A change to legendary rank (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> A change to legendary rank (7/13/2014 0:12:55)

As they are now Legendary ranks while they give hardcore players something to do are making it so those who aren't at this rank but are in their range suffer. Many players have suggested non player characters as an alternative, however most find this unacceptable and say "get rid of the ranks completely since they are making balance worse. However if this is done it will be like when the staff removed enhancements which was also a mess because people invested real money into those.

So instead of making it so they go away I suggest we change them.

My suggestion is this. Instead of them giving power which throws off balance even more, we change to so they give other things that don't involve battle. Here are some suggestions I thought of so far.

New cosmetic hairstyles and weapons exclusive to ranked players
Increased sell back prices by X percent which can increase with rank until Y percent is reached
Decrease cost when buying new items by X percent. Also increases with rank until Y percent is reached.
Increase changes for rare drops, and war drops by X percent, like the second and third suggestion this also increases with rank until Y percent is reached.

Now with these in play the legendary players get to keep their ranks and get their rewards just like they are doing now, however unlike before their reward isn't punishing everyone else who isn't legendary or high ranked like them because unlike before ranks offer rewards that aren't power based.

If you have any suggestions to add to what can be offered to legendary players outside of power feel free to suggest it. Any comments concerns?

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/13/2014 0:32:35)

-Higher rewards after a fight.
-Faster movement
-Different name colors every 10 ranks excluding green and yellow
-Exclusive colors for your character, like gold and platinum
-Increased chances for anything dealing with RNG except crits, blocks, stuns, deflects, and first turn.
-Special access to improved animations
-Special advantages in an NPC fight
-Adjust look of chat box shape, colors, and fonts.
-Daily missions that are more difficult than normal ones but more rewarding
-Exclusive actions

Remorse -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/14/2014 18:24:29)


Supported, Basically the reward ideas are endless providing that it in no way impact battle performance!


-Increased chances for anything dealing with RNG except crits, blocks, stuns, and deflects

Also add starting first to the exception list of not being able to influence.

Thylek Shran -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/14/2014 20:57:38)

Basically this is a very good suggestion. Maybe there could be a small battle bonus (PVP+PVE)
for Legends but not a big one. I think about a little bit resistance against poison,
forced strike, and stun for Legendary characters as those effects are often OPed
when they happen. Also alot high level NPCs do alot annoying stuns. Immanence
could even stun twice.

My personal suggestions for Legendary categories that could be ranked up are:

- New Legendary only areas like taverns/pubs (chat and meeting places) that could be integrated into the existing areas (Central Station, West Naval Yard, etc.)
- New and exclucive lvl 36-40 NPCs that could be farmed (also but not only located in the Legendary areas that have to be unlocked by ranks)
- Poison resistance (less damage for poison per turn)
- Forced Strike resistance (10% chance per rank to resist with the effect to keep Rage when resisting successfully)
- Stun resistance (higher chance to resist or a bonus like extra rage gain when being stunned)


Increased sell back prices by X percent which can increase with rank until Y percent is reached
Decrease cost when buying new items by X percent. Also increases with rank until Y percent is reached.


-Higher rewards after a fight.

Level 40 characters mostly have plenty of credits so this is not really what is in the
interest of a game company as they have an interest to keep players low in free
ingame currency. This tool is called "money sink" (mudflation) to prevent ingame
currency inflation (Credits) and motivate players to spend real money
(Dollars, Euro, etc -> AE Points -> Varium) for the game.


Increase changes for rare drops, and war drops by X percent, like the second and third suggestion this also increases with rank until Y percent is reached.

This is a really good idea as it rewards Legends without having an impact to the PVP system.
However there are not many rare drops where this would have an effect. It should at least
have influence to the Arcade win rate for gold and silver prices so that legendary players
could get them easier. The rewards would fit to their status.


-Faster movement

Totally useless as we can now jump to every NPC. Would had been usefull in Gamma
when we was not able to jump to anything and had to use the travel gates in Central Station
and the Teleporter Pads.


-Different name colors every 10 ranks?

Confusing and some primary colors are used already.


-Special access to improved animations

I would like to have the old anmiations/effects for Malfunction, Smoke Screen, Defense Matrix,
Energy Shield, Field Commander, Blood Commander, and Stun back. Still doing bad moves
because I dont recognize those effects sometimes. Also Necrosis and Smoke Screen have a
very similar animation which is puzzling.

suboto -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/15/2014 0:24:29)

i like the idea of lvl40 npcs that can be farmed that sounds fun and would give me and more plaers a reason to return. The 3 current lion heart boss drop stuff but i think it needs to be changed to this:
drops set at your level range and resale is 500credits and is listed as boss rare or seasonal rare or just rare. perhaps adding gems as other drops into the mix? rather then just boss npc's?

lionblades -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/15/2014 23:31:19)

I like most of these suggestions especially the exclusive legendary rank weapons and hairstyles

Mother1 -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 1:05:03)

@ thylek shren

Not all legendary players have tons of credits. Some have different spending habits than others.

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 1:10:30)

nope, all you people want to do is nerf everything and we worked hard for our legend points we dont want this

nowras -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 1:38:51)

Not supported I spent like 5k varium on legendary mode I think instead of getting rid of it reducing the EXP requirements and credits/var requirements would be a better idea.

Thylek Shran -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 1:44:00)

I have a rank 44 character so I worked hard on Legendary ranks.
But I still want to see the Legendary system changed as it is so unfair
and broken. We have to reduce our ego for the sake of the game.
ED is going to nowhere because of a broken Legendary system and
whole PVP balance. That the devs ignore that since more than a half
year is just something I absolutely do not understand.

