Yo son -> Legendary Rank needs to be removed! (7/7/2014 13:01:22)
Pay to Win Enhancements is no different from play to win... the both create the same problem, a huge disadvantage for the player base that can not attain it. If the removed enhancements which involved real money( about 10k varium to fully enhance a weapon -_-) then the can surely remove and replace this no problem, those saying otherwise do not understand that the majority of the player base is not hardcore players. Not only this, this would be a perfect way for them to kill any new player base. Seriously is like someone that just started playing this game trying to catch up to Comicalbiker in 1v1 wins, is practically hopeless, then why do that to players in terms of leveling up? Hardcore players already has perks in this game, the dominate the LB, they've a bunch of credits from all that hardcore game-play... yes players hardcore players need more perks, but not at the expense of other players! I seriously do not understand why; In a game where something as simply as the class someone is using can determine who wins the match, WHY would creating a system that gives advantage to a certain group of players be beneficial in any way? Legendary rank needs to go, and it does not take a genius to see why. And yes I am a legend, I was also a legendary enhancer.