Chaos Knight (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Chaos Knight (7/26/2014 1:58:54)

Chaos Knight
Void Element
Level	110	130	150	
XP	103285	575685	3326645	
Gold	34425	191895	1108885	
Power	4	4	4	
Melee	43	49	54	
Ranged	43	49	54	
Magic	43	49	54	
EstHP	8810	11260	13760	
EstMP	650	750	850	

STR	200	240	275	
DEX	185	215	250	
INT	0	0	0	
END	0	0	0	
CHA	0	0	0	
LUK	165	195	225	
Fire	200	200	200	
Water	25	25	25	
Wind	25	25	25	
Ice	-50	-50	-50	
Earth	120	120	120	
Energy	120	120	120	
Light	75	75	75	
Dark	75	75	75	
  • Randomly swaps elements each turn. It's elemental modifiers are adjusted based on the Elemental Wheel. Its attack also changes element accordingly.
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If he has at least «» SP, he unleashes a tentacle attack on you, which can inflict Spiritual Seed* on you. This can be resisted**.

    *The tendrils have planted a growing seed of chaos within you!
    **You feel chaotic energies within the tendrils, but manage to evade the worst of them.
    Level	110	130	150	
    Regen	65	75	85	
    SP Cost	324	399	481	
    Pledged to the forces of Chaos, this knight has invaded the Void from another realm!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, description and statuses thanks to Carandor.

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