A Running Pile of Rags (Full Version)

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Ragsrun -> A Running Pile of Rags (7/23/2014 7:02:10)

26/01/2015 update: Thread title changed from "Tybira's DF A(r)trocities" to "A Running Pile of Rags". First post has been redone. All Photobucket links will be changed to Imgur links when I have time.

Welcome to my thread! I've decided to keep this place up, at least for now, and I'll be keeping links to the old Tybira stuff down below.
It feels bland here...some decorating may be in order.

In-Game Art
>>Carved Tooth set<<
>>Izbor's knife, Raven of the Mysts Cloak, Runed Hawk Cloak, Sheathed Rose Blade, and Rose Chains<<
>>Two female hairstyles<<

Old Pre-Ragsrun Things
(Click on the images for larger versions. Oldest is at the top of the following sections, newest at the bottom.)

LigerBeard -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (7/23/2014 7:48:11)

I love the unique design of the legs most about this, it makes her seem like a very dark character! I'd love to hear how you came up with her design!
Also, you think you could check out my gallery? I'm trying to decide on the design for my personal characters but I'm stuck between two of them that I made.

Ragsrun -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (7/24/2014 1:34:10)

;) I hope I can successfully carry that dark tone far into the stories I'm planning to spin, ahah.

Thank you kindly though. She's the product of 8 years worth of trial-and-error development—moreso the past 2 years than the earlier 6. I wanted to give her a look that reflected a somewhat modest/practical personality, which meant going for less feminine attire compared to Alina's or Book 2 Jaania's clothing, but also hinted to her past life. As well, I've been mulling over an idea lately: Living weapons. Not just a person raised or training to be a weapon, but someone who is literally a weapon. It's not a fresh concept, especially if you've seen Soul Eater before, but it's not a concept often used in DF either. So I'll eventually have to Flash her scythe.

Of course I can check out your gallery. : p On my way~.

LigerBeard -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (7/27/2014 12:44:40)

Hey Tybira, will you be taking requests? And if so, do you think you could do my Mogloween version of Sir Jonah in DF style?

Ragsrun -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (7/30/2014 4:12:32)

Mmmn...tough question. [X(] I'm going to say no for now. Sorry. I kinda have a lot on my plate at the moment with exams coming up and this project on the side. Later on though, when I'm on holidays, I may be able to take a request or two.

LigerBeard -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (7/31/2014 13:50:58)

@Tybira: Don't worry about it, man, just thought it couldn't hurt to ask.
Besides, I decided that, since I oculdn't come up with a backstory for the mogloween one, I needed to make a new one. And I even got to make it based off of the Grim Reapers from Black Butler, so i'm very happy with it!
I posted it in my gallery if you want to take a look at it!

Ragsrun -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 5:30:31)

I've yet to see or read Black Butler, so I don't exactly understand the Grim Reaper lingo...but I'll take a look, sure. ^^;

In the meantime—it's been over a week and I have a lil' thing to add to this decrepit thread of mine.

Say hello to an Elemental Spirit of Resolve~. (I don't have a common name for him yet.) Thanks to this guy, I've learned some painful lessons with gradients and Flash symbols. And recycling objects. Not one rock-crystal-thing was duplicated and while I'm very proud of that, it was also a very slow and tedious process.

Click the picture below for a link to a larger image. :D


Guess it's time to set up a table of contents in my first post.

LigerBeard -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 6:40:59)

Wow, that spirit is gorgeous! I live how you made the head the best, it just looks like something that Tomix would do when making a Soul-ally. I am however curious about the element. Is it fire, or is it stone because of all the crystals, or what?

Chazero -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 8:37:08)

Not many words to say about all these except for this:


They even look like they really do belong in the game itself. Here's to hoping that you get hired by AE themselves if that's one of your goals.

salene -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 10:58:59)

That is absolutely wonderful. Tomix needs to see this, as I am sure he will love it! Great work *clap clap*

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 11:04:22)

Flaaaaaaawless! Have a cookie, for my words fail to describe this beauty!

solomi123 -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 13:20:54)

Excuse me, have you seen my eyes. I think they popped from the sheer awesomeness [:)]

Faerdin -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 13:32:10)

This art is not only beautiful, but has flawlessly captured DragonFable's style while having a unique quality of its own.

Simply magnificent. :)

Razen -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 13:46:36)

@Faerdin: I see how it is. >.>

@Tybira: This is a great work that you've got here. It looks great. Everything seemed to be aligned just perfectly for ya.

Tomix -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 18:00:23)

Well hello there!
I'll be keeping an eye on you.

The Odor -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 19:26:51)

That is awesome.

Love the colour choice.

