SCAR -> Class Ideas. (7/31/2014 5:19:17)
I'm just going to post some ideas that swing by the temple every once in a while. Positive judgment is appreciated. I don't really think posting this matters since no ideas are taken into full consideration of being implanted into the game, not much else to do though. 1. Cyber Hunters: Thinking logically about them, they're futuristic "Cyber Hunters" whom rely on energy, as of all classes, but they have more of a technology aspect then the other classes, meaning more energy damaged based skill and whatnot. (Hope that made some sense.) As I sometimes see and hear about them, they're one of the lower, weaker classes for battle or battling Npc's. And it's difficult for them to regain energy, since they on converting their energy through overall striking damage, which can be countered by Tanks, (Of which is almost impossible to successfully do now.) they don't gain very much energy, and if their attempt is blocked they don't gain anything (I think.) I was thinking that they have two energy draining skills (It just hit me that they would have two ways of draining energy and taking it if they was implanted, Emp isn't too overpowered though, and Static Charge isn't very good either.) I was thinking if "Venom Strike" was taken away and instead of that it would have the same effect of poison draining except rather then draining health it would drain energy. I don't know what it would be named, I'm sure it could be figured out though. (Or their Skill Tree could be rearranged a little bit to implant that, I think it would be a good skill for them.) 2. Blood Mages: Another hit of logic would be if, instead of "Super Charge" being an Energy attack, it would be a Physical attack. I'm only thinking this because they have "Fireball" and Super Charge is like a huge Fireball, just like "Tech Mages" they have their "Plasma Bolt" which is like a huge ball of Plasma? For Super Charge. 3. Bounty Hunters: (I'm not suggesting this for my own selfish needs or wants, maybe a little, but, you'll see.) Something that doesn't make sense to me is "Massacre" it's the only special attack that doesn't have any kind of special bonus effects? To come with it. "Surgical Strike" reduces rage by 50% and grants 30% life steal, Super Charge ignores 20% resistance and also grants 30% life steal, and Massacre gives you, well nothing. (Strange, I just noticed how all the specials besides Massacre give you life steal.) All the specials automatically do 200 damage which is pretty good. What I want to suggest is that for Massacre for give you 10% life steal, since it would stack with Mark of Blood making it 42% life steal, which I think is enough. All Bounty Hunters really rely on is regaining health anyway. And since every special (Only two.) grant you two special effects, (I was just thinking of an idea for the second effect, I wouldn't call it great, but I'm sure someone could come up with something better.) Massacre should also grant somewhere around 40% energy regain, since Bounty Hunters have bad energy regain. I know two regains sound overpowered, but I don't find it to be. Massacre doesn't have any special bonuses, and since Bounty Hunters mostly rely off of life steal and have bad energy regain, I think it's a decent idea. 4. Shadow Arts: I know this comes up a lot, but this skill needs a buff, as far as I'm aware of absolutely no one uses it. What I think should happen is, at maximum level the percentage should be around 40% and the energy cost could be around 300. 5. Tactical Mercenary: This is a pretty bad class, the only builds I ever see with this one is spam strength and "Toxic Grenade", which is pretty identical to what you see Cyber Hunters using. Now, since these guys have trouble with energy, and they both share the resemblance of "Battery Backup" with Tech Mages, I think their "Atom Smash" should be replaced with "Static Smash". It definitely won't fix the class, but it's a start. 6. Mercenary's: These guys don't have very good energy regain either. What I just thought of, is for "Blood Commander" instead of it regaining Health it should regain Energy, definitely not the equivalent of 60% I think somewhere around 25-30% would be enough, and if not enough then too much. I can see that most of my thread of from me thinking and Suggesting that every class have two energy regains like the Tech Mage, as they seem to be doing fine with two ways, but now as it is energy is an important must have now for playing strategically. I'm hoping this gave some of you different insights on the suggestions or the balance of classes. I appreciate the time and effort you took reading and replying to this, if you chose to. Edit: I messed a bit on the percentage, it should've been 42% regain from health not 32%. I know that's also a lot but they mostly rely on health regain anyway. If any of this was put into full consideration it would be fixed and suited to manage into the game anyway. I don't feel like thinking of something better, so I'll just leave it the way it is.