Beginners Guide to the OOC (Full Version)

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Corvus Corax -> Beginners Guide to the OOC (7/20/2014 4:52:04)

Beginners Guide to the Out of Context Forum

Welcome to the OOC!
This guide should answer most questions related to the OOC, as well as help you get the most out of your time here. Please take a few minutes to look it over.

  • What is the OOC?

    The OOC is the place for off topic discussions and/or topics that don't fit anywhere else.
    This is the place to discuss topics like school, work, life, hobbies, sports, etc.

    While we're a fun and friendly place to hang out, posting in the OOC does carry a few responsibilities.
    The Universal Forum Rules apply to the OOC the same as any other AE Forum.
    Also, the OOC has its own unique set of rules called the =OOC= Out of Context Forum Rules.
    If you haven't read them yet, please do.

  • How do I post in the OOC?

    The OOC is intended to be fun and friendly. To that end, ask yourself the following when posting:

    Is my post Friendly? There's no need to be mean, short tempered, judgmental, harsh, or trollish in the OOC. Also, behaving like a "know it all" is generally frowned upon. Friendly posts are always received better than unfriendly posts, and kindness is highly valued in the OOC.

    Is my post Helpful? A helpful post can take on many forms. Whether it's answering a question, linking a news story, or lending a sympathetic ear, helpful posts go a long way in the OOC. Please be aware that there's a line between being helpful, and mini-modding. To learn the difference between the two check out the Key Definitions and Other Notes.

    Is my post Constructive? A positive, upbeat manner is a hallmark of a constructive poster. Well thought out posts that use good grammar, spelling, and are enjoyable to read are always welcome in the OOC.

  • Posting etiquette.

    Please Don't
    Swear. Swearing in any form including acronyms and self censoring is strictly forbidden.
    Double post. Use the edit button located in the upper right-hand corner of your post instead.
    Use your sig more than once per page. Using it more than once is considered spam.
    Use more than 3 smilies per post. Using more than 3 smilies per post is considered spam.
    Post lists. Posts that are just lists of titles/songs/names are spam.
    Quote the post directly above you. Quoting the post directly above you is considered spam.
    Put pictures directly into your posts. Link to pictures instead.
    Respond to troll posts. Let the staff take care of trolls please. If a troll post has been up for 30 minutes, please PM a Moderator or ArchKnight.

    Please Do
    Stay on topic.
    Put effort into your posts.
    Walk away. Rather than get caught in a flame war, agree to disagree and walk away.
    Respect other people's opinions. Not every discussion is a battle that needs to be won.
    Post in the correct forum.
    Become familiar with the rules.
    Have fun!

  • Who do I turn to with OOC related questions, comments, or concerns?

    Feel free to PM any OOC Moderator or ArchKnight when you're having OOC related issues that you can't figure out on your own. We prefer PM's over posts in the forums, to keep things neat and tidy. We even have a handy list of OOC Staff Members for your convenience.

  • Purpose of this guide.

    This guide is intended to provide you with a good foundation for posting in the OOC. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of the rules or posting guidelines. Thank you very much!

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