe a little extra health at the sacrifce of resistance. Didnt we just discuss how a lvl 25 will do the same damage with 5 focus.. How did u get 600 now ? Take your time and read this thread. Ima takin a break now... Feelin like a lecturer q.q

King Bling -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 12:17:36)

@ Rui. If we go by your suggestion, then focus build will get OP as kamity says.
According to the strike theory you lectured, if someone puts that much stat points into strength, then he may have lower defence/resis or moderate(considering him to be a rank 20+), but if a guy goes 5 focus or more(according to your suggestion), he invests his stat points more into dex/tech for that focus as well increasing his physical/resis, in that case he would have the 600-690 bot damage as well as that tanky defense, moveover have high health + more defns/resis(as we assumed the person to be rank 20+).

Not Supported Overall, and btw if you see this at low level, total chaos, as fellow mate ScarletReaper said.

Ranloth -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 12:36:19)

Mistake #1: If the suggestion was used, numbers would be balanced by the Devs themselves.
Mistake #2: In changes that affect balance and gameplay alike, numbers are used to illustrate the suggestion - not set in stone.
Mistake #3: Suggestion doesn't have to be used word for word - which means the concept may also be changed, but retain its original flavour, which is making Focus its own stat.

If you don't support due to the numbers Rui has posted, how about you stick to the concept? The numbers would NOT be used anyway. They merely give the idea what it'd look like after the change.
There is very little drawback to the suggestion, really. As long as Support and Strength were balanced, damage wise, Bots would also be balanced off Focus and easier to balance in general. There aren't really any cons to the suggestion, apart from some builds losing synergy - but that's not an issue with Focus, but class itself. I won't mention how it ends abuse of high Tech + Poison loop, if someone still remembers these TMs with Botanical Hazard. Of course, Poison is useless now, with everyone having high HP (counter to Poison), but the argument still remains + more Bots may scale that way in the future.

xzkamityx -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 19:32:39)

ohok thanks for that trans, I was just disagreeing with the number, I like the concept though as it could help increasebuild diversity a bit and make there a drawback from having 2000 hp and high strength.

The berserker killer -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/8/2014 20:16:16)

I don't know if I support this.. Throw on LPS and you have a bot doing 730 DMG at level 40

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