RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (Full Version)

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Squrwogrona -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (6/30/2014 2:57:27)

I see what you're getting at. However I just looked and the lead is over 2 million now, so it seems it was just my bad luck with no drop.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (6/30/2014 18:59:50)

So attack teh finisher objective right

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (7/1/2014 10:41:52)

This turn of events is certainly surprising. Legion and Exile are neck-to-neck again at about 9.5 million points after the recent bug had been rectified. Come on, Legion! We can do this! Let's go for the final push and take down the finisher objective!

Mother1 -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (7/1/2014 11:01:38)


From the looks of things it seems your words aren't going to the right ears. From what I am seeing legion is going to destroy the standard one before the finisher. If that happens than the only thing that may help legion out would be the war rallies when they come since the finisher is giving extra damage.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (7/1/2014 11:03:36)


It's pretty inevitable, given that most players don't use the forums (and are hence angry about the sudden meter increase - dev communication could be a lot better, though I thank them for their prompt work), which is an inherent flaw in War 2.0 because the attacking side cannot coordinate. Nonetheless we're doing a pretty decent job of staying level despite hitting the wrong objective - let's see how long that will last [:D]

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (7/1/2014 11:05:44)

I guess we could try walking over the standard object and going the finisher does more damage but that would be a tip off to both sides

Mother1 -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (7/1/2014 11:24:53)


if anything it should be the exiles (which most are) That should be angry with the meter increase not legion. Most legion players before this was announced looked like they wanted to just quit due to the massive lead exile seemed to have.

However once the bug was fixed that should have been a moral boost for the legion. As for what you were saying yeah I can agree.

It was the same thing in the first war were legion were the attackers and exile was the defenders.

The perfect plan for legion would have been this.

1 Attack the health target first but don't destroy it. Leave it weak so it does less damage than the standard one.
2 take out the finisher before it builds in power
3 take out the standard one.
4 finish off the health objective.

If legion players all followed that plan buy the time you finished step three (if Legion would still be alive) then exile would have a busted up hovercraft that would be doing lower than average damage and would get weaker the more legion weakened it. But sadly since they destroyed it instead of weaken it to that point it left exiles with the two stronger ones near the end game.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Overlord Facility War Thread (7/1/2014 11:29:49)

@Mother I sat at the health objective telling people to leave it weak and to move on to a different object and either they didn't speak english or they didn't care. But you are completely right in the plan for attacking

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