The Achievements page (Full Version)

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martinsen5 -> The Achievements page (7/15/2014 17:57:49)

This might have been discussed before and I apologize if I'm bringing up a closed case. But who is actually satisfied with the new "Achievements" page? I know I'm not, as the old one was simple, yet functional. This one is cluttered and does a bad job at showing off a player's achievements, IMO.

What do you think? Are they planning on reverting it back to its' old state? Should they?

DeathGuard -> RE: The Achievements page (7/15/2014 18:03:55)

Actually this is a more organized Achievement Page. It is divided into sections and you can know how much Influence/Arcade points you need for some achievements. Also you're able to see which achievements you're missing. I'm satisfied with the current achievement page.

The old one was too simple and had quite the flaws since some achievement text was bugged and the achievement got stuck sometimes and disconnected you.

martinsen5 -> RE: The Achievements page (7/15/2014 18:16:16)

I agree, it does have its pros and cons. But I find it difficult to navigate as long as they're divided into catagories, quite honestly. To each his own, though.

Mother1 -> RE: The Achievements page (7/15/2014 19:43:23)

I actually liked the old achievements page even though this one is more originized. Why? because with the old one you knew the exact order you got every achievement whether it was an updating one or not. That was one of the things that was nice about the old system.

SMGS -> RE: The Achievements page (7/15/2014 21:20:47)

For what it is, I think it's pretty good. One of the things I used to find myself doing in the past was looking at achievement pages of people I battled. Not sure why, I just did it. Having some featured achievements visible in battle would be nice to show off something to be proud of.

Daph Duck -> RE: The Achievements page (7/15/2014 21:57:22)

I think the Achievement System at the moment is pretty good. The old one could get cluttered and confusing, and laggy. Now it's easy to find achievements that you have and don't have. However I think there could be a page similar to the old one, with the pictures of all your achievements displayed.

lionblades -> RE: The Achievements page (7/15/2014 23:12:50)

Lol, SMGS I used to do that too :P
For some reason I miss being able to look at the opponents cheevos at one click without going to char page. It was very easy to see too.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: The Achievements page (7/16/2014 1:58:55)

@SMGS and @Lion Blades

I would always do that in battle as well... It would help pass the time, you could see how "old" their player was and what special ones they may have. In my opinion, i believe that they should make the system in this manner:

When you look at your own achievements: The more organized way so you can tell what u have or dont have and how much influence/captures u have/need

When you look at others achievements: The old way in which you see what achievements they earned in the order in which they received them

When in battle: Ability to click on a button on bottom (like the old days) and see their achievements

This is my addition to the discussion as well as a way of fixing it in the form of a suggestion as well. I miss the old days but like some aspects of the new days so why not blend both together in some ways? Anyways thats my bit and hope to see you all in-game (that is when im jumping on every now and then, life has me caught up for a few years now haha) I wish you all luck in your future endeavors and Battle On!

SMGS -> RE: The Achievements page (7/16/2014 10:59:50)

I'm not really sure about bringing the old achievement page back in battle. I think it was great at the time it was released (bar the fact that we couldn't rearrange), but it seems like, moving forward, most mission chains will be getting achievements that I feel like I may end up losing a turn just scrolling through every page. I'd love to see them incorporate achievements into your stat page (some may remember early Beta when this used to happen) where you could see what the player was proud of achieving at a glance.

A couple of things I'd like to see, personally -
- Sorting achievements alphabetically. Not sure why Lore Master and 10 Year Anniversary like to hop around - /
- Rare achievements in a separate tab. Ultras and Seasonals have their own category, was there a particular reason for these ones not having that as well?
- Placing the 'Badges' category in an area that makes more sense. In my opinion - General, War, Boss, Arcade, Badges, Seasonal, <Rare>, Ultra

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