RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/30/2014 22:42:45)

They should at least add new cards but that's not gonna happen. Not even that much opportunity for rank UPS for them.

NINJAAWESOMO -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 0:19:17)

I understand how Shadow got boring, however, I do believe those characters had some good artwork that backed them up in this poll.
Frost Dragon looks okay, I just don't want a re-skin with the same animations as BD.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 0:39:45)

A new card expansion would be lovely.

DarkLore -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 0:46:11)

Congrats on the helpful title axel! How long ago did you get it?

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 1:00:11)

Thank you, I've had it since June [:)]

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 6:38:53)

FD could have the same 1 - 2 hit combo and five hit of frost breath from dragzirra and a new 3 hit combo a dragon would easily bring new people and it could easily have rank ups for it.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 8:05:57)

I don't think it'll have rank-ups for the same reason I don't think suggestion characters will get rank ups: people voted for a specific form of a character, not different art for its evolution. Sure they don't have to evolve it, but people usually don't add to suggested characters since people voted for only what they showed at the time.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 8:28:50)

Someone confirmed it that suggested characters can get rank ups but only from the person who made them.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 8:38:55)

I'm sure it's possible, but it's just unlikely that someone would win 2 contests for similar characters, one being an evolution for another.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 9:54:42)

You don't need to win a contest to do it pretty much you could do a rank up for res and then get in contact with nulgath and if he gets time he can put it in but with OS only getting this last release it unlikely now.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:03:38)

Only getting this last release? You think this is the last one?

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:17:17)

Seems like it server removal means they know the game is dead and giving us the option of choosing what ever we want in game even if it doesn't make sense means we aren't getting a story and if they planned to add chaos they would of did it a lot sooner.

If by some miracle chaos is added people gonna complain in time about why there's only one chaos character and why stats and elemental weakness aren't added in game yet.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:18:52)

This is the last release?! I doubt Nulgath ever said that this is the last release for OS ever.

For the voting poll, at this rate, we are going to have 5 out of 6 characters that will be Shadow characters. I want Frost Dragon to win. Shadow characters are getting over-release. I wouldn't mind 2-3 Shadow characters winning the vote. Frost Dragon needs to win, maybe one more and that would be Ddog who will be Water character. Regardless, I can't do anything but hope Frost Dragon will be one of the 6 that win the voting poll and get it in-game.

Stalagbite -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:20:34)

Server removal was a wise decision, and I believe it was to better the game, for now. They were just wasting money on every other server besides 'Nulgath' that averaged 2-10 people a day at points. If the game grows, obviously they will have to add more servers back in but for now it's only logical to have taken two servers out, and perhaps save the game some money to make it more successful in the long run.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:23:36)

I do believe Oversoul is never going to be anything but character releases, but I don't think this is the last one. It's really a shame; this could have been the best AE game by far if they took the time to develop it.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:24:03)

Make sense. Its wiser to save some money rather than risk wasting money to continue with more servers.

Server removal don't mean the end of game or game is dead.

@The Jop
Its a sad thing they give up. But we won't and we will continue to play OS and support as much as we can. We are the only hope for OS's survival even in bad situation.

Stalagbite -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:28:30)

Yeah, If anything server removal is a temporary thing, IF we as supporters can continue to SUPPORT and if the game gets more players...

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:30:00)

Yup, for now, we can depend only on ourselves.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:30:04)

Any ideas for how to get more players? That was our idea on how to bring Oversoul back to life, but we never really organized anything. Oversoul needs a referral system; I have a lot of e-mails I could use to send people a link to Oversoul. I guess I could do it manually, but I would have to explain what it is and it would be more awkward.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:31:26)

We can try to get more AQW players to join OS. Also, our best method to attract them to join OS is we can play as Chaos Drakath!

Stalagbite -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:45:21)

The thing i run into on AQW alot when talking about OS is people saying "I got confused and didn't know where to start"... As much as actual tutorials are overlooked in some games, this game DOES have mechanics. I think the battle tutorial video you can access by talking to Anauel should be more pushed onto newer players. And yeah, If I was writing for Oversoul I would add a starting cutscene, or at least begin a story to help add some flavor to the game for newer players.

Most importantly, I think if Co-op elements and party systems were added into the game, that would make a big difference, because alot of people hate working alone. Of course, Oversoul doesn't have 2v2 battles yet, but I really do believe that would make a big difference, or at least substitution battles (Switch in with another player, to fight the enemy, maybe gain 1 energy for every turn you're switched out.) And of course an in-battle chatting system would be necessary.

Asuka -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:46:03)


Only getting this last release? You think this is the last one?


The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:48:10)

That's true, the tutorial is from before the beta revolution and it's very easy to skip, so it can very confusing for new players.

Stalagbite -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 10:50:42)

Yeah, that video could be updated, also a mandatory battle tutorial should be pushed on new players when they jump into their first PvE battle, because alot of AQW players just like to think they are good at AE games and will know what they are doing, so they just jump right into battle, haha. OS isn't a basic turnbased game like AQ and DF, it's built differently.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post! (7/31/2014 11:05:32)

Asuka as a tester should know something but the agreement prevents him from saying anything.

I'm speaking of big release we'll probably still get characters but what about the big features like 2 vs 2 , stories, quest?

With all the shadow characters we have a chance of getting we could get a quest around Vodred coming back and Graveyln.

The Nulgath QA wasn't even helpful told us stuff we already knew could of had some good news in it besides only the players united can overcome the misfortune that has befallen OS. No one can even come up with a clear plan of how we can do that.

If Servers closing was to save money it should of happen several months ago the servers can handle over 100 people easily we haven't had that many in a year.

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