It would be such a good time for the Knights of Balance to take over
the ED team.

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 2:01:19)

I spent $$ so basically if they do this they will be scamming me again

Mother1 -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 4:16:34)

@ emperor_Blitz

Just about everyone here is a level 40 and has ranks as well so trying to say we want to destroy your hard work is way off.

Me and many others see what these ranks giving power has done. Remember when level 40's had their player range cut that end up giving us longer wait times for battles? Guess why this happened? Ah yes because of the power legendary ranks gave and the players who complained how it wasn't fair to fight legendary players.

Had these ranks not given power but things that don't affect battle this change would have never happened.

Plus even with this change now we have people wanting to completely isolate level 40's with on level 40's. These ranks are game breaking and they are destroying balance within the game to the point where people are quitting.


I never said anything about nerf or getting rid of ranks. Where did you read that? I suggested we change the ranks so they give things that don't affect battle. The ranks can stay however the power they give is what I suggested needed to be change.

Also even if we did what you suggested that still doesn't do anything about how game breaking these ranks are. That is the issue here. The power these ranks give which as I pointed out before was the reason why level 40's have longer search times because of having our range cut.

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 12:30:36)

Ranks arent breaking the game some people just don't know how to use their brain because its all about luck even if your rank 100 you could lose to a rank 1

Xamurai -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 15:05:03)

This is the single most pointless and stupid post i have ever seen in 4 years of being on the forums. Sorry i just had to say that. Legend points provide a reason to work hard to earn battle advantages. I would not trade that up for some Toilet Contents on a stick hairstyle thingy or exclusive color names and char customization colors? Please just lock this post and put me out of my misery James Lu

Edit: Just because you are to lazy to play for legend ranks doesn't mean others aren't.

Plasmastorm -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 16:34:25)

Supported. People with legend ranks deserve something, but their current advantages are too much.

We are not "lazy" we just dont have hours to waste on a computer game.

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 16:40:56)

but you have enough time to complain on a game you barley play?

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 18:05:49)

^I don't think it takes hours to type up a few posts...

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 18:23:58)

did i say that... no read the post again

Mother1 -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/29/2014 18:46:29)


Actually I play during power hour against NPC sadly because of this legendary ranks. Almost everyone who doesn't have ranks has gone in NPC because if you go into 1 vs 1 without them, you become a punching bag.

I also play more actively in 2 vs 2 when the war is up. If they didn't remove influence from PVP battles a lot more people would be active. But I digress

I never said anything about removing the mode completely. I know the whole point of this was to give players who got bored at the top something to work for. However, with the way balance is now giving more power to a few has caused massive damage.

As I pointed out thanks to these ranks giving power our range got cut which means longer waits for battles especially if you don't play during peak hours which has hurt a lot of players who play during those times.

Changing the ranks so they don't give power but benefits outside of battle not only helps balance, but it still give the players who have these ranks something to work for. with this the legendary players keep their ranks, and those who aren't legends yet but are within their range aren't overpowered due to this power it is a fair compromise that will help the game.

King Bling -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/30/2014 0:16:15)

@ Thylek Sharen are you Hegemony??? rank 44 char?

Thylek Shran -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/30/2014 16:15:12)

Nope. My character name is Thylek Shran.

nowras -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/30/2014 23:17:20)

If you want this suggestion to happen then I want my money back i want my 10k varium that i spent on this legendary ranks and some people used EXP boosters to increase their ranks like comicalbiker he is rank 105+ and all that work go... cause of a ''not good'' suggestion. if you lose alot in 1v1 then go to 2v2 if you hate 2v2 go NPC if you hate everything then its not your game go find one that suits with you there r over 1 million games, and for your information im rank 19 and i can defeat rank 60+ so it depends on your mind. My win rate is 90%+ and i have an old photo when i was rank 1 and people were rank 15+ Look at this photo im 11th on lb

Mother1 -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/31/2014 0:35:43)


Please explain to me how this is a horrible suggestion. Please explain that to me. This isn't taking away the ranks, it is only making a change that will help the game get more balanced while giving the player who play for them something as well.

I don't see how this is so horrible.

nowras -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/31/2014 3:35:06)

If you give me my money back then the suggestion is so GOOOOD but if you don't people will start quiting and im one of them cause they scammed us again remember when the game removed enhancements ? people started quiting so they are not stupid to lose players again I know what u will say, u will say : They r not going to get rid of it they r going to change it. but that's like getting rid of it cause ur changing something that effects in battles to something that doesn't effect in a battle. now did u understand?

Mother1 -> RE: A change to legendary rank (7/31/2014 12:54:30)

@ Nowras

People would quit if they changed the legendary ranks? News flash some people are already quitting the moment the get into legendary player range because of the power the ranks you are fighting so hard to keep give. Yes I know they are suppose to be a reward for those who played hard to earn them. However, at the same time when said reward is punishing others and making people quit due to them destroying balance a change needs to be made.

Why do you think they got rid of enhancements originally when anyone could have them? Answer because while they were available for all levels they were extremely hard to get for non variums which Variums got them with ease. As a result of this anyone fighting a fully enhanced player without them was made a punching bag. The cycle is continuing here with these legendary ranks.

Also Like changing =/= changing.

Legendary ranks were made with the purpose of giving the players who were bored something to do and rewarding them in the process. This change wouldn't be destroying that original purpose believe it or not. The ranks would still be there which mean the players who were bored would still have something to work for, and with this change those players would still be rewarded for their efforts but in a way that isn't game breaking.

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