ShimmerSoul -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/1/2014 19:52:54)

Woah. This...is simply amazing. The Spirit of Resolve looks like it was just taken right out of the game. Those crystals, too o.o They have an unusual look to them that I can' really describe...you had to draw every crystal individually, with all of those facets and jagged bits? Yikes. It sure had impressive results, though. And Even...wow, the wispy details on the sleeves and tendril-y feet look awesome, never mind the fact that she fits in flawlessly with DF's art style. Can't wait to see more of your work. ^_^

Edit: Didn't really say what I wanted to before. That's what happens when I post on the forums when it's 100+ degrees with no air conditioning. e.e

Ragsrun -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/2/2014 1:26:09)

...man. I wasn't expecting all this attention. Thank you all. Truly. :')

@LigerBeard: I'm pleased y'think so—I personally think I have a loooong way to go 'til I can match Tomix's style.
As for the element, he was initially supposed to be fire...but stone might fit him best now. [;)]

@Chazero: Succeeeeeess! You've no idea how much I fuss over whether these characters look authentic or not.
And thank you for that remark! It's not really an active goal of mine to be hired yet but it'd be a huge honor to help build and develop.
...after a lot more practice, that is. ;XD

@salene: Speak of the Devil. He's here.
The applause is appreciated, salene. x)

@Lupus the Wolf: [/gratefully nibbles on cookie]
Of all people to call it a beauty. ;; Thanks, Lupus-senpai.

@solomi123: Hahh, y'just reminded me of Ragetti from Pirates of the Caribbean (namely 0:55-1:03).
That's a mighty compliment to pay though. Thank you very much. ^^;

@Faerdin: I'm glad I'm coming close to scratching DF graphics standards. :'D Thank ye kindly, mate.

@Razen: It tends to align nicely when they standing in their default states...but rotating calves and et cetera just look wrong sometimes. orz
Thank you again, Rais—[/shot] (I'm sorry.)

@Tomix: ...you. I almost can't take you seriously with that avatar. X'D Today, though...you've done two things to me.
1) You've made me so happy, you've made me scare half of my Twitter followers with capslock and internal screaming. Serious.
2) You've possibly screwed over my project idea with your Roirr shenanigans. But that's great too. It needed rewriting, and you're spinning a wondrous finale along with the other devs.

@The Odor: Thank you~. I thought red would fit best for Resolve. Guess that was a good choice. ;)

@ShimmerSoul: Ahah...Even's hands are hidden with sleeves, and her feet are replaced with tendrils. : ) Thank you for the kind comment. I still have loooots to improve on.

Phewf. That's everyone.
Once more, I'm so darn grateful for all of your support. I cannot express this enough.
Fingers crossed that I don't fail to impress in the future.

Azan -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/3/2014 23:45:39)

That elemental spirit is perfect! Good job!

LigerBeard -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/4/2014 13:01:02)

I wanted to thank you for the advice and encouragement you gave me a couple of days ago. It really helped me out a lot! Also, I wanted to say that I hope that you will also continue what you're doing, because your talent is something that's extremely hard to find on the forums, and I'd think that other people would agree with me that you're one amazing artist! [:D]
Also, I wanted your opinion on my new and final character redesign! It takes some slight inspiration from Creepypasta stories, so it's hopefully a little(or a lot) creepy.

Drakath_SlugWrath -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/5/2014 2:46:58)

ur soul ally if amazing cant wate to hear its name and u should mabe make a soul weaver for him

salene -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/6/2014 12:42:13)

What can I say, I did use my rare Tomix summoning gem. Now available at Cyseros for only 1,000,000 DC!

In all seriousness, you deserve all of the praise you are receiving. Your work is truly amazing, and I know that everyone here is just dying to see what you come up with next.

Keep up the great work, and I'm sure you'll go VERY far! :)


flashbang -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/6/2014 15:41:47)


Ragsrun -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/7/2014 20:52:49)

@Azan: Glad y'think that. Thanks, mate. ^^;

@LigerBeard: No problem. Every artist started from somewhere, and every artist needs a supportive hand or two. ; ) (I'm not sure if I can keep Flashing when September comes...but here's to hoping I can.)
I'll pop by your gallery for sure!

@Drakath_SlugWrath: Oh hello again, you. x) Maybe you could help me pick a name? Hahah.
Depending on how the finale and epilogue of the Tomix Saga goes though, my Elemental Spirit of Resolve guy may already have a Weaver partner.

@salene: I'd like to buy a couple dozen of those summoning gems, please.
D'aww. Your encouragement is highly valued. : p

@flashbang: ThankyouverymuchandIknowrightI'mstillfreakingoutaboutthat


Welcome to an Elemental Spirit of Ignorance. AKA Mnemin. : ) He's not as regal as No-name up above, but I hope he's presentable. As usual, clicking the image below will take ya to a larger image.

Someone on Twitter suggested I make skill animations for him...so if things go well, I may have buttons and flashy moves for y'all to spam next time. If not, I'll have flipped a few tables and made another character model. Or a background.

(Sidenote to Tomix: After mulling over your comment several hours ago, you gave me a couple of ideas I want to play with. Thank you for that. x) I hope I didn't offend you, also.)


flashbang -> RE: Tybira's DF A(r)trocities (8/8/2014 0:40:27)

That. Looks. Awesome. Just, straight up.

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