What to put in OverSoul! (Full Version)

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What to put in OverSoul!

  8% (33)
  6% (27)
Frostwyrm Rider
  2% (11)
Dwain Jonsen
  1% (6)
  0% (4)
  4% (17)
  6% (26)
  6% (26)
Frost Dragon
  8% (33)
  6% (28)
Greenguard Dragon
  3% (13)
Void Giant
  1% (7)
Sek Duat
  2% (12)
  1% (8)
Chaos Drakath
  11% (46)
Fiend of Nulgath
  6% (26)
  1% (7)
  2% (10)
  2% (10)
  0% (4)
Bloodletter of Nulgath
  0% (2)
  7% (32)
Dark Witch
  2% (11)
Hydra Head
  3% (13)

Total Votes : 412
(last vote on : 8/3/2014 23:46:44)
(Poll ended: 8/3/2014 23:59:00)


Eukara Vox -> What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 12:07:50)

Alright, I tallied the choices, double checked to see what was truly made by Nulgath and what wasn't. Here are your choices. You may pick 6. If you pick more than 6, then I randomly delete however many you voted for over 6. So, if you want to ensure that you get the 6 you want and not the 6 I want, you better stick to 6 choices.

You have until midnight, Aug 3.

Links in case you need references!!! Thank you, The Jop, for doing this and saving me precious time I needed for lesson plans!

Frostwyrm Rider
Dwain Jonsen
Frost Dragon
Greenguard Dragon
Void Giant
Sek Duat
Fiend of Nulgath
Bloodletter of Nulgath
Dark Witch
Hydra Head

Megadragonknight -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 12:45:00)

Oh no! I didn't read before I vote. I pick more than 6, Vox, I apologise for that. I will pick Grimlord, Gressil, Frost Dragon, Greenguard Dragon, Chaos Drakath and Doomknight. Sorry for the inconvenient.

Edit: Oh, another thing Vox. You may want to put Frost Dragon(2) since all those who choose Frost Dragon select (2). This will avoid confusion.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 12:53:16)

Awesome! Voted for Ddog, Fiend of Nulgath, Frost Dragon, Greenguard Dragon, Grimlord, and Draco-freaking-werepyre because it's Nightbane.

Btw, with regards to Dwakel I believe it's already in-game, although Mithril Man and ProtoSartorium are cool potential evolutions for it.

LigerBeard -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:19:05)

I voted for Gravelyn, Chaos Drakath, Xing, Xang, Sek Duat, and Vordred!
Hopefully at least one of them get in!

Eukara Vox -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:21:00)

Mega, you are lucky I am feeling benevolent at the moment...

Finnish, I will keep that in mind. The sad thing is Dwakel was listed more. Mithril Man was listed but just one person listed. The ones that had the most nominations were put on the list, along with a couple I chose... because I am me. [:D] If Dwakel indeed gets picked, and is already ingame, then Nulgath may sub Mirthril Man or ProtoSartorium. I will talk to him about how he wants to do that.

The Jop -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:23:01)

I voted for Gourdo, Vordred, Void Giant, Sek Duat, Chaos Drakath, and Akumi. I especially think Akumi should get in because it's Nulgath's passion project that he's worked on for several years outside of AE. It would be nice to show that it has a wider audience than he thinks, and some players of AE games also appreciate it.

Mirai Hoshino -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:27:31)

A vote for Arcana from me! Arcana even has "Miltonius" written on her costume. Also, other female characters.

The Jop -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:36:58)

Is there any chance of adding links to the first post? I can help get any you might need, but most of them should be on the thread where the choices were suggested. I don't know what some of these characters are, like Dwain Jonsen.

the warden -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:38:39)

I voted for Akumi, Xing, Xang, Gravelyn, Vordred, and doomknight.
I could see the twins being diffrent elements and Vordred would be really cool to see in game

Axel459 -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:40:16)

I didn't realize Akumi was on the list would be awesome to have her in game

Eukara Vox -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:40:16)

You would make my life easier, The Jop. I've got lesson plans to work on and AQ quests to write, so if you could save me that time, I would greatly appreciate it.

