A New Class! (Full Version)

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King Bling -> A New Class! (7/3/2014 4:44:50)

(Posting in caps would make this be more understandable,apologies if it irritates someone!)

NAME: Paladin
Description: These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes, protect the weak,vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world and the blessing of the Light allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life to the dead.
Class Change To Paladin: 1200 Varium, during release, 900 Varium afterwards.
Equipment: Sword,Club (Basic armor: Combination of a tech mage and a mercenary. In short sleek,pretty tanky looks.)
Base Health: 560
Base Energy: 570
Strength: 18
Dexterity: 23
Technology: 21
Support: 18
Focus: No Focus
Primary: 150-158 (Apprentice's Club)
Sidearm: 40-48
Auxiliary: 40-48
Robot: 42-51
Defense: 74-88
Resistance: 70-85

(12 Skills in total like any other class, I would rather explain than giving out the numbers, since that will be decided by the staff ultimately!)

1.) Field Medic :- Restores your health or the health of an ally. Cures poison.

Like Any other class no changes, same set of rules applies to it.
2.) Retribution:- A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and Holy magic.

Weapon Requirements: Club
Stat Requirements: None
Level Requirements: 1
Energy: 120 Energy (+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Strikes an enemy for a % of damage, chances of healing 15% of the weapon damage. (Those "chances" may be around 30%). And healing increase as more skill points are invested into the skill.
3.) Blessing of Vitality:- God himself grants you the power to tighten your or your ally's defenses.
Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Support
Level Requirements: 1
Energy: 90 Energy (+10 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Grants you a buff in your defense as well as resistance at the cost of your health.( Defense/Resistance increases with increase in level of the skill with constant health used i.e 150, since it gives both defense and resistance.)

4.) Holy Prism:- Creates a holy prism of pure light radiance around the enemies.

Weapon Requirements: Club
Stat Requirements: Strength
Level Requirements: 2
Energy: 200 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Creates a prism made of entirely light, deals constant damage relative to your support points.(Probably 50 at the start and increase with increase in level of skill)
Can be cured through Shadow Arts.
5.) Hammer Of Justice:- Tethering the enemy into illusion through chains of justice.

Weapon Requirement: None
Stat Requirements: Dexterity
Level Requirements: 2
Energy: 175 Energy(+15 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Deals extra damage to the enemy, chances of stunning the enemy.(30% chances as usual)
6.) Holy Avenger:- Transform into your purest form and deal a multiple damage on your enemy.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Technology
Level Requirements: 2
Energy: 160 Energy(+30 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Simply works as the plasma rain, deals 85% damage if hits both the enemies.(Improves with technology.)

7.) Blessing of Might:- God himself grants you the power to buff your support and you ally's support as well.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: None
Level Requirements: 5
Energy: 100 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Increase your or your ally's support for 4 turns, and grants you little mana depending on the auxiliary damage.(Mana gain increases with increase in skill level.)
8.) Sanctified Wrath:- Steal your enemy's life as make it as yours, thus granting you eternity.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Support
Level Requirements: 5
Energy: 90 Energy(+ 15 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Strike an enemy dealing 105% of your weapon damage and grant back life.(Life granted does not increase with increase in skill level, percentage of damage done increases rather, thus making it different from Frenzy skill in the Tactical Mercenary's skill tree.)
9.) Unbreakable Spirit:- Focus on the enemy's defenses and identify the weak spots. Guarantee's an unblockable hit next turn.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Technology
Level Requirements: 5
Energy: 140 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Skip one turn identifying the enemy's weak spot, thus guaranteeing an unblockable hit on the expense of one turn.(Chances of healing back with increase in skill level that increase as a %).

10.) Seal Of Truth:- Call on forth the god's arc to dealing burst damage granting an enormous gain in rage.

Weapon Requirements: Club
Stat Requirements: Dexterity
Level Requirements: 10
Energy: 330 Energy(+30 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Deals a burst damage like the Super Charge, Surgical Strike, Massacre, (But instead gives rage faster dealing more damage with increase in skill level, increases with technology).
11.) Speed Of Light:- Run at the speed of light gives you chances of striking your enemy with a heavy enchanted damage.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: None
Level Requirements: 10
Energy: 130 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Normal Strike with increased chances of critical strike depending of the %.(% increases with the increase in skill level, maximum must be near 35%-40%).
12.) Cleanse:- Dip into the holy waters, thus reducing the effects of any debuffs.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Support
Level Requirements: 10
Energy: 150 Energy(+15 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Reduce the effects of any debuff caused by the enemy, does not work in case of posion.( Reduction increases with increase in skill level.)



