Ranloth -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 12:36:19)
Mistake #1: If the suggestion was used, numbers would be balanced by the Devs themselves. Mistake #2: In changes that affect balance and gameplay alike, numbers are used to illustrate the suggestion - not set in stone. Mistake #3: Suggestion doesn't have to be used word for word - which means the concept may also be changed, but retain its original flavour, which is making Focus its own stat. If you don't support due to the numbers Rui has posted, how about you stick to the concept? The numbers would NOT be used anyway. They merely give the idea what it'd look like after the change. There is very little drawback to the suggestion, really. As long as Support and Strength were balanced, damage wise, Bots would also be balanced off Focus and easier to balance in general. There aren't really any cons to the suggestion, apart from some builds losing synergy - but that's not an issue with Focus, but class itself. I won't mention how it ends abuse of high Tech + Poison loop, if someone still remembers these TMs with Botanical Hazard. Of course, Poison is useless now, with everyone having high HP (counter to Poison), but the argument still remains + more Bots may scale that way in the future.