The Jop -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:53:57)

Frostwyrm Rider
Dwain Jonsen
Frost Dragon
Greenguard Dragon
Void Giant
Sek Duat
Fiend of Nulgath
Bloodletter of Nulgath
Dark Witch
Hydra Head

Magical Winds -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 13:58:48)

Oh Man This will be one tough decision!

Voted For: Dracowerepyre, Frost Dragon, Sek Duat, Fiend of Nulgath, Ddog and the scorpion one.

Stalagbite -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 15:21:53)

Dage, no one has voted Gourdo besides me and one other person D: He looks awesome...

I voted Hydra Head, Juviana, Gourdo, Sek Duat, Greenguard Dragon, and Dark Witch :)

Dread97 -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 16:19:46)

@The Jop, thanks for posting the links, saved me a lot of time from looking for the images ^_^

I voted for Drakath, Xing, Xang, Vordred, Gressil, and Gourdo.

The Jop -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 16:28:57)

@Eukara and Dread97
My pleasure.[:)]

Gorillo Titan -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 16:47:17)

Well I voted. Hydra , frost dragon, wyvern rider, gravylen, sek duat, Dwain jonson I only really cared about 3 of the choses.

Eukara Vox -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 17:05:49)

I voted

Frostwyrm Rider
Dwain Jonsen
Frost Dragon
Sek Duat

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 17:09:03)

For me:





Fiend of Nulgath

Sek Duat

Andlu -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 18:29:00)

Sek Duat Drakath Gressil Frost dragon Dracowerepyre and Hydra

Vagaran -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 18:31:00)

I voted for:
The Twins
Chaos Drakath
Hydra Head
Frost Drake

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 19:46:06)

I voted for:
Frostwyrm Rider
Frost Dragon
Fiend of Nulgath

UNHOLY OMEGA -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 19:50:08)

I voted for Gressil, Ddog, Dracowerepyre, Vordred, Frost Dragon and Fiend of Nulgath

My Opinions:

Gressil is one of the best designed characters on the pool. Also it would be the first spider character in the game
Ddog needs to be added because Water needs some powerful water characters
Dracowerepyre absolutely needs to be added. He's very cool looking and would make a powerful character (Fire and Earth hybrid probably)
Frost Dragon would make a powerful legendary ice character like Frost Queen. The game also needs more dragons
Vordred is one of my favorite characters in AQW. Very wicked design and very good character overall
Fiend of Nulgath is one of the original design of Nulgath. One of the best in my opinion

Runner ups

Grimlord needs to have the normal fiend face because his grimlord face sucks
Frostwyrm Rider would be wortless because of Frost Dragon
Dwain Jonsen needs some work, mostly on the legs
Gourdo should be added for this year's Hallowen event
Gravelyn and Doomknight should not be added because it's a bit early to add them (Maybve for a future shadowfall release)
Greenguard Dragon could be added in the future as an evolution for Poison Drake or as a standalone earth character
Void Giant would not work with the current story in Oversoul and would not make a huge difference
Sek Duat... I see no desert
Juvania and Arcana should be added later
Xing and Xang... Do I even need to explain?
Akumi... No
Dwakel is already in the game. A future evolution wouldn't be bad
Bloodletter of Nulgath... Either like fiend blade or a character weilding them. Either way not a great character to add at this time
Dark Witch... Too simple, nothing great
Hydra Head would look horrible since it's only the head and not the full body

Note: Whatever you... don't vote for Drakath. Thank you!

Mondez -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 20:04:36)

It would be fun to see Chaos Drakath implemented in-game plus it would bring a good audience from AQW to OS as advertisement. If CD goes live in OS with a Chaos deck I may come back for a bit and try him out. The others would be pretty cool, but CD is appropriate since the Chaos Saga is to end soon.

Of course other votes go to:
The Twins

Gorillo Titan -> RE: What to put in OverSoul! (7/30/2014 20:38:39)

Shouldn't the twins be dual characters though and I believe Nulgath will tweak the design for some of the characters such as with dwakel and Genesis warrior he even said on his twipic he wished he had more time to work on frost dragon.

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