Thank You. Comments/Replies Please [:)]

Ranloth -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 4:56:01)

ED is a futuristic game so Paladins (medieval) doesn't really fit. Also, they said no more classes until the existing six are balanced, which they clearly aren't. If they add more, have fun trying to balance more classes - you see the results of six classes already.

King Bling -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 5:08:09)

mages are of medieval period as well, they dont exist now, magic and spells were used in olden times not considering nowadays black magic hehe

Ranloth -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 6:12:32)

No. If you at least read the story behind Tech Mages, their skills are powered off Varium, and there's plenty of it around Delta V. They aren't generating magic of their very own, but Varium. Massive difference.

In other words, Medieval classes won't cut, no matter what excuse.

King Bling -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 6:53:40)

@ Trans then allow me to cook up some story for them as well, so they can exist now, btw many mmorpgs have paladins, more like futuristic tanky paladin high lords.

Ranloth -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 7:35:42)

Many other games isn't ED. The story of yours wouldn't be official either, since it would have to fit with the ED storyline already (parts written by BigTuna). Paladins are a medieval concept and ED is a futuristic game. It happens outside of MQ universe which is all about mechas, and there is a wormhole in MQ which caused Char to land on Delta V. So it's all futuristic. There is no Paladins in a technologically advanced world, no matter how you look at it. It all revolves around technology. There's a lot more story to it, but the short answer is: no Paladins on ED, or any other medieval class concept.

And they aren't accepting new classes either. They aren't looking to expand the current six either (more skills).

Rui. -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 13:09:18)

This game is supposed to be set ina futuristic era but still you get to see flying birds as bots, dinasaur jaws as weapons and basic clubs and swords. I am pretty sure we dont use swords and clubs anymore. However that said.. There isnt really much diff bet this class and a merc considered it can gain health with roughly 4 moves if i read right. However since they have started the skill core concepts and removed passives almost all classes are alike.. Hence this is just pointless from the way i see it. Even 6 classes are too much.. They can just have 1 class with 24 skills and increase diversity to gameplay

Ranloth -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 13:26:58)

Considering Paladins are undead slayers, and there's really no undead as of yet, as well as drawing their power from the Light magic, it's just impossible. Story wise, even more. Varium is Energy, literally. I don't think ED has Elemental Planes either, which further makes it impossible. Mercenaries are just renamed Warriors, all about brute force.

Six classes sounds like a sweet spot, but I'd be fine with three and more skills instead. Too late for that now, since cores are an Omega thing and the three evolved classes were out in very early Delta (or was it very late Gamma?).

Rui. -> RE: A New Class! (7/3/2014 13:39:41)

They could add a new weapon to our arsenal. Support has an unblockable aux, strength powers gun, tech powers robot.. They could make a ranged weapon like grenades power off decterity.. Or make robots totally dependent on focus as a seperate stat and add in pets they give a passive perma boost to a char powered off tech.

SCAR -> RE: A New Class! (7/5/2014 18:46:32)


All the classes now are either Offensive or Semi-Offensive. It would be nice to play around with a Defensive/Support Class. The way I see it
none of the new classes right now are currently being worked on in an effective way. It wouldn't completely destroy the game to add one
more class. The developers could easily add modifications to this class considering how it is already planned out.

Trans: The three original classes are all medieval. The Tech Mage is a Mage, meaning they've been around forever basically, it doesn't
matter if they're powered off of V-A-R-I-U-M, they're still Mages. Bounty Hunter's and Mercenary's are both kind of like Raiders, they're both
ruthless, you can pay them both off to get someone assassinated or murdered. In-saying this, all three were around for ever, Magic,
making Bounty's, hiring Bounty Hunter's or Mercenary's.

The berserker killer -> RE: A New Class! (7/8/2014 20:19:31)

Supported, give us a paladin. Honestly we need new classes

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