General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (Full Version)

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Xamurai -> General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/18/2014 16:11:45)

Ok lets be perfectly honest here. The things that disappoint me the most.

1. The community had degraded drastically over the past 2 years more then it has since the game started. The protagonistic name calling and insults are SERIOUSLY annoying and need to stop.

Next on the list is 2. The Build Versatility Or the lack of it in this case. All weapons having the same enhancements leaves the game and its players with very few options when creating builds.

3. Useless skills. Some skills have been rendered USELESS, Such as fireball. Not to mention the animation now makes it look like a flaming pebble as opposed to a mighty fire strike. Not to mention for the damage it does, the price is to high. Increase the damage, And the objective usage. Ie - Damage increased by a full 20% at all + a reduction of 30 mp at its final level. Also, Make the skill improve with technology. This would automatically encourage something besides strength builds.

4. Have the devs come on more often to major social points to inspire and reassure the players. Give them helpful tips and allow a few players to challenge them. That would boost morale and have old players logging on to meet the devs face to face.

5. Have more fun events, As opposed to one ongoing war make side quests for the war while the war is commencing.
+Make the war at least 3 weeks each And not have some 28 day cool down in which we all sit around and twiddle our thumbs.

Pemberton -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/18/2014 23:39:42)

Add more skills add more classes and add more counters to OP builds like Str HP. Pretty simple and easy.

I Underlord I -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 10:36:44)


Pemberton wrote:

Add more skills add more classes and add more counters to OP builds like Str HP. Pretty simple and easy.

The last thing we need are more classes with the current issues, mostly those pertaining to balance. Instead, new characters should be able to select the so-called "evolved classes" at creation, and class change should be limited to once a month regardless of which payment option is used.

The classes themselves need to be reassessed and overhauled to address effectively equal energy control, healing power, buffs and debuffs, and damage output. Until they are equalized prior to anything else, it is pointless to reference balance as pertains to weapons/armors/robots. Any skill one class has should not exist in another, with the exception of Field Medic. If that means three less skills for each class, as well as a large amount of time spent on the change, so be it.

In addition, the issue is strength itself, mostly as it relates to Strike (as well as the insipid and imbalanced Rage formula). As we have seen, and as should be intuitively obvious, having some builds be a partial or full counter to overpowered builds or cores/skills is nonsensical in itself.

In any case, my sincere apologies for being off-topic and for speaking about what belongs in another subforum.

Xamurai -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 10:48:02)

^ 100% agreed.

Remorse -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 13:41:48)

I think variety (or versatility as you call it) is one of ED's biggest problems,
And I think to fix it they need to be more focuses on creating variety inspiring changes perhaps through cores by creating strong counters to dominate play styles.

The issue of things becoming useless is also apparent, it's funny you mention this because the whole reason for my lionheart robot thread was to try and give support to older bots who are becoming more and more out-shined by the newer bots with stronger base damages.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 14:07:57)

I still think the best bots are easily the blood hawk or abyss the other bot specials don't rlly compare. even halve a rage bar doesn't make up for the extra dmg those two bots give . And if your going for a pure damage bot and going 5 focus your best bet would probably still be the hawk or abyss if you don't have those probably IA, they made the abyss and hawk far to powerful abyss having the edge over hawk.

Mother1 -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 14:10:13)

@ I underlord I

That is the problem with variety now. Everyone is insisting everything be 100% the same with all classes when classes themselves are meant to be different. I won't lie there are problems within the game however, with this phase it is caused due to bad suggestions that are full of flaws being put into the game.

Many of which were taken from the players who are having problems with certain things.

I remember sometime ago we had classes that were different and had their own strengths and weaknesses and that was when the game was at it's best. However, many players who didn't like their weaknesses and wanted them fixed complained due to "If person does X to said class than Y happens. we need to do Z so X won't happen." When in reality all the classes are suppose to have strengths and weaknesses."

Everyone wanted their class to be able to perform as well as another which may specialize in that area without giving up what their their class specialized in. It was requires like that and the staff listening to those that has the game where it is now.

For all this we might as well just scrap all the classes, and make Goldslayer1 custom skill trees idea since to make all the classes the same in area would be the equal of doing this.

On topic

(1) The first on on your list is due to the game community being mostly kids and younger players which AE games are mostly aimed for. This came was originally meant to be for teens and older players but thanks to some changes we get more children which is the result of this.

(2) This is because of what I explained above. We have lack of build diversity because everytime something is found people complain about it mostly instead of trying to find counters to it. Most of the time the builds aren't truly overpowered just overused, and they just so happen to counter a build well. I have seen many player in the past offer counters to help these players but what I have seen most of the time is "Why should I have to do/use X to counter Y?" Eventually the staff get's pressured and does what the complainers want, and in the process something new takes over. This cycle has yet to be broken. Add that to the passive to active change which had the huge flaw of putting strain on energy and boom you got what we have now.

In all honestly even though the staff took months to do the passive to active change, they should have seen the huge flaw with energy and tried to fix that instead of just throwing an incomplete change on us. Doing drastic changes without fixing your flaws is just as bad as band aid fixes.

(3) Once again some of these skills got this way thanks to complainers. Ever since fireball took it's nerf in the infernal war due to the strength blood mage issue it was never the same. There are other moves that suffered this same fate as well. However certain skills such as static charge were just purely broken from the start and to be honest should just be replaced with a new more balanced move.

(4) Well this happened due to Cindy who was the PR part of the staff being out due to her getting her degree. Normally she would do this in the past. Plus IIRC correctly besides the staff being busy with work, there are times they can't even log in due to other problems that aren't their fault. Not to mention they even said in the design notes that they use twitter seeing as it is easier to answer questions. While it would be nice to see a post from them every so often we have to remember they don't have free time like some of us do. Personally though It would have been better if they did have another PR person.

(5) A good idea however, the main reason they made this war like this was because they didn't like the idea of having to work so hard making a war only to remove it 6-10 weeks later. This was why they made this war on going like this. But personally myself I do agree that the old war system was much better than this new one because those not only lasted longer but were more satisfying at the time.

Remorse -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 15:50:40)

I really liked your discussion point of classes needing to have strengths and weaknesses and I completely agree,

As for your point (2) I almost completely agree however you always seem to imply that their are many and viable counters that people don't bother to try, until this so called pro comes a long to make it obvious.

I disagree with this, it think the game lacks greatly in counters for most currently broken things, it's only when viable counters can be made that the new builds rise from, and I also don't think that is from "pro player" discovery I think it's because counters are actually pretty obvious to most smarter players and this is just an example of how counters can self correct balance.

I like to believe people are not stubborn to change their build to counter others, I think that it's just the games fault for not having enough counter options to begin with.
and you can't blame the players for that.

Mother1 -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 16:07:04)

@ remorse

Sorry if it seemed like I was implying because that wasn't the case. I was stating what I have seen for the time I have been here it goes something like this on that.

1 A decent build comes along
2 People see that it works and then copy it
3 The build becomes overused
4 People who have trouble with said build (most likely due to it being their bane build) Come to the forums and complain
5 People who know how to counter said build or came up with counters give these counters (if there are any) Only for said person to ignore them because they most likely just want to be able beat it easily

6 Staff eventually nerfs said build or moves that make said build work
7 New build or builds that were kept in check by the old build replace said build due to said counters not being effective anymore
8 repeat steps 2-7 or 2-4 and 6-7 if 5 isn't possible anymore

That is what we all have experienced with the balance of this game. Sad part about it is that it has brought us back to square one but with a different build no scratch that worse off than before because the more this is done the less counters we have. I agree more counters are needed to increase variety, seeing as the more balance get affected the less counters we have.

We do need more cores for counters to be honest and not just cores that work off strength or promo items. It isn't helping in the least if they keep on doing that.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 17:08:12)

I hope no ones trying to imply that the strength hp infestation across all classes at l40 that almost everyone's using isn't op?

Grixus Faldor -> RE: General discussion? Alright, I'll start. (7/19/2014 18:50:28)

Feedback and criticism are always appreciated, however, please take care to ensure that your feedback is constructive. For your reference, the rules regarding Constructive Criticism have been quoted below.


Constructive Criticism

  • What is it?
    Constructive criticism is being able to process and offer your own thoughts and opinions in order to give courteous and friendly feedback. This is done by explaining what you like and dislike, while at the same time providing feedback that is useful. This is what separates constructive feedback from ranting/complaining and flaming.

  • Does it help? How?
    Yes! Constructive criticism helps because not only are you giving feedback about what you don't like about a quest/event, but you're also giving feedback about what you DID like in the quest. Feedback could include on such topics as statistics, more dialogue, more explanatory cutscenes, more fights - everything that quests or events would normally include. This gives the game staff a better idea on future improvements.

  • Example of Constructive Criticism:
    "I didn't partularly like this war because it felt too empty. To have made it better, I think the staff could have had a 50% cutscene to unlock rather than just a shop to progress the storyline. As it was, I personally was a little dissapointed that this war felt more rushed than previous wars, however I do understand that the staff had a lot on their plate when making this release.
    That said, I greatly enjoyed the boss fight, the animations and art fit perfectly with the song that was playing in the background. So while not one of the best wars DF have done, I still enjoyed it. Thank you, DF staff!"

  • Example of Unconstructive Criticism:
    "I didn't like this war at all. What were the staff thinking? The items in the shop were ugly, overpriced and were bugged!! No cutscene? That was never done before and it is not how it should be done ever. Seriously, doesn't the staff ever listen to us?! The boss fight was too hard and took forever to beat :( And there was no sound. I dont think the staff even care anymore. Best war ever /sarcasm I hate this game D:<!"

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