WhiteTiger -> =ED= June 27th, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.17/1.6.18 (6/27/2014 19:07:39)
[image]http://epicduel.artix.com/images/icon/Nightwraith_ED-DN_2011.jpg[/image] June 27, 2014 Patch Notes - 1.6.18 CHANGELOG 1.6.18 Features/Changes - New Fightable NPCs
- 7 New Lionhart Soldiers for level ranges (5,10,15,20,25,30,35)
- Transcendence
- Immancence
- Revontheus (drops Achievement!)
- Lionhart Alliance Part 2 Mission Chain (10 Missions)
- New Weapons!
- Plasmic Flame Sword - Revontheus
- Blood Flame Sword - Revontheus
- Transcendence's Fury - 5% Drop from Transcendence
- Immanence's Reaper - 5% Drop from Immanence
- Lionhart War Sword P - Sold at Lionhart Soldier (lvl 35)
- Lionhart War Sword E - Sold at Lionhart Soldier (lvl 35)
- Lionhart Light Sword P - Sold at Lionhart Soldier (lvl 35)
- Lionhart Light Sword E - Sold at Lionhart Soldier (lvl 35)
CHANGELOG 1.6.17 Features/Changes - New tiered War Prize system added
- Better prizes are now available based on War participation
- There are 4 tiers of prizes, Rookie, Private, Sergeant, Commander
- Win or Lose, players can reach all of the tiers, but the Bonus Prize is only available to Commander tier players on the winning alignment
- The Bonus Prize will not be available for purchase to the losing side
Bug Fixes - Fixed problem with the radio buttons in the War Leaderboards
- Leaderboards now say “Final Results” and hides the radio buttons for leaderboards in inactive regions
- No longer displays the Ally Chat option when playing as Juggernaut
- Fixed issue with NPC battles remaining at the conclusion of non-NPC battles
Tags: Nightwraith Tagged! ~